A Riddle

Happy posting to you, Happy posting to you, Happy posting, Dear Banshee...

Happy posting to you!

Many many congrats on your 1500th post! May you make 15,000 more :D

And what a way to celebrate it! You got the answer.
Autumn (or fall) is exactly right.

And I approach 400! (Not quite the same, is it?)

New riddles please :)

As a 'revenge' you can riddle me this:

I have a few feathers to help me fly. I have a body and head, but I'm not alive. It is your strength which determines how far I go. When im along your site, You deside who lives or die. What am I?

Happy riddling and I am sure you reach your 400th post in a jiffy... ;)
Too easy Banshee!

You are an arrow. :)

I am often plucked but have no feathers.
I can cry or sing but have no mouth.
I can be powered by you or you can plug me in.
A head with no hair and a nut you cannot eat.
Keys that fit no locks and a bridge you cannot cross.

What am I?

It has to be either a guitar or a violin.

Your other one with the brothers threw me way off track, I've never heard the seasons being referred to as brothers.

And thanks for the compliment on the avatar.
Considering I've been trying to work out how to make one for over a year, and it's not what I originally intended, but it is growing on me and I've been patting myself on the back for managing to do something right. I've been at this computer for 12 hours today - do you think I'm addicted?

& and her fancy new avatar :D
Yeah, a guitar. I make them too easy, don't I?

12 Hour is a perfectly respectable reasonable amount of time. The important thing is to try to isolate yourself from the outside world until it gets the message and goes away! :D
Any riddles of your own?

Thanks for the encouragement,
The outside world doesn't usually get the hint.

And no, sadly I have absolutely positively no imagination whatsoever to make up riddles. Kudos to those who can. I get a kick out of solving them. It gives my brain some exercise - so keep 'em coming.

I'm still waiting for Wet1's answer to his.
Ya'll got it. Skin it was. Good call.

Love that avatar, Teri2. About time you got one, that's one decent!
Some say that Adam and Eve had everything, I have another opinion. What is it they dont have that everyone else has?
Thanks Wet1

I would have sat here for another 12 hours waiting for a reply.

Yes, is was about time I made myself an avatar, I just hope I haven't broken any laws to make it.

I also notice I've been promoted to Senior Member - howz that?

I don't think I've been this chatty in years. I probably took too many prozac this morning!

happy daze
Adam and Eve didn;t have belly buttons

Didn't think of that one....I guess you colud say that one answered it too!


Very good, Teri2, I see that I make them to easy...
Loved by children and hated by parents?

*LOL* Now that could be any number of things!

(In fact, it's pretty much the norm?)
All right, well....

I'm going to try two answers -

1. A green colouring pencil

2. Green plasticine (not sure about the spelling of that).

Neither of them are convincing to me but what the heck, I'm giving it a try.
