Best country to live in?

Huntsville is a good cosmopolitan city with very large number of engineers and scientists. There are Germans, Chinese, Indians, Russians, Koreans and Damn Britons (just kidding!) with some Salsa thrown in for housekeepers.
Rofl, x2.

Well, it's a mix of capitalism and socialism. Everyone knows that neither pure capitalism or pure socialism can work. Also, we have no derevnyas like the former USSR members.

Ummm... pure capitalism is the only system that truly works.
What America had/has is more of a mercantilist system.
Lebanon is torn by a multitude of extremism, from all factions.
If you want the best of Lebanon without the violence, go to Syria! Same land, better cities, better economy and best of all, extremism is punished so it's hella safer.

Greece is beautiful. While I have never been there, you can, with some visual aid see Greece from Syria and you can travel there if you want by boat

Also Italy is beautiful but I've never been there

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Syria have an already shit economy straining under the weight of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi refugees? Isn't it inhospitable to foreign women, gays, Jews, and pretty much anyone who is not a muslim? Even though Israel is not my choice for the greatest country in the world, it certainly rates higher than Syria.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Syria have an already shit economy straining under the weight of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi refugees? Isn't it inhospitable to foreign women, gays, Jews, and pretty much anyone who is not a muslim? Even though Israel is not my choice for the greatest country in the world, it certainly rates higher than Syria.

Given that, I would much rather live in a Jewish Israel, than a Muslim-run Syria.

And doesn't Israel have the interesting combination of being a "modern" developed country, but also enjoying a high birthrate?
Only among the dirt poor arab population. But that's a great thing. The changing demographics will force the people to have greater tolerance for one another along with creating a breeding ground for atheism. :rolleyes:
Isn't it inhospitable to foreign women, gays, Jews, and pretty much anyone who is not a muslim? Even though Israel is not my choice for the greatest country in the world, it certainly rates higher than Syria.

Sounds more like the US's good friend Saudi Arabia to me.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Syria have an already shit economy straining under the weight of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi refugees? Isn't it inhospitable to foreign women, gays, Jews, and pretty much anyone who is not a muslim? Even though Israel is not my choice for the greatest country in the world, it certainly rates higher than Syria.

Yes, I'll correct you. Syria has only an 11% poverty rate (same as America) and a GDP per capita of $5,000

Also, the beach is awesome:D

No, it isn't inhospitable to foreign women. In fact, there's a good video I'll dig up for you of American tourists who went to Syria, and the women were NOT forced to wear a Hijab, and instead in Latakia nobody did!
Gays? Who needs 'em.
Jews live in Syria in tiny communities in Aleppo and Damascus. Just because they move just means they want to go to their "homeland".

You seriously need to learn more about Syria. In Syria, there is a 10-16% Christians and freedom of religion. The religions also live in peace

Here's a video of the American tourist in Latakia, a Western-esque city

One street that eventually runs out into a center and it opens up toward the end, basically just shops along the street

AWESOME Meridian Hotel
Seriously learn more about Syria it's one of the most historic and beautiful countries in the world. Damascus, Latakia, Homs is very western, Aleppo is very conservative, Hamah is nice too.

What does Lebanon have? Oh yea....Beirut.....which is nice but it's only one city, and when you're there relaxing, you'll probs get shot out of nowhere by some loony.
Title: So should I try to retire early, in Singapore? Or in Mexico?

If I already lived in Singapore, I would welcome "all the children that God gives," and be proud to add my contribution to the rising population density. And encourage everybody I can, to do the same. My point is, since I don't already live there, why would I want to take the chance of moving to, where the population density is already high? When I can stay at home where the population density is low, and raise it here instead?

The U.S. supposedly has all these democratic elections, but the greedy, evil corporations and rich elites buy the public airtime, and American morons elect so many evil, unqualified people to public office, so how do I know that Singapore won't be taken over by some ruthless dictator or something? And with so many people, only 3 million actually, living in such a confined space, they have better be into developing resources and energy, or costs may soar.

Just yesterday, somebody at work told me, that he likes that I am "pronatalist," as he agrees that there's some special value in having children. So I came back later and told him, "You do know that Al Gore is anti-natalist, don't you?" He had lent to me his "An Inconvenient Truth," Al Gore's crock-umentary about "the sky is falling" alarmism "global warming." Me and somebody else, was trying to tell him, that we just don't buy Al Gore's claims that we need to do anything about this presumed, human-caused "global warming." I see it as well worth "crowding" or "warming" our environment, if ever it comes to that, in order for people to be able to go on having their precious darling babies.

Human population growth is beautiful, because it so expands the numbers of people who can then enjoy living.

The natural "blossoming" of the human race, increasingly filling the planet, helps keeps things interesting, children make the world so much less dreary-looking, and provides a very useful motivation towards innovation and technology growth. Besides, humans need a few "challenges" anyway, to keep us out of trouble and to keep from getting bored.

Well, if thats your view, so be it. However, I was speaking from a point of emigration, if someone was looking for a suitable country to live instead of their own.
America has a record (if you will) , Nixon, bush I, clinton, Lying presidents subject to lobbying and deceit. Now, I'm not saying Singpaorean politicians are somewhat immune, but rather that they have a better record. Better than their neighbours anyway.
I've heard that Singapore was really rich
What about Dubai? Nobody's mentioned it.
True Fact: the U.A.E has more foreign nationals than any other nation on Earth
And how are they paid and treated ?

You've seen Norsefire's (and others) disdain for non Arabs who speak arabic.. It's not a giant leap to assume that their treatment of labourers is the same.
And how are they paid and treated ?

You've seen Norsefire's (and others) disdain for non Arabs who speak arabic.. It's not a giant leap to assume that their treatment of labourers is the same.

Labourers, but tourists are a different matter.
Probably, because so many people spit it out on the streets.

Chinese culture is known for its spitting nature. There is a long held superstition that excess saliva is better out than in (something about casting out dirty spit / bad spirits). This culture came with the population in Singapore which is about a third Chinese. In order to eradicate this trend, ordnances were passed in order to end the socially unsavory practice of spitting.
