Burning the flag.

SpyMoose said:
So what you mean is that rather than bitch for 8 years of Clintonian rule, the republican party should have set sail for the Dominican Republic or something? Folks don't stage big roudy protests just because they "hate their country so much" they want to change their country, smartass.
What I meant was if the flag burners hate their country so much that they want to burn the flag then these flag burners should be the ones moving to some place like China...

It looks like to me so far that the democrats attacked Bush more in one year than Clinton being attacked for 8 eight years...

If anyone just want to change the country, is burning the flag the most appropriate action to demand a change?

Did the republican party ever burn the flag protesting Clinton or any other purpose? I though flag burners are democrats or at least the majority of flag burners belong to the democrat party...smartmouth!
GuessWho said:
What I meant was if the flag burners hate their country so much that they want to burn the flag then these flag burners should be the ones moving to some place like China...

It is suddenly not allowed to protest anymore in the land of the free?
of corse not

Have you ever noticed that the ones shouting they are free are also the ones restricted the most, who breach the same human rights the are screaming they have most?

you know what they say about empty vessals
spuriousmonkey said:
It is suddenly not allowed to protest anymore in the land of the free?
How can a land be called "the land of free" if protest is not allowed? Of course it is allowed but if burning the flag is the way to protest, then I would like to ask them to go to China. Note that I was only asking (unless I do not have this right) and not forcing anyone.

Anyway, buring the flag of a country inside the land of that country obviously means that the burner hates the land that he is standing on. Not leaving makes this flag burner a hypocrite.
well, nobody addressed my point, i find it valid, but if i'm gonna be ignored, i'm taking my toys and going home :eek:
Fallen Angel said:
well, nobody addressed my point, i find it valid, but if i'm gonna be ignored, i'm taking my toys and going home :eek:
Was your point the one about the widows? Should we halt any sort of criticism of the government because it may offend others who’s family members fought and died in the military? Is the government infinitely beyond reproach because at one point these people served it? When did it acquire these mystical properties? In my home is a small shrine to my grandfather. It contains the American flag given to us upon his death, a picture of him in his uniform, and a model of the P-38 aircraft that he flew in WWII. Does my sentiment that I don't like the nation he fought for being perverted in a senseless war in the middle east count for anything?

The true problem is a difference of language. Conservatives are overly superstitious. When a wild eyed liberal protester burns a flag, he is saying "America, you are screwing up big-time" of course a conservative is not capable of extracting a rational message from such a wild action, all he sees is someone saying "I hate America" or once the spin doctors have gone to work on it "I hate American troops and apple pie, and baseball, and capitalism and all things Christian and good and wholesome!"

Personally, I think the upside-down flag is much more appropriate, but I also don't think that a method of protesting should be banned just because it provokes raction and gets attention. That is what a good protest is meant to do, even if that particular method is just asking for miscommunication.
As a conservative I take offense at the generalizations that keep getting tossed my way without my having earned them. I support the rights of any one who wants to safely burn the flag to burn the flag. I oppose in general most forms of censorship. I believe that the public airwaves should be censored pretty much to the same standard that the public areas are no more no less.
GuessWho said:
How can a land be called "the land of free" if protest is not allowed? Of course it is allowed but if burning the flag is the way to protest, then I would like to ask them to go to China. Note that I was only asking (unless I do not have this right) and not forcing anyone.

Anyway, buring the flag of a country inside the land of that country obviously means that the burner hates the land that he is standing on. Not leaving makes this flag burner a hypocrite.

You have to love the country you live in? Is that written somewhere in the constitution?
GuessWho said:
Anyway, buring the flag of a country inside the land of that country obviously means that the burner hates the land that he is standing on. Not leaving makes this flag burner a hypocrite.

The opposite I think. Flag burning is often the way a protester says, “Wake up fellow citizens. This country can do better.” It’s patriotic like SwedishFish said.
Flag burning. What's all the fuss? Of course you should be able to burn a flag. Does it mean you "hate" your country? Possibly, but I think it is far more likely that you are trying to improve your country, not defile it.

