A Riddle

Oh Well,

From Ismu -
What word in the English language does nearly everyone pronounce incorrectly...

...is: "incorrectly"

Guess I fell into that one. Serves me right.

don't think too hard

It's can covers two mountains and an alley.
5 ~ 10 of those can fit into a small case.
What is it?

Teri2 had answered one that I had posted...

Here's another.

Make the way smooth, I do.
I am found in prepared foods.
Yet, make a mess in your hands, too.
Originally posted by wet1
Teri2 had answered one that I had posted...

Ooops... :eek:

Make the way smooth, I do.
I am found in prepared foods.
Yet, make a mess in your hands, too.

Choccolate? :bugeye:
Wait a minute...

Twigs and spheres and poles and plates, join and bind to reason make. What am I?

A dinning table?

No, and not a microchip either (posted by Pollux V, 2 pages ago I guess...) ;)

Try it again please. Somebody must know the answer.

If it really is that hard on you all, I'll give the answer, for I don't know any answer in this thread. Guess I had the answer right, only once. :)

A little clue in the right direction: It has to do with the body...:cool:
It's a bit of a stretch but a skeleton maybe?

I go along with ismu, it does sound like chocolate.

Oil. Possibly fat.

About the devils eyes riddle:
Yes! A cat. :)

Hard as stone I am,
Always I travel in one direction,
and in the end I am gone...


Twigs and spheres and poles and plates, join and bind to reason make. What am I?

That's a real good one Banshee :)
The skull?

Sometimes I have sense, sometimes I have none;
Sometimes I offend, then you bid me begone;
Sometimes I am merry, sometimes I am sad;
Sometimes I am good, sometimes very bad;
However, to make me, I cost many brains,
Much labour, much thought, and a great deal of pains.


Has anyone got whatsherface's albatross soup puzzle yet?
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Pollux V...

You did it, yes...The Skeleton. :)

Was the Albatross soup totally forgotten. I have no clue here, really not!

Am not able to solve the other ones. (as usual, sighs deep)

To keep you occupied I give you another Riddle: I am sometimes strong and sometimes weak, But I am nobody's fool. For there is no language that I can't speak, Though I never went to school. What am I?

Have fun, I go on thinking about the other ones...
aah, I always find myself saying: "it's so hard being so awsome.":D

Banshee-babel fish?
Babel Fish?
Excellent answer! :)

Pollux... you're turing into a penguin. Stop it!

is the answer love?
(or maybe hate)
No, not Love!

Come on guy's, this one is not that hard...I knew the answer when my son told it to me on ICQ...

And I mostly don't know the answers, guess I am thinking too much about the Riddles.
Hahaha, it gets better and better. Share it fairly. no money, no... :p

Have to say it is a miracle, Esp that you don't know the answer. If you hear it, you think, oh, of course...
Oh well...

Easy talking, I don't have to solve it. :D

I am serious busy with thinking what that albatross soup can be though...
Hic. Alcohol?

aah, I always find myself saying: "it's so hard being so awsome."
Pollux V

I find it quite easy :D
Maybe he spilled the soup in his lap and it was sooo hot that he ran out and jumped in the water, smacking his head on the way down. ????
The official Albatross soup Riddle:

...a sailor arrives in port, gets off his ship, and goes immediately to the nearest restaurant. Once there, he orders a bowl of Albatross Soup. After a few spoonfuls, he walks outside and throws himself in the sea, killing himself.


It was a suicidal Albatross from which the soup was made of?

The Albatross was still alive and kicking and picked the sailor in the nose with a little poison on tip of its beak?

Do you know the answer on my Riddle already Esp? I give you a clue...Go stand in a hollow space and call your name...