About the members Round 7 : Varda

You do not know him, and niether do I. So how can you justify that he does or does not show uttermost respect, love, and have faithfulness to Varda?

only Varda can tell, only we can question whether Varda is truthful to herself by logic she presents to us. Its my job to question everything, despite the obviousness.
I really hope this About the members thing doesn't stagnate..Lets keep it going, Varda, I hate to ask a lady to rush, but can we please select a new candidate ?...
I really hope this About the members thing doesn't stagnate..Lets keep it going, Varda, I hate to ask a lady to rush, but can we please select a new candidate ?...

I think she abdicated the selectivity of the candidacy to you dude.

All yours, shweetheart.
I'm tempted to pick thee, but So many choices..
Perhaps we shall give Varda another day..

Although bewarned spud.. You're on top of my list...

Fuck, you must be the type who drives slowly past the accident scene to see if they can spot any bodybags!,... pick Mac, it's his birthday...40..old Knut!
actually, lets give spud his chance to be known

I pick you, Spud Emperor
you cheeky tart