A God We Know Nothing About

Yeah, pretty much. You'll notice an unusually large amount of :shrug: icons and other smarmy dodges from Light and other religious folks here. They can't answer the questions posed to them, so they resort to sarcasm and emoticons.
Call me old fashioned but futility in the face of obstinacy tends to evoke an emotional response

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What I meant by the leprechaun comment was that if you were to tell me they exist, yet you are without any proof to back up your claim, then anything else to do with leprechauns is too pointless to mention. Bibles or whatever text you're reading or living by are no different.
My point is that this is merely a statement of your boundaries of experience and says absolutely nothing about the "knowability" of the subject. For instance if a person discovered a cure for cancer and you developed it but disbelieved the cure (and hence never applied it) your death would not impinge a bit on the truthfulness of his claim (IOW there is a difference between the experience of any particular individual and how a claim is determined to be valid or not)

I don't think there is any doubt that religious text is not the word of gods.
The next question is whether your experience is sufficient to grade the experiences of all others who may have an alternative conclusion.
I don't even have to get into it because right now no one can show me exactly what they know of god.
As already indicated previously, you've called upon your qualitative model of god on numerous occasions for the sake of debate.

You may have issues with a quantitative model, but that's merely the paradox of atheism that finds its fault in epistemology ("I don't want to apply myself but I demand to know")
No matter what you claim you know about God, written text means nothing unless the Almighty makes some open honest public attempt at communicating with us personally.
therefore the value of the text lies in indicating how that personal experience can be achieved.

For instance if you are sitting on the toilet and declare that the president is only true if he comes and shakes your hand, it might require you to understand that the president doesn't usually shake the hand of a person who is taking a crap (and its not because he is somehow limited ... just to save you from the effort of launching into the equivalent "an omnipotent god could shake the hand of a person taking a crap").
Similarly, for as long as you are cent per cent engaged in the business of material affairs, god won't be raining on your parade any time soon (except through the standard channels of death, old age, disease etc)

This issue becomes doubly complex if you declare written statements to the effect of "The president does not shake the hand of people taking a crap" to be of no value to the endeavor.
Not in our minds but in real time, real space. Enough of this charade, it's time for God to put up or forever go away.
Its not clear why god is (quite literally) duty bound to personally put with our shit
You know, through this whole debate no one has explained why or whether indoctrination is necessary.
I did, with the example of the med student and heart surgery.

Quite obviously, successful performance is determined outside of issues of "indoctrination", although it may offer a more suitable context for achieving it.

Is this the way to knowing God?
not entirely
Without it, would people know God just as easy?
standards and norms make the act of teaching a damn sight easier
Is it necessary for religion to teach us about God this way because our natural instinct is to either not seek religion or discard it altogether?

Left to our own devices would we care to know God?
Its not clear what you are advocating here.

Do all forms of teaching inhibit our natural instinct?
Are issues such as "justice" and "civil order" suppressing our progress?
“ Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
Is that your proof of souls? ”

Yeah, pretty much. You'll notice an unusually large amount of :shrug: icons and other smarmy dodges from Light and other religious folks here. They can't answer the questions posed to them, so they resort to sarcasm and emoticons.

Call me old fashioned but futility in the face of obstinacy tends to evoke an emotional response:)

Bullshit. You're the obstinate 1 here.
Its not clear what you are advocating here.

I mean we aren't born religious. God doesn't seem to care what religion we take up as long as He's in the picture. People make way too much of it.

Religion kind of gives someone a mental image of God. Without religion god would pretty much have to make an appearance to show He exists. It would seem that if God exists then He is quite happy with the texts and it doesn't matter what any religion is saying. So if God tolerates religion then it really isn't a teaching tool. Religion would then have to be thought of as completely overrated as an avenue to knowing God, in fact practically worthless.

Some religions seem to swear more by text than others. I think it's pretty obvious that if God cared about what people do with it then He would have settled the differences between religions long ago. Again if God exists then He just tolerates religion. If it's not important to Him then why should we care?
I mean we aren't born religious. God doesn't seem to care what religion we take up as long as He's in the picture. People make way too much of it.
Its still not clear what you are advocating.

That all cultural issues are merely impositions on our "natural" state?
That any cultural development stands independent/isolated from the will of god?
Religion kind of gives someone a mental image of God. Without religion god would pretty much have to make an appearance to show He exists.
and suppose god did make an appearance, what do you suppose would be a direct ramification of that?
The formation of a religion, perchance?

It would seem that if God exists then He is quite happy with the texts and it doesn't matter what any religion is saying. So if God tolerates religion then it really isn't a teaching tool. Religion would then have to be thought of as completely overrated as an avenue to knowing God, in fact practically worthless.

