Are you an introvert or extrovert?

The terms introvert and extrovert are applied to describe a personality with respect to others. Perhaps those terms were very accurate in times where there was not the current technology. Today an introverted classified person could have friends and be very popular in online social places. The personality of the individual will react different when the environment becomes more suitable for expressing itself.

The so called introverted people can find new paths to reach others in a way that makes them fell "safe", and they can develop their capabilities to communicate with others with lesser obstacles. Perhaps this is the cause for many individuals who were classified as introverted to become more extroverted and show both personalities at random. At the end it can be found introverted people who are very socialas well without this weird status becoming a controversy.

I guess the terms social and antisocial might be also useful to describe the current status for individuals in today's society. Of course these two terms might also cause confusion when a person is reserved and he/she communicates just enough to say something and can be taken as "a not much" social person. However, the individual participates just with his/her presence in person or online where groups of people meet.
The terms introvert and extrovert are applied to describe a personality with respect to others. Perhaps those terms were very accurate in times where there was not the current technology. Today an introverted classified person could have friends and be very popular in online social places. The personality of the individual will react different when the environment becomes more suitable for expressing itself.
Yes, today we have added a new category: Introvert, Extrovert, and Zombi......:confused:
I'm an ENTP, which is why I'm here discussing random stuff with random strangers. It is possible to be 50% E and 50% I, but I would say that it is very rare, and that it is highly likely that any person will have a large preference for one of them. You probably don't have a very large preference for either E or I.

My twin brother is an INTJ and I'm an ENTJ. While he Reflects then Reacts then Reflects etc I React then Reflect then React etc. Once the ball is rolling there is very little difference.
My twin brother is an INTJ and I'm an ENTJ. While he Reflects then Reacts then Reflects etc I React then Reflect then React etc. Once the ball is rolling there is very little difference.

I think NT types are probably the most interesting out there. I might be biased. Yes. Introverts would probably generally keep more to themselves and their own subjective little worlds than extroverts by virtue of having their top function introverted.
If you're an introvert, you'll understand.

I'm the worst kind of introvert.

If I can get em to laugh, I'll make an idiot of myself. In a small group, I am likely to end up with a lampshade on my head and a cardboard tube sword, rallying the team to make incursions on the other teams' encampments to loot their pipe cleaner treasure trove.

When I was young, the ladies called this "charm". Now, they just hide the scissors and staplers from the crazy old guy.
I'm the worst kind of introvert.

If I can get em to laugh, I'll make an idiot of myself. In a small group, I am likely to end up with a lampshade on my head and a cardboard tube sword, rallying the team to make incursions on the other teams' encampments to loot their pipe cleaner treasure trove.

When I was young, the ladies called this "charm". Now, they just hide the scissors and staplers from the crazy old guy.

This sounds like an episode from “The Office.” Lol!
I'm the worst kind of introvert.

If I can get em to laugh, I'll make an idiot of myself. In a small group, I am likely to end up with a lampshade on my head and a cardboard tube sword, rallying the team to make incursions on the other teams' encampments to loot their pipe cleaner treasure trove.
To be honest, that's just the worst kind of person! ;)

I'm an INTP-A or INTJ-A, depending how I wake up in the morning. :)
Logician INTP-A
According to the results:

“Logicians pride themselves on their unique perspectives and vigorous intellect. They can’t help but puzzle over the mysteries of the universe…”

So, why then aren’t you open minded about space aliens? lol ;)
According to the results:

“Logicians pride themselves on their unique perspectives and vigorous intellect. They can’t help but puzzle over the mysteries of the universe…”

So, why then aren’t you open minded about space aliens? lol ;)
The vigorous intellect? :)

It wouldn't be a puzzle if I knew there were space aliens, now would it? :)
I fall under the ''INFP'' personality type, with characteristics of a mediator, and a tendency to make decisions based on personal feelings, rather than logic. Okay, that's not always true. :wink:
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i got

i can be brutally logical if the occasion demands
Same. It would depend on the situation. I don’t think any of us are just wooden sets of characteristics, but these traits are probably at the core of our personalities.

I don’t make decisions easily, which can be good in a way because I’m methodically thinking things through but, if I’m honest, if my emotions didn’t get in the way, I’d be way less indecisive! lol
My twin brother is an INTJ and I'm an ENTJ. While he Reflects then Reacts then Reflects etc I React then Reflect then React etc. Once the ball is rolling there is very little difference.
You're the same, just a half cycle out-of-phase. :D
I don’t think any of us are just wooden sets of characteristics, but these traits are probably at the core of our personalities.
Sure. The test also gives an indication of where you lie on the range between each pair... so someone who is 100% Introvert will be an "I", but so will someone who is 51% introvert and 49% extrovert. They're not binary positions but rather tendencies, some stronger than others. :)
Same. It would depend on the situation. I don’t think any of us are just wooden sets of characteristics, but these traits are probably at the core of our personalities.

I don’t make decisions easily, which can be good in a way because I’m methodically thinking things through but, if I’m honest, if my emotions didn’t get in the way, I’d be way less indecisive! lol
Look up Bob Lazar.