Beloved Admin 2


stryder wagged his finger at me and i feel like a worm
i shall never swear again cos i love and repect stryder
besides, something novel

i do have a question, the same question to ask of plazma
namely the characterization of a post as a racist troll

trolls will be ignored. i will not be provoked
new way new life
for real!


tiassa, do stick around
Plazma Inferno! said:
Dear Gustav,

You have received an infraction at

Reason: Racist trolling
You know why, you're a smart guy.

This infraction is worth 5 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Original Post:
No, not really. To the one, you'll continue to provide examples on a regular basis. To the other, I don't actually care that much.

not good enough
the one refers to....?
the other refers to.....?

pears? produce?

have some fucking balls punk
the next time you seek to disparage
lemme know what actually offends you
innuendo and allusion aint gonna cut it
i am retarded like that

moving on

Not everybody has the hep-cat jazz trio be-boppin' just so, y'know.

would you like to be a nigger like me?
are you willing to learn?
sit at my feet
and suck my dick while you are at it

All the best,

well lets find out how smart you are

Reason: Racist trolling

my spin...i responded to a post, directed at me, with a lot of profanity. infractionable but not for the reason given

your turn
If you will not silence your violent ways of posting: use of profanity, racism, and assaulting other members. If you will not cooperate punishment should follow.
reported as troll

lets see if that holds up to your expectations. Because I did not troll at all. I answered to you that you were wrong in your judgment of which you write here a whole thread for...devoted all to your self-indulgence.
I'll tell you what I'll do:

I will revoke the infraction you got Gustav, that way you don't need to attempt to get answers from people about their actions and we don't have a vicious circle created where people end up annoying each other rather than settling the dispute.

When I do that (immediately after this post) there shouldn't be any need to have the thread open (So I should be able to close it), if this is acceptable to you then just respond to this thread and I'll close it (After removing your infraction of course).

the point of this place is to ask questions and seek answers

it is very simple thing that i want from plazma
an explanation of the criteria used to justify an infraction
and the reasoning behind the characterization of the infracted post

i accept the infraction issued by plazma
i am not asking it be withdrawn

this is not rocket science

since this is addressed to plazma
lets allow him to deal with
let it be his prerogative to repond, ignore or junk

either way, an answer will be had

as to your suggestion, i must respectfully decline
if you do not mind
leave the infraction in place
i believe you guys issue only if justified, ja?
we don't have a vicious circle created where people end up annoying each other rather than settling the dispute.

you probably dont want to see history repeating itself eh?

porfiry:...banned forever!

nothing i can do about that buddy
i however will report anybody that trolls this thread with provocative and off topic comments
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5 infraction points ? What are you whining about ? Just be a good boy and you'll be fine ;)
Perhaps calling someone a nigger is inherently racist.

an excellent suggestion if it were not in this context

however i did not call anyone a nigger. i referred to myself as a nigger and accuse [tiassa of calling me nigger

now since you are unable to actually state that i was calling someone a nigger, but rather make condescending and spiteful jibes, i must report your post as a provocative troll

an excellent suggestion if it were not in this context

however i did not call anyone a nigger. i referred to myself as a nigger and accuse [tiassa of calling me nigger

now since you are unable to actually state that i was calling someone a nigger, but rather make condescending and spiteful jibes, i must report your post as a provocative troll


I called myself a cunt and got an infraction, just let it be man jeez
5 infraction points ? What are you whining about ? Just be a good boy and you'll be fine ;)

you are not paying attention

i accept the infraction issued by plazma
i am not asking it be withdrawn

i find this patronizing, perhaps willfully ignorant
reported as troll
you are not paying attention

i accept the infraction issued by plazma
i am not asking it be withdrawn

i find this patronizing, perhaps willfully ignorant
reported as troll

lol sure whatever..
What I meant to say is that if this is all a misunderstanding, you just go about your ways as usual and everything will be fine. Why whine over one infraction if you are certain you won't get more ?
an excellent suggestion if it were not in this context

however i did not call anyone a nigger. i referred to myself as a nigger and accuse [tiassa of calling me nigger

now since you are unable to actually state that i was calling someone a nigger, but rather make condescending and spiteful jibes, i must report your post as a provocative troll


It doesn't matter who you were calling a nigger. If you were not talking about the sociological context, the politics and implications of the term, it amounts to trolling.
Well I've removed the points anyhow, I know Gustav you sometimes come across as an Ali Gi stereotype, I know when you use certain words that it's not meant as a racist. It's possible Plazma might have mis-interpreted this as Racism.

True racism can't be tolerated on this forum however as it's not just an ethical problem in regards to peoples rights being violated but if allowed would turn what this forum should be about into yet another racist dumping ground.

Sciforums has seen it's share of Activists usually because other forums BAN them from day one, this is why their 'Free Speech' isn't seen on say the BBC's forums or Political candidate sites and why you'll find some of those activists (remaining un-named) will always complain in an attempt to keep their activities public, should they see moderators clamp down on their threads/posts.

Of course this is a fairly different type of person than you Gustav.