Some religions seem to swear more by text than others. I think it's pretty obvious that if God cared about what people do with it then He would have settled the differences between religions long ago. Again if God exists then He just tolerates religion. If it's not important to Him then why should we care?
What you don't appear to be factoring in is the variety of desire that the living entity possesses.
IOW if all living entities were possessed of the same needs, interests and concerns (and/or conditioning) you would expect a singularly visioned god to be constant.
Even in terms of mundane governance, you see a host of public bodies and tiers of representation (For instance you could argue that if a government is singular in performance, why are there requirements for local, state and national bodies?)
and suppose god did make an appearance, what do you suppose would be a direct ramification of that?
The formation of a religion, perchance?

People will do what God wants for the most part. It would be the first time in history God actually showed up despite what texts say. If He wanted a religion then there will be one, but only one. I'd love to be there and see which one of the existing religions, if any, are right. The ones that have it wrong would probably deny God unless He was very convincing.

Afterthought: Would atheists be more accepting of the real God than theists? I think so

What you don't appear to be factoring in is the variety of desire that the living entity possesses.
IOW if all living entities were possessed of the same needs, interests and concerns (and/or conditioning) you would expect a singularly visioned god to be constant.

You're just trying to justify the many different world religions with that remark. Trying to make them all the right religions is a stretch. LG, only one can be right and I'm sorry if it's not yours.

Even in terms of mundane governance, you see a host of public bodies and tiers of representation (For instance you could argue that if a government is singular in performance, why are there requirements for local, state and national bodies?)

Again, same thing. LG, there is only one God for you. There are many different municipalities, countries, provinces, etc. and that is to be expected. One god means one way. If not then you just confirmed what I said earlier, religion is worthless. If God doesn't care then what good is it? Other than a befuddling litany of delusional accounts.
Psychotic Episode
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
and suppose god did make an appearance, what do you suppose would be a direct ramification of that?
The formation of a religion, perchance?

People will do what God wants for the most part. It would be the first time in history God actually showed up despite what texts say.
I'm not sure what gives you the clue that it would be the first time

If He wanted a religion then there will be one, but only one.
once again, the moment you start factoring in the variety of the individual you get a different answer
I'd love to be there and see which one of the existing religions, if any, are right. The ones that have it wrong would probably deny God unless He was very convincing.
try googling "henology"

Afterthought: Would atheists be more accepting of the real God than theists? I think so
If you want me to comment on this I'm afraid you will have to expand on it a bit more

What you don't appear to be factoring in is the variety of desire that the living entity possesses.
IOW if all living entities were possessed of the same needs, interests and concerns (and/or conditioning) you would expect a singularly visioned god to be constant.

You're just trying to justify the many different world religions with that remark.
actually I am bringing to your attention that you are not factoring a key element in your argument

Trying to make them all the right religions is a stretch.
Whoever said they were all right?

I simply suggested that you have a variety of people socialized around a variety of levels of performance.

LG, only one can be right and I'm sorry if it's not yours.
feel free to explain why

Even in terms of mundane governance, you see a host of public bodies and tiers of representation (For instance you could argue that if a government is singular in performance, why are there requirements for local, state and national bodies?)

Again, same thing. LG, there is only one God for you.
think again

SB 1.2.11 Learned transcendentalists who know the Absolute Truth call this nondual substance Brahman, Paramätmä or Bhagavän.

These three divine aspects can be explained by the example of the sun, which also has three different aspects, namely the sunshine, the sun's surface and the sun planet itself. One who studies the sunshine only is the preliminary student. One who understands the sun's surface is further advanced. And one who can enter into the sun planet is the highest. Ordinary students who are satisfied by simply understanding the sunshine—its universal pervasiveness and the glaring effulgence of its impersonal nature—may be compared to those who can realize only the Brahman feature of the Absolute Truth. The student who has advanced still further can know the sun disc, which is compared to knowledge of the Paramätmä feature of the Absolute Truth. And the student who can enter into the heart of the sun planet is compared to those who realize the personal features of the Supreme Absolute Truth. Therefore, the bhaktas, or the transcendentalists who have realized the Bhagavän feature of the Absolute Truth, are the topmost transcendentalists, although all students who are engaged in the study of the Absolute Truth are engaged in the same subject matter. The sunshine, the sun disc and the inner affairs of the sun planet cannot be separated from one another, and yet the students of the three different phases are not in the same category.
There are many different municipalities, countries, provinces, etc. and that is to be expected. One god means one way.

so one government doesn't mean one way?
If not then you just confirmed what I said earlier, religion is worthless. If God doesn't care then what good is it? Other than a befuddling litany of delusional accounts.
you still haven't properly addressed how you propose god deal with the variety that the conditioned living entities projects.
you still haven't properly addressed how you propose god deal with the variety that the conditioned living entities projects.

If I were a religious man then I'd probably answer that according to what I think I know about Him. I'd probably say He'd premonish then admonish.

