Bush Pisses Me Off!


Registered Senior Member
Thats it I've had it, I cant stand it any longer. Ever since the damn Republican has been appointed, quasi-elected, whatever you want to call Indesicion 2000 we've returned to 1930s America. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, IS BECOMING AN ISOLATIONIST COUNTRY!

He's been ignoring plees against a missile shield, denied the Kyoto protocal, wants to pull the peacekeepers out of the Balkans, cut foreign aid, is turning his back at everything the UN proposes, ignores NATO constnatly, and NOW has chosen to not sign the Anti-Germ Warfare Accord. JESUS! I can't believe this idiot. Theres gonna be another war somewhere in the next 6 months, Americans will die because he has been giving the world the middle finger. We're making our own bed to sleep in.

Imagine how many MILLIONS could have been saved if the US jumped in September 1939, when Hitler invaded Poland.

I HOPE THIS CAUSES AN UPROAR OF DISAGREEMENT, AND AGREEMENT. I'd rather cast my vote for Snoop Dogg as President, than George W. Bush!

Right on big man! It's nice to see that you agree with what the rest of the world percieve as an isolationalist and a bit of a moron. How come a guy who's barely been out of the country be elected. I have friends in Chicago and LA that share this general opinion of this guy. Perhaps you can tell me what they could not ie: what policies of his did people agree with so strongly to get him elected... surely it wasn't his foreign policy!!:confused:
His popps bought the Presidency for him for Christmas I can see it know:

Bush Senior: Hey Georgie what would you like for Christmas this year?

Bush Jr.: Oh, oh, I know daddy, how bout the Pressidancy?

Bush Senior: Sounds good, me and Bhar should be able to do that. Maybe good ol' Jeb can help out.

(Jeb and W look at eachother big grins.)

In a little bit more serious version, there was a Clinton backlash, he's dads got powerful friends, gun control was a huge issue, and he's also from old money. Yale, and oil can get you the white house if your good.

I think the Supreme Court should be tried for Crimes Against the State.

And though her name escapes me at the moment, the Florida Secretary of State at the center of our electoral difficulties this past fall is now running for US Senate. Even less surprising, she is enthusiastically supported by the GOP.

Why am I not surprised? You take part in the botching of an election and you're apparently qualified to run for Senate? O-tay.

I'll stick with my $1.99 backscratcher from the five-and-dime.

Tiassa :cool:
New York City, and for the most park NY state is a heavily democratic area, with the exception of Mayor Juiliani. Hillary got elected because she was the only democrat with cred, and she's Bill's wife. I HOPE TO GOD SHE DOESN'T RUN FOR PRESIDENT IN 2004. Funny thing is Clinton must be the happiest man in the world right now. Hillary's in NYC, and he's in upstate NY, do the math. :D

I've got it!!

Next election, you guys can vote for the most influential guy in the world. Everyone knows and loves him, from Tokyo to London. Arnold Schwarzenegger!!

Well, OK.... maybe not!;)
The US is starting to adopt an isolationist roll but that is not all bad. I agree that Bush has gone to far and must cooperate with the rest of the world or we could have some serious economic problems. We have needed to pull back some of our troops and cut foreign aid. We are spreading ourselves thin as NATO and the UN always ask us to supply the troops as if we have a huge population to draw on it. American troops are supposed to be defending AMERICA. As far as aid goes, we have plenty of problems here that need to be addressed first, not the least includes Social Security.
The missile shield is a matter all it's own. Other countries are screaming about the treaty and how we cannot build a shield but has anyone asked why they are so upset? The shield will protect America from them. It will make us no where near as vulnerable as other nations. I can see why they are not happy. How long do we have to wait before people understand its need. When a rouge levels New York maybe people will understand. Then again the pentagon or the senate will be leveled and we can declare a holiday.
Well ....

I don't think Hillary Clinton is a fair comparison. Sure, the woman is as criminally savvy as the next Senator, but she sure as hell didn't blow an election out her ass. Rewards for incompetence? The American Way!

Tiassa :cool:
Bush is brilliant.

I like having bush as a president. You anti-bushies are all so messed up after having Clinton for a president that you don't know what a good politician is. Clinton was not really a leader; he was a greedy, selfish, incompetant warlord driven mostly by the desire to be a public figure. Bush however, thinks before he makes desicions, and has a good natured caring attitude. Already Russia and Italy have agreed to support the missle plan.
The fact is, the US is not becoming isolationist but rather more concerned with our own affairs and not everyone else's. A lot of the bills and laws bush has 'rejected' he has merely postponed for the lack of conclusive evidence. The guy's only a few months into office, and he's got some cleaning up to do after the havoc created from Clinton and his Cronies. Give him time, and don't judge him so quickly and brutally.:eek:

I am sensing some anti-Clintonism here...:)

I think it needs to be pointed out that although all the foreign heads of state are yelling and screaming at the US, and the US delegates to the recent conference on the Kyoto Treaty had to sit out portions because of the extreme anti-american feelings,


Why is this? Kyoto is, was, and always will be a joke. Everyone got together, made a feel good treaty, then got home and realized that it didn't actually solve any problems, and was not a viable plan. Bush, for all his problems, is the only one who has had the courage to actually be honest, and admit that it isn't a good treaty, and something else needs to be adopted.

Congress wasn't going to ratify it anyways, so Bush is catching flack for refusing to sign something that never would have come before him in the first place...*sigh*..He probably deserves it though.

I will join the anti-bushies in being angry over the refusal to sign the Kyoto Treaty when a single other first world country signs the treaty. I don't have to worry much though, because we all know that will never happen.
A foreigner's point of view

Hi all,

Well, I might not be an citizen of the US of A, but I do try to follow your politics as close as possible (after all, the president of the US is probably one of the two most powerful men in the world).

