A physicist explains ghosts in our digital reality

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Yes..and when you have no argument to make a trollish insult will always do.
Hey! Putting me on ignore really worked for you.
And again with the incorrect interpretation: you have been shown to be deficient in rationality, therefore it's not so much an "insult" as an observation.
Yes..and when you have no argument to make a trollish insult will always do.
Magical Realist said:
I wasn't even talking to Paddo at that point. Keep up with the dialogue.
paddo said:
Oh bullshit, stop your foolish pedant MR.....
2. Belonging to, characteristic of, or constituting another and very different place, society, or person; strange

Any possible being, not from this earth as we know it is an Alien.
Try again buster.
LOL! You as much as admitted I was right. Moving on.
Yes.. and when all else fails, a flat out egregious lie will always do, right?
The claim I was addressing is that this is a science forum. A forum meant exclusively for science. If that were so, then it'd be called Sci Forum. Instead it is Sci Forums, referring the 10 science forums it was originally set up with. Over the years 20 more nonscience forums were added, none of which require scientific treatment or evidence.
Wrong again.
Any claims you or anyone else makes, will certainly undergo whatever critical analysis and questions your peers see fit, as required by the scientific method.
Got it?

Sorry but this is simply a matter of self-evident fact. Science doesn't decide what is truth in these areas.
Again, any of your nonsensical claims will certainly run the gauntlet.
You don't like that? Well offer some evidence to support your nonsense.
And yep, science certainly does show what is most likely as defined by accepted scientific theories.
You don't like that? Sad :rolleyes:

That's not absolute proof aliens, as in ET's, exist. I was very clear that I was open to the interdimensional thesis as well
They're certainly not from outer space. They're from another dimension.
Any being other than of this earth is an Alien. I gave you a proper Dictionary definition of that...more dishonest intellectual lies by you.

I'll believe there's a mundane explanation when I'm given one that makes sense. So far none do.
More lies. You have been given many probable and possible explanations that most level headed people can accept and realise.

I wasn't even talking to Paddo at that point. Keep up with the dialogue.

Because i gave a definition of an Alien from a Dictionary that showed you as wrong at best, and lying at worst.
No..to Santa Claus.
Oh, pardon me. Is that another entity that you believe to be real? After all, many, many school children have reported sightings.

They will even describe the flying reindeer that pull his jolly sled - in fact, I've heard one has a nose that glows so bright!
Evasion and obfuscation. The question was "Are you saying an interdimensional being is from our Earth? Really?"

Answer the question.

You're not smart enough to even understand the argument. Go back to the sidelines to lurkerworld. At least we could idealize you from afar when you stayed there.
Of course MR you realise that none of these posters, that are against you, have never took the time to spend to investigate the phenomena. And never will.
Why are you still here?

You obviously have nothing but contempt not only for science, but for the scientific method. You insult even the people who could at best be called allies, at worst be called sympathetic to the grief you bring upon yourself.

The only people left are those like river who are just as gullible and contemptible as yourself, which is not a good group to be associated with, yet you seem to delight in your ignorance.

What do you actually get out of being a member on SciForums when you have no respect for what the forum is supposed to be about?
I have an idea... Why don't you put us all on ignore? - except river of course... Then you two could babble endlessly to each other without interference from the rational peanut gallery.

Good then get lost rand. Because surely you are not rational.
Of course MR you realise that none of these posters, that are against you, have never took the time to spend to investigate the phenomena. And never will.

That's basically what this is all about. Catch MR in some inconsistency or lie to discredit him because he dared to post 4 convincing examples of ufo encounters in the ufo forum. Methinks they doth protest a little to much, as if defaming me and calling me a liar somehow will make the ufo issue go away. It won't. 62 kids saw and reported a spaceship with alien beings. 12 Chicago O'hare employees saw a flying saucer in the sky and shoot up thru the clouds. A flying saucer was filmed over Somerset UK. And 5 policemen confirm seeing a football field long triangular craft in Illinois. They have nothing to say against this. So I get to be their punching bag to take out their frustrations on.
billvon said:
Magical Realist said:
Right..Just like a thermometer violates the second law of thermodynamics when it converts the ambient heat energy of the air into the movement of the mercury in the glass.

You might want to study up on thermo before making such stupid claims. It might make you more credible.
Just found this gem - only took an accidental moment.

Not like there is a shortage...
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