Book of Mormon: true or false?

Explaining the Tribes of Isreal & where they went

The best I found on the tribes of Isreal, where they have moved on, plus so much more is on google jahtruth and abraham

Enjoy the read!

Also on the prophecies : jahtruth and horse They both come up first or close.

Love Christopher
Ahh Mormonism. Magic Underwear and all!

I'd say false. Then again, I'd say that about any religion, really.
I do not believe this theory, because except for the Vikings, there's no real evidence that any other culture had an impact on any Native American tribe, until Columbus.

There is some evidence the chinese may have done some exploration of the west coast.

Mormanism was stolen religious fiction.
May be Joseph Smith took up a challenge that he can create a religion out of thin air and people will eat it up. He succeeded....
May be Joseph Smith took up a challenge that he can create a religion out of thin air and people will eat it up. He succeeded....

Worked that way for L. Ron Hubbard. Although I think in Joseph Smith's case he did it for the money, as he was a known con artist.
The Book of Mormon is a total fabrication; a made up story.

Mormons came a knockin and I read as much of their book as a could stomach- before laughing hysterically... I could have written a better bible than that and I'm not a great writer.

There's ultimately one thing missing from Mormon doctrine: a shred of proof.

HEY FOLKS! You ever see a female Mormon? Ever wonder why Mormons are always young men between 16 and 22?

Didja ever wonder why males at their sexual peak and in the prime of their lives are sent thousands of miles away from their nest- where all the 16-22 year old females are, and didja ever wonder why Mormon women marry older men?

And while we're at it, have you ever heard of the lost boys? No- not the movie-the class of people: male ex-Mormon youths who didn't make the cut so they were apostated- thrown away. Literally dropped off at the side of the road penniless and ignorant- full of Mormon ideals.

No? There's over a thousand of them in Salt Lake City- you should Google it sometime. Most of them survive through prostitution but most of them die from crack within a year or two- it's a wonderful read.

Amazing... all the good little male Mormons are sent thousands of miles away for years and all the bad little Mormons are thrown out. What's what leave? Middle aged men and little 16-22 year olds in a closed society.

Isn't America grand?!!
You ever see a female Mormon?

Yes actually! A couple of female American missionaries tried converting a lapsed Catholic I used to share a house with. They were a hoot. They had totally different politics, and disagreed on most subjects to do with society, and when asked what the position of the Church, or Mormonism itself was the answer? 'God doesn't get involved in Politics'. Riiiiiiiiiiiight, politics is about people, plain and simple, but God/Moroni isn't interested?

Anyway, we asked them some difficult questions, they brought round a church elder who also couldn't answer our questions, so they gave up coming.
It is my understanding that Mormon church membership is similar to The Free Masons & other fraternity-like organizations. For example: The Free masons have 3 peon-like degrees. I think they are Apprentice, Journeyman, & Mastor Mason. The the top degree is 33.

I do not think you can be more than a peon Mormon if you do not spend some time evangelizing in the world of non-Mormons.
Joseph Smith was a Free Mason. But he was expelled from the organization for taking what he had learned in the lodge and making it a religion. Free Masonry likes to stay away from favoring any single religion. Free Masons welcome members from all races and and all religions. Free Masonry does not want to be seen as or advocate religion, although members must believe in God.

There are no degrees in the Mormon Religion, but there are three levels of the priesthood.

If you get into Mormonism, there is a lot of symbolism borrowed from Free Masonry.
The problem I have with this thread is that it attacks a religion. The Mormon religion is a good religion. There are a lot of really good Mormons. So to attack or hurt their belief system is wrong.

On the other hand, there is this issue of truth. It is a tough balancing act.
The problem I have with this thread is that it attacks a religion. The Mormon religion is a good religion. There are a lot of really good Mormons. So to attack or hurt their belief system is wrong. On the other hand, there is this issue of truth. It is a tough balancing act.
This is the Comparative Religion subforum, not Religion. This is a place of science. Religion, being an unreasoned faith in the ability of supernatural forces to affect conditions in the natural universe, is unscientific at best and antiscientific at worst. Therefore it is a legitimate target of criticism here.

According to the Rule of Laplace, when any extraordinary assertion is presented without extraordinary evidence, we are not obliged to treat it with respect. To treat a religion with respectful criticism exceeds our obligation.

Just because members of a religion manage to be really good people doesn't make their religion a really good belief system. Correlation does not imply causation; that's one of the most popular--and most dangerous--fallacies on earth.
Mormonism borders a cult in the sense that it teaches its youth a skewed vision of reality from birth... it teaches them "we're right and they're wrong, period." from birth.

