are we all insane?

Greg Bernhardt
Registered Senior Member
I think we are all mentally ill, those outside the asylums can just hide it better. We all know people who talk to themselves, pick thier noses, make weird faces when they know they aren't being watch and who have hysterical fears.

Why we pay $7 to watch a sadistic gory movie. Why do we enjoy watching others menaced and sometimes killed?

Stephen King once suggested that if pro football has become the voyeur's version of combat, then horror films have become the modern version of public lynching.
Ahhhh... thanks for defining me as sane.

Don't watch football or boxing.
Don't read horror or crime novels.
Don't do Hollywood "action" movies.

You just made me feel pretty good about myself! :D

Stephen King once suggested that if pro football has become the voyeur's version of combat, then horror films have become the modern version of public lynching.

Stephen King is a third rate hack. Reading his books is the equivalent to watching TV. Watching his movies is the equivalent to reading his books. He gives new meaning to the term 'circular logic.'
Everyone is so different and has their own identity that everyone else seems wierd. So yes, we are all weird and insane. But isnt fun?
Sane vs. insane is all about consistent vs. inconsistent I think. We may all be wrong about everything, but if we're relatively consistent about it (compared to societal norms) that gets us labeled as sane.
Dosen't everyone view "reallity" differently so yes we must all be "insane" because their is no paramaters for being "sane" its all just an opinon of another person:confused:
i dont think i said that very well
Weldome to sciforums, Asguard.

Sane is merely the yardstick that the majority uses to label the individual and compare him to the rest. If he hits within the boundarys of what thought normal then he is considered sane.
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I should really put this in the Quotes section of free thoughts, but what the hey???

There is a fine line between Genius and Insanety.

I noticed Hoth placed:
Sane vs. insane is all about consistent vs. inconsistent

We live in a world of Inconsistancy, a technological evolution of change. If everything was consistant then we would have no evolution in technology, no upgrades, no obsletions.
You might be right that inconsistancy causes insanety, but if thats the case then it definitely prove the whole worlds insane just because of Evolution.

When you look at how people class sanety, you could perceive it as "Mob rule", where one person stands upon a soapbox to explain their point and another retaliates with a personal attack voicing it to all that listen in an attempt to discredit the first persons sanety.

They in turn have pretty much put the food of thought as to wether the person is insane and even implied a verdict. I suppose the insanety of the mob is nothing more than there similarity to sheep.
Is there a doctor in the house

I must be insane then.
Have nothing agains others to think like tht, but when I'll start to think about myself as an insane one, theò I'll have some problems.
Thanks wet1

There is really no difference between sanity and insanity it's all just perspective and each person's perspective is different so we are either all sane or all insane depending on how you look at it
Just a thought ...

I think it was Szasz who said something to the effect:

If you speak to God, you're praying ...

If God speaks to you, you're schizophrenic.

Take care ;)
We love seeing pain. We thrive on it.
Why do we watch Soap tv shows, because we enjoy the conflict between others.

I dont think its just psychological long term damage from having unbalanced emotions, emotions that seem balanced on the surface because they are normal..but they are just settling on an unnatural equilibrium.

I think, that at times...things just flow you know.
You have to let them. Or else they destroy you.
Living is where life takes you, not where you take life.

Originally posted by Hoth
Sane vs. insane is all about consistent vs. inconsistent I think. We may all be wrong about everything, but if we're relatively consistent about it (compared to societal norms) that gets us labeled as sane.

Insane people don't posses the ability to justify their actions on anything. And when they do they can't see anything wrong with it. They can't rationlise, thay can't reason. Which enables them to decieve/manipulate people without feeling any remorse.
Probably because it's a nothingness feeling. It's not happiness it's not sadness it's just nothing. it would be fucking beautiful.

I wish I was one of these people.
Well tht can be sorted out Static. Just lock you up in a chamber alone with Tony1 and Sir Loone and spend a few weeks with them. Success quaranteed:D:D:D:D:D
I can't see anything wrong with my actions either, so am i insane. Of corse not but we all view out actions with the best self view in mind. i heard it said (now this was a fair while ago so anyone feel free to corect it if i got it wrong) "10% of our memories actually happend the rest is made up to make us look good"

As to the justifacation for actions if i tell u my justifaction to some things i may have done in my life and you disagree dose that make me insane, no it could be you who is insane for disagreeing with me but probably we just have a difference of oppinons
The messages in this thread are revolting. Mental illnesses and handicaps actually exist, just like other diseases. "We are all insane" makes no more sense than "We all have multiple sclerosis" or "We all have the flu." The fact that people kill and hurt each other is not an example of mental illness, except in some cases.

All of us have mental illness, in different degree of insanity (at leats once in lifetime). Wich ones is still in small degree of illness can be considered as normal.
what about addiction. it has long been my belief that people who are addicted to various things (alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex) are either 1) whiners who blame everyone but themselves for their problems (as we humans clearly have the ability to make choices). or 2) insane (not able to control impulses)

which is it?
Someone who can't control an impulse (such as compulsive gambler) is just weak. Quite simply they don't have high levels of will power.