Burning the flag.

Actually no it doesnt

Free expression ends where it hurts someone else

and who cares if it "means more to them"

just because a bible means more to christans doesnt mean i cant burn THAT
CounslerCoffee said:
Yes, it does. You can burn the flag as an expression, and someone can kick your as for the same reason—or throw a brick through your window.

That person has sworn allegiance to that flag and thinks of it as blasphemy to burn it. Someone in military service views that flag differently then you.

Yes and the person kicking the butt should go to jail while the flag burner did not break any laws andgoes home to nurse the wounds and press charges.

You are not sworn in to the flag, you are sworn to the service of the country. Is the flag giving military orders too? So all this time we've been fighting wars for a piece of cloth? Sure dude, get yer facts right. Pledging allegience to the flag is a metaphor referring to the country and ideals it stands... not the piece of fabric it is made out of.

Give me a break people. If the damn flag is so important why the hell are chinese and taiwanese making them for us? Only thing flags stand for in this country is profit.... how many flags can be sold. Nothing more.
Just for the wonderful irony of it, I’d like to see a pro-America rally where the participants burn flag burners in effigy. It would be shocking at first, then confusing, and then probably just sort of funny.
Is it wrong to burn those bitish flag boxes that Austin Powers wears?

actually come to think of it isnt WEARING British flag boxes disrespecting the flag?
Yes, many moons ago it would have been considered to be disrespectful to wear a shirt or pants with the emblem of the United States flag. But, as they soon found out, people would buy them and corporations could make loads of $$$ off them... so they changed their minds.

Another thing that would not have been allowed was people displaying damaged flags... like people driving around with those flags in the windows of their cars all tattered and torn... a BIG no-no.
Asguard said:
actually come to think of it isnt WEARING British flag boxes disrespecting the flag?

I've got a pair of American Flag boxers, and lord knows I fart in 'em now and again.
Should see if you can get american flag toilet paper

REALLY "disrespect" the flag
wow, can't believe nobody posted this piece on the thread yet:

The Soldier

It is the soldier, not the reporter,
who has given us freedom of the press.

It is the soldier, not the poet,
who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the soldier, not the campus organizer,
who has given us the freedom to demonstrate.

It is the soldier, not the lawyer,
who has given us the right to a fair trial.

It is the soldier,
who salutes the flag,
who serves under the flag,
and whose coffin is draped by the flag,
who allows the protester to burn the flag.

By Charles M. Province

Additionally, the whole symbolism that many of you here deny is pretty obviously pointed out in the pledge of alliegance.

I pledge alliegance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic FOR WHICH IT STANDS, one Nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

I'm not saying it's illegal, I'm just saying it's in bad taste, because of the soldiers who served under the flag. Kind of like burning the cross, not illegal (or is it?), but definately in bad taste.
Asguard said:
Should see if you can get american flag toilet paper

REALLY "disrespect" the flag

Oh there are enough politicians out there already wiping their asses with the flag, I don't think that I need to get involved in any of that myself.

Fallen Angel said:
It is the soldier, not the

Society is based on the principal that if we don't like what you're doing, we can send a man with a gun to shoot you dead. So please, do remember to have some respect for those men with guns, and don't you dare tick them off by insulting their fascist nation-worship.

have you ever given a flag to a widow? to some it is everything. i don't really get it myself. but when you fold a flag from a coffin, and than hand it to the widow, some of them value that tremendously. for people like those that it means so much to i would never burn the flag.
GuessWho said:
Has anyone ever burned the flag of another country inside their land?
Palestinians burn the Israeli flag all the time on the news. Though they don't really see themselves as part of that nation, they technically and legally are. I imagine such events wouldn't get a lot of press in the US because who cares, but it seems almost foolishly silly to assume it doesn’t go on. Are you suggesting that anywhere else in the world they would be shot, and hence we shouldn’t do it in America because people who do it aught to be shot? I’m sure that is an invalid assertion. Come to think of it I think I have seen video of it being done in the Soviet Union, Britain and China.
Happens all the time here

EVERY flag too

US. brittish, Australian, Indoneasian

depends who they are protesting about
Asguard said:
Happens all the time here

EVERY flag too

US. brittish, Australian, Indoneasian

depends who they are protesting about

And there's a good reason for that, and it's got a lot to do with cameras and people's attention span.

Burning a flag is a simple clear visual statement which can be presented in just a fraction of a second, protesters don't need to even have some media outlet let them record a sound bite.
still waiting for a good rebuttal, i'm sure you guys can come up with a good argument against what i presented.... still waiting... or am i just going to be ignored?
It would be better just to hang the flag upside-down. As a political statement, it lasts longer.
If one hates his/her country so much, why not just leave and live somewhere else and at least have the common courtesy to leave the flag alone? Why keep living in the country that he/she hates so much and therefore be a hypocrite?
So what you mean is that rather than bitch for 8 years of Clintonian rule, the republican party should have set sail for the Dominican Republic or something? Folks don't stage big roudy protests just because they "hate their country so much" they want to change their country, smartass.