A Riddle

To esp

From esp
What do you buy only to deliberatly have someone take it away?
It's very small but can travel great distances.

Is it a postage stamp?
When liquid splashes me, none seeps through. When I am moved alot, liquid I spew.

When I am hit, color I change. And color, I come in quite a range.

What I cover is very complex, and I am very easy to flex. What am I?
there is a man dead in a forest, in full scuba gear, miles from the sea. How did he die?

Ah, prehaps he was surfacing and got picked up by a firefighting helicopter who was fighting a fire where he was found.

Could yours be Water(liquid), after all you cant have water seep through water, it just adds to water, when water moves it can spew. When water's hit it can change colour through defraction and depending on the light source, What can ocver any complex shape, at least to the point of layering so thin that it pools.
And it's extremely fexible.
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To Wet1

When liquid splashes me, none seeps through. When I am moved alot, liquid I spew.

When I am hit, color I change. And color, I come in quite a range.

What I cover is very complex, and I am very easy to flex. What am I?

:) close enough wet1, it was actually one of those planes that just fly low and scoop.

Is yours skin?
Good riddle whatsherface!

And I agree with you, wet1's does sound like skin.

You and Teri 2 are right. It is a postage stamp.

This albatross, I would have never have gotten that.

I'm the end of the growth
The beginning of death
Three brothers have I
yet none of us die
I make carpet for grass
And I never last

What am I?
esp & Wet1

Totally stumped on both of yours. How long do we have to wait for an answer, huh?

Wet1 - I thought I had that nailed.

Cheers all
Teri 2, I think wet1's is skin.
As for mine, let's have a few tries at it before I give it away.
This is the problem with just making riddles up on the spot.
You're never sure how hard or easy they'll really turn out to be.
No, Bansheee!

Heres a clue, somewhere on earth myself and my brothers always exist. But we never meet. And we never stay in the same place too long.

Cold? And then your brothers are Snow, Ice and Hail...? :bugeye:
You're getting close :)

My brothers ...
one of them is a little like me, one is much warmer and friendlier.
The other is frosty and often gives the cold sholder to manny people :)
The Fall? In which the Leaves fall? Like in Seasons, which your brothers are Spring, Summer and Winter...?

Take notice, I make my 1500th post here... :D