Fortunately I am not religious so I think more practical. For me it would be God for the first time. I would have no expectation of any of this world's many descriptions of God to be true. So warnings and punishments are out. I can't see God lowering Himself to those levels. I would expect Him to be very calm and unexcitable.

It all would depend on what God is actually capable of. Parlor tricks, mind control, psychokinesis, etc. would be some of the things people might expect Him to use but I think once He's established His authenticity then it would be no problem simply talking to the world. Stick around for awhile, make public appearances, just take things over and lead by example.

One of my favorite old Star Trek episodes was when the Federation and the Klingons waged war on a planet inhabited by very simple peasant-like folk. However in the end these Organians were able, just by the power of thought, to put an end to the conflict.

However I don't think God would be anything like that. In fact it is very difficult for me to even imagine what God would be like, so I consider your question a bit unfair in some respect but if you hadn't asked it then I might not have realized just how much I enjoy being an atheist.
If I were a religious man then I'd probably answer that according to what I think I know about Him. I'd probably say He'd premonish then admonish.
Its still not clear why an authority requires a singular representation to undertake premonitory tasks.

For instance, even in terms of the mundane justice system, there are a host of personalities operating in a variety of capacities to deal with a variety of individuals (eg - parking inspector, police officer, school liason officer, military police etc)
Fortunately I am not religious so I think more practical. For me it would be God for the first time. I would have no expectation of any of this world's many descriptions of God to be true. So warnings and punishments are out. I can't see God lowering Himself to those levels. I would expect Him to be very calm and unexcitable.
Its not clear what requirement punishment has that the instigator must be excited
It all would depend on what God is actually capable of. Parlor tricks, mind control, psychokinesis, etc. would be some of the things people might expect Him to use but I think once He's established His authenticity then it would be no problem simply talking to the world. Stick around for awhile, make public appearances, just take things over and lead by example.
Once again, its not clear when or how the world ever left the control of god. In fact its not even clear how the living entity can exist in a state of actual independence from god.
One of my favorite old Star Trek episodes was when the Federation and the Klingons waged war on a planet inhabited by very simple peasant-like folk. However in the end these Organians were able, just by the power of thought, to put an end to the conflict.
the solution appeared to be short lived since the peace wasn't particularly long lasting.

IOW god has better solutions at hand than mere sedation.

However I don't think God would be anything like that. In fact it is very difficult for me to even imagine what God would be like, so I consider your question a bit unfair in some respect but if you hadn't asked it then I might not have realized just how much I enjoy being an atheist.
“The thought of suicide is a great source of comfort; with it a calm passage is to be made across many a bad night.”

Friedrich Nietzsche
the solution appeared to be short lived since the peace wasn't particularly long lasting.

IOW god has better solutions at hand than mere sedation.

God's done a great job so far:rolleyes:. I'd rather be sedated. This declaration of yours, how do you know this?

I think I must have asked you that same question about 10 times already. For someone who seems to possess very intimate knowledge of his god, you sure aren't willing to share it.

I wonder why God has felt it so necessary to provide you with a dossier on Himself whereas us mere mortals have some stone tablets and environmentally friendly parchments to formulate what amounts to barely an opinion. You're so fortunate, unless you feel you're being rewarded for all your patience and real thought.
God's done a great job so far:rolleyes:.
sure has

The material world cannot infringe on anyone's eternality, despite whatever it may do to cloud one's vision of it.

I'd rather be sedated.
well its certainly what the material world affords, so I guess god is doing a great job for you in lieu of your desires

This declaration of yours, how do you know this?
the declaration that god is doing a great job?
We have a host of environments to pursue our desires that are not only safe (the soul never perishes) but dovetail us towards sanity.

If you disagree you must be overly optimistic in light of climate change or something .....

I think I must have asked you that same question about 10 times already. For someone who seems to possess very intimate knowledge of his god, you sure aren't willing to share it.
I've received infractions for it, but I am sure that I have posted BG 4.10 numerous times before (in fact the whole chapter is titled "transcendental knowledge")
I wonder why God has felt it so necessary to provide you with a dossier on Himself whereas us mere mortals have some stone tablets and environmentally friendly parchments to formulate what amounts to barely an opinion.
perhaps you have some problems with your web browser

You're so fortunate, unless you feel you're being rewarded for all your patience and real thought.
When was the last time you read anything from scripture that wasn't footnoted on an atheist hate-site?
We have a host of environments to pursue our desires that are not only safe (the soul never perishes) but dovetail us towards sanity.


mind you I've kind of suspected you were adverse to philosophy

You are adverse to philosophy.

When was the last time you read anything from scripture that wasn't footnoted on an atheist hate-site?

Will you provide a link for an atheist hate site.

perhaps we should discuss football or something

You do remind me of Andy Griffith's hilarious "What It Was Was Football".
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