I also think that we are discussing two tiny, but noisy minorities here. The flag-burners, and those who wield their baseball bats agin em, represent the extreme spectrum of thought on this topic.
i don't think that people against flag burning (not necessarily baseball bat wielders) make up a minority.

well, what about burning a cross? i'm sure there'd be some people that would be offended by the symbolism that implies. how is that not in bad taste? flag burning comes close to that i think.
ahh yes

People can be "offened" all they want

but they dont try to make cross burning illegal do they?
Why can't some people understand that when you burn the flag, you don't hate America. It's a message. You disapprove of whats going on in America. It's like saying "this is NOT what America stands for". It's protest, why is it an issue? Of course many people will be "offended". So what? Should we all cowar back and apologize because someone was too close-minded to see another side of view? I don't think anything has ever offended me, or at least, offended me to the point of wanting it banned or anything. People have different opinions, and this opinion shouldn't be illegal since our Constitution supports that arguement. What if burning a...I don't know...rubber duckie offended someone because a rubber duckie was symbolic of peace for them? Should I stop burning my rubber duckie right away since someone didn't like it? Should I give in to their view points that way? If you don't want to see a flag burned, then simply don't watch and go about your day.
There's a rule in the US that you can't deface the currency. Technically all those "I Grew Hemp" stamps on $1 bills are illegal. Or maybe not. But I think only the one-cent piece is exempt from that on the grounds that they're necessary but vestigial. The government and banks hate them, so there's a rule about what value of currency you can't deface. I think at present the penny is the only one you can.

And so if you wandered through hippie markets in the 1990s, you may have seen ugly black bracelets made of a synthetic leather crimped with various clasps, but decorated with a single penny with a design (e.g. valentine heart, shamrock, &c) punched out of the middle. Yeah, people paid for cheap bracelets made from ruined pennies.

And, of course, you can put fifty-one cents into a machine and get your penny back mangled and stamped with a new design. Maybe it's $1.01 now.

But heaven help you if you deface something American for a reason that doesn't have to do with money. One television project I'm trying to get into coherent enough notes to sell will call for various burnings on the air over its five-year mission: money, Bibles, police-in-effigy, six-million Jews. You know, the usual. I figure a flag or two have got to go in there somewhere. It all depends on why you do something. Burning six-million Jews for art is a far, far better thing than burning them for property seizure and general paranoia.

I mean ....

Er ....

Disclaimer: If I need to tell you which part of this post is a joke, don't ask. Just go home, pretend you're smart, and have another drink.
snow said:
Do you guys think it should be illegal to burn the American flag as a sigh of protest?
Personaly I think it should be legal,even though I think its horrible.
Well, let's put it this way..

I rather enjyoed watching one idiot set himself on fire while trying to burn the flag, but that is poetic justice. Hearing someone has been arrested for peaceful protest bothers me too.

I am an American, A free man, and that freedom requires me to be tolerant of every mans rights to peacefully protest anything he/she wants.

..if the arse sets himself ablaze doing it, well that's just evening news entertainment then..

Fallen Angel said:
i don't think that people against flag burning (not necessarily baseball bat wielders) make up a minority.

well, what about burning a cross? i'm sure there'd be some people that would be offended by the symbolism that implies. how is that not in bad taste? flag burning comes close to that i think.

Just so long as they aren't burning a cross with a flag draped on it.

That's just wrong... :D
How about I nail Bush to a cross, drape a flag over it and set it all on fire, I think that might be offending someone...

But common, a cross is just two pieces of wood, what about burning it, is it any different than burning a piece of cloth? All those materialists... :rolleyes:
Dreamwalker said:
How about I nail Bush to a cross, drape a flag over it and set it all on fire, I think that might be offending someone...

But common, a cross is just two pieces of wood, what about burning it, is it any different than burning a piece of cloth? All those materialists... :rolleyes:

Because when you burn a cross you are not just burning two pieces of wood, you are expressing an act of intellectual violence against the symbol of something you are unhappy with. Any act of violence whether intellectual or physical against any belief system's symbols inspires feelings of anger and thirst for vengeance.