The problem with this is that Mormonism itself is a flawed religion... it's an overly detailed, poorly written fabrication, invented by Joseph Smith.
1. This is the Comparative Religion subforum, not Religion. This is a place of science.
2. Religion, being an unreasoned faith in the ability of supernatural forces to affect conditions in the natural universe, is unscientific at best and antiscientific at worst.
3. Therefore it is a legitimate target of criticism here.
4. According to the Rule of Laplace, when any extraordinary assertion is presented without extraordinary evidence, we are not obliged to treat it with respect.
5. To treat a religion with respectful criticism exceeds our obligation.
6. Just because members of a religion manage to be really good people doesn't make their religion a really good belief system. Correlation does not imply causation; that's one of the most popular--and most dangerous--fallacies on earth.

hi FR; thanks for clarifying some points & ground rules.
you know you guys are giving me headaches trying to research all these things you're talking about, like "Rule of Laplace", etc...(not just in this subforum, but in most, though there are a few people that are just stumps) before I put in my 2 cents worth
1. a place of science; meaning to propose a hypothesis on a problem or set of circumstances, dissect it, experiment, prove or disprove, write findings, etc..., thats the ideal here, ok
2. I listen to Hank Hanegraaff on Bible Answerman & he says that Christianity is faith grounded in reason, to me, I'm Christian because I believe that something outside of the universe created it, its too wonderful, I believe that God created the universe to be self-sustaining by repeating cycles; Big Bang, water, carbon, life, etc...I can't comprehend our life as being random chance, it seems too organized to me; birds, bees, prey, predator, seasons, I had an art teacher that gave us a project, variation on a theme, thats what the universe seems like to me & I believe in ID because of all the patterns I see
3. agreed, every belief system must be tried & true, otherwise why follow it
4. if I understand this right, it means any outrageous claims proposed by adherents, can not be taken seriously unless they prove it
Mormon claims that BoM empires roamed the US have had to shrink drastically to a small strip of Central America because of the lack of proof, so that those Nephites and Lamanites empires are now claimed to have been in Maya land, I guess because there aren't too many Maya scientists to push back on those claims & settle it for us, there are even tours to take happy campers to Belize, Guatemala & Mexico to see these BoM ruins, I guess the American education system failed them, we are the worse in the world in geography & history after all, (math & science too)
5. as long as we are respectful with each other, right?
6. I believe that, I believe that JW, LDS are taught to be good, as an example to outsiders, suits, best dresses, white shirt & ties, best behavior
but they definitely have different beliefs about the Bible
1. Another point is, that any one coming over to the Western Hemisphere with iron, steel or shipbuilding technology
2. would have made a huge impact on stone-age people
3. Anybody with metal swords would have become kings or great warriors of myth.... These swords would have been treasured and handed down for generations, sort of like the Arthurian legend of England.
4. Mormons, that claim that the Native American Indians are descendant from the "Ten Lost Tribes of Israel",... any reference to "Lost Tribes" is in error, since I think that any descendents of the Assyrian Captivity stayed on in the remnants of that empire, lived as Jews there (so they were not ‘lost’), up until the founding of the modern State of Israel, when they immigrated to Israel from present-day Syria, Iraq & Iran (the borders of the old Assyrian Empire)
5. As an example, I would like to point out this: look at the Mexican people, a mixture of Spanish & Indian blood. The Spanish dialect spoken by Mexicans, has Aztec & other Indian words in it. Mexican food, has Spanish & native foods mixed together. Mexican art & architecture, are a mixture of European & Indian styles. Why? Because there was definite, provable historical contact.

1. yeah, thats what the Book of Mormon says, steel bows too;
"Nephi's Near Eastern bow was "made of fine steel" (1 Ne 16.18)
2. stone-age, like cavemen? I find that hard to believe, how exactly did they build those pyramids & cities then?
3. that would be an interesting re-telling of an old legend
4. thats an interesting theory, time for me to google that
5. I think that alone probably blows Mormon mythology out of the water
The Book of Mormon was most likely mistranslated

I wonder what you people think of that haha
I agree, the book of Mormon is not true. The only true revelation is the Koran. If you take the time to read the Koran, ask Mohammad for forgiveness, then you will see Allah in the afterlife.
1. I agree, the book of Mormon is not true
2. The only true revelation is the Koran
3. If you take the time to read the Koran,
4. ask Mohammad for forgiveness,
5. then you will see Allah in the afterlife.

hi JL:
just a few comments
1. me too
2. how can the Koran be true, since its apparently been altered? there are 1000 of korans that were found in Yemen with different verses, different chapter orders
3. I started, but it seems just as repetitious as the Book of Mormon & boring
4. why? he's dead, he's not the messiah or the mahdi, were in the hadiths does it say that?
5. I don't think so, the more I read about islam, the more I believe that islam is a made-up religion, a mental virus that is attached to several self-replicating memes that reinforce islamic mindset completely, so it will probably conquer the world

so learn arabic now all you infidels, your time has come, submit now or pay the jizya tax or die, your choice, you have been warned