Best country to live in?

Western and eastern Canada are great...Nova Scotia, British Columbia and parts of southern Alberta.

Central Canada is boring.
Warm sunny climate, short distances to everywhere, good shops, no fear of getting mugged or shot by lunatics, English spoken everywhere, good food, no speed cameras...sounds like where I live now...Cyprus!
An ideal place would be one with ocean shores and mountains, temperate climate, moderate population and a good legal/economic system.
Syria or Lebanon, on the beachside

Local weather: 5% chance of precipitation, rocket storm around 3PM, slight gunfire barrage expected. Use caution.

I reside in the USA, Connecticut to be exact. I'd like to buy my own private island. Ah...paradise. Canada is my next option lol.
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Warm sunny climate, short distances to everywhere, good shops, no fear of getting mugged or shot by lunatics, English spoken everywhere, good food, no speed cameras...sounds like where I live now...Cyprus!

I have a friend there selling real estate. She moved from Sweden. I told her to send me some pictures. I have another friend who is from Cyprus. His wife moved to London as a model, he moved to Denver. One of these days...will check that out...