An Unlikely scenario - but just suppose .....

Consider: If the god you realize is evil or insane, then by virtue of this realization you'd become evil or insane as well - in which case we cannot really meaningfully speak of how this would affect your life, your values, your view of suffering and happiness - as it would all become evil or insane and as such not conducive to rational analysis.

But if the god you realize is good, then by virtue of this realization you'd become good as well, no? Otherwise, it wouldn't be a realization.

- My reasoning here is that realization would necessarily mean a "merging", a "unison", a "not distinguishable one from another anymore".

there is an aspect to which one would have the same quality as god but not the same quantity, so even in a liberated state the distinction between one's own self and god's self can be made.

IOW words god occupies the position of being the cause of all causes etc etc including the cause of our very selves. This distinction remains, particularly if we are falling in and out of states of liberation

This topic of trying to gauge what the realization of God might be like is very difficult to discuss - as long as we don't have such a realization.
thats ok
the OP is mostly dealing with to what degree one would expect to fall in line with god's nature
I guess lateral thinking is not your strong suit
it would have been had the question been legible. Hence why I said "Poorly written statement", I did also say however "but I think we can understand" meaning it's hard too decipher, but we get the gist.

but again which god are you referring too.
i'm a theist, because this happened to me.

it humbles you...makes you like a child. not overnight. well, it's quite impactive and you would think it would change everything overnight but your paradigms are so engrained it takes a while for it to really sink in, and to affect change. a relationship ensues and this development occurs, and it changes everything, and it changes nothing. it's see everything differently...but it's the same old world you're looking at. it doesn't make it any prettier. quite the opposite actually. it makes what used to be ordinary look very perverted. even yourself. it can be quite disturbing. but then you know there is hope...