A Riddle

What to men do standing up, women do sitting down and dogs do on three legs?

They shake hands.

Sorry Pollux.

That's all I had. I'll have to leave the riddles to the rest of you.

No!! It took a few minutes, actually, I really enjoyed it:D I thought it was an insect at first.

The last two I made up on my own, if I have enough time I'll make up another:

Your fingers patter on me
I am connected to your machine

Now, seriously, that is dirt easy.
I confess that I had to write something so I made that one up too.

The devil's eyes give me my sight
to focus sharply in the night
lithe pointedness tooth and claw
the stealthy sneak, the silent paw.
What am I?

A cat
Hard as stone I am,
Always I travel in one direction,
and in the end I am gone...
further comment on the upside down plane

Dear esp,

There are more solutions to the problem of the bombs not being released after the bombardier pressed the button. How about the plane being hit by german anti-aircraft fire and thus exploding just after the bombardier pressed the button. Now that is a high explosive solution, don't you think?

Here is a riddle,

Sometimes I have sense, sometimes I have none;
Sometimes I offend, then you bid me begone;
Sometimes I am merry, sometimes I am sad;
Sometimes I am good, sometimes very bad;
However, to make me, I cost many brains,
Much labour, much thought, and a great deal of pains.
A.I for a computer game or some sort of computer program?

Wet1-an astral body, planetoid, something of that nature?
About this bloody plane!

That would stop the bombs falling, but I did say that Nothing happened.

I'm tired of talking about this plane.
I'm going away to ponder your puzzle. Back tomorrow. :)
try again

No its not an AI computer program, not anything with computers. (A hint, the riddle is from a book from the 19th centuary)

esp, I cannot resist making one more comment about hte "bloody plane" :D

How could they spot their location on where to drop the bombs if the plane is upside down?

Why would the bombardier press the button if the plane was upside down? Surely, he would conclude that the bombs would not fall down!
Twigs and spheres and poles and plates, join and bind to reason make. What am I?
A dinning table? :bugeye:

Polux V,
Smiles or frowns, depends on your gaze
From nail to sphere I change my phase
Across the sky I silently creep
When I disapear howling wolves give not a peep.
The sun? :bugeye:
Yes, I'm sure it's the sun :)

Sometimes I have sense, sometimes I have none;
Sometimes I offend, then you bid me begone;
Sometimes I am merry, sometimes I am sad;
Sometimes I am good, sometimes very bad;
However, to make me, I cost many brains,
Much labour, much thought, and a great deal of pains.
Justice? :bugeye:
Wet1-an astral body, planetoid, something of that nature?

Not even close.
Hard as stone I am,
Always I travel in one direction,
and in the end I am gone...

Thunder? :bugeye:
A punch to your head? :D :D
(just read, don't answer)

ME: What animal always confused by riddle wich has been answered?
YOU: I don't know. What?
ME: A monkey!
YOU: Why? How come?
ME: Ape! See... you're confused :p


There are so many coming in I'm not sure if this one has been guessed but
Hard as stone I am,
Always I travel in one direction,
and in the end I am gone...

Is it hail? or a comet?

Cheers all
see attachment...
How many black dots between squares?
Are you sure? :rolleyes:

a word

Ok, forget the dots. It's only a visual effect. You'll seems to 'see' lots of black dots that actually not exists. Btw, it's cool, eh? :cool:

Now, pound this:
What word in the English language does nearly everyone pronounce incorrectly?
Nope, can't answer that one.

But I do have a pet hate word that's pronounced incorrectly on occasion and drives me nuts - specifically, it's SPECIFICALLY not PACIFICALLY. Gets me going every time.

PS What is the answer to that one?

Originally posted by Teri 2
...PS What is the answer to that one?

What word in the English language does nearly everyone pronounce incorrectly...

...is: "incorrectly" :cool: :D