Piffi said:
Clinton was not really a leader; he was a greedy, selfish, incompetant warlord driven mostly by the desire to be a public figure. Bush however, thinks before he makes desicions, and has a good natured caring attitude. Already Russia and Italy have agreed to support the missle plan.

Hrm, forgive me my ignorance, if any, but wasn't it Bush Sr. that started the Gulf war ? Wasn't it Clinton who personally tried to solve the disputes in ex-Yugoslavia ? Wasn't it Clinton who agreed with the Russians to lower the nuclear arsenal ? These are just a few examples I can think of now, but there are plenty of others. Then you have Bush, who succeeded in pissing off both Russia and China in the first month he was president (the famous spyplane incident, although now appearantly settled), who decided that Alaska would be an excellent oil drilling spot, who ... (and all the other things Curly1 already mentioned). But well, he has to give something back to the industry that got him his president's seat. I wouldn't exactly call this "a caring attitude".

Most European countries respected Clinton for his great interest in foreign politics. If we now hear that Bush hardly reads any dossiers and just lets some secretary summarize a whole file in 15 minutes for him to make a decision... I just can't think of what will happen in the next year. My personal guess is that he wants to surpass Bush Sr. by going to war again, let's say... in Taiwan or something.

Also, Russia has not agreed to the NMD/SDI yet. I believe only the UK and Spain agreed to support, but it would suprise me if the Italians did.

Corp. Hudson said:

I don't understand why this keeps popping up at newssites everywhere, but to my knowledge some countries in the EU have already ratified it. The country I live in, Belgium, ratified it 2 weeks ago, and I believe we were preceeded by The Netherlands (maybe KneD can confirm/correct this ?). But then again, we probably don't count as a "first world" nation ;).


Bush created a recession

Everyone knows that the heart of a recession is consumer psychology; if you say recession enough, it happens. I believe it was the week of January 10 that it happened. An AP article came over a local newsfax to one of my coworkers that included a two-inch story about a number of American university economics programs who were releasing as much data as they could assemble in an effort to demonstrate that there was no recession. Even Greenspan thought we could go around it.

Middle of the week, Time magazine comes out. The cover story? How to survive the recession.

If you say it enough, the people will believe you. Sure, you can't pronounce words without help, but if you're president, people believe you.

The American economy has hit its rough spot because of the subliminable ;) effect of the president yelling "Recession" when there just isn't cause.
You anti-bushies are all so messed up after having Clinton for a president that you don't know what a good politician is. Clinton was not really a leader; he was a greedy, selfish, incompetant warlord driven mostly by the desire to be a public figure.
Warlord? Ha! Let's see, he had to send troops to Somalia (gift from Poppy Bush), involve his administration in Haiti (gift from Poppy), involve his administration in the Balkans (which neither Reagan nor Poppy cared about) ... hey, it was a great trick on Poppy's part: don't finish anything, and let everyone think the next guy screwed up. This as opposed to the warlord Poppy Bush who invaded Panama (to remove a dictator financed by the CIA, under Director Poppy Bush), and Iraq (remove a dictator financed by the CIA, under Director Poppy Bush). His generals told CNN where the SEAL teams were landing in Somalia. He repatriated Haitians on whatever grounds while opening the border to Irish "war refugees" (a rider sponsored by Ted Kennedy, but the hypocrisy of signing it at that time just slays me) .... Clinton was the cleanup man.

Yeah, we loved Clinton for president. Who else in the world can be accused of conspiring against your rights by asking the nation's people to be kind to one another? Who else in the world can be so effective that the opposition has to spend forty million dollars committing felonies while investigating fellatio? Sure, he was a sideshow, but the economy did well, which is important to the people, and they laughed all the way home because of the GOP-inspired circus on the hill. Sure, we were worried that he was lagging down the legal system; I know how much he hated to appoint judges, and how desperately the GOP was begging him to get judges to the federal benches :rolleyes: In fact, the only thing I'm disappointed in Clinton about is that McCaffrey bit with the Drug War. Of course, that's right up his pattern to: The nation wanted a Drug War. He gave us a General, who executed so badly that the Drug War will end soon. Sure, a lot of people have paid unjustly, but it's still the fault of the American people for believing superstition and demanding that their leaders persecute anyone they don't like. Embittered? Yes. Smart? Perhaps. But that Drug War move did the trick. It will be over soon, because General McCaffrey blew it out his ass. It's an ugly method of winning the War against the people, but it seems to have had its effect. I'm pretty sure he lost some sleep on that one, too, but it was a calculated effort that went badly in one sense--harshness--and perfectly in another: inspiring revulsion toward the war.

All in all, it wasn't a bad eight years. It would have been a little better if misogynist GOP leaders hadn't stonewalled the Health Plan because it was being devised by a woman; and it would have gone a little better if the GOP was interested in anything other than riding up front on the plane.

Tiassa :cool:

I DON'T WHAT THE PROBLEM IS. PERSONALLY, <IMG SRC="http://www.sciforums.com/f62/s/attachment.php?s=&postid=46566">I LOVE BUSH:D

I have a question: Are you people as stupid as the average Democrat, or are you just acting out some level of ironic humor?
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Damn, shows what being sick for three days can leave you. There are too many of these things to reply to so let me be brief and selective.

HOWARDSTERN, I hope that comment wasn't directed to me. And I think that picture of the stripper getting spanked is not only stupid but repetitive.

FA_Q2 America's troops should be defending democracy, here and abroad. This is what the US should do so that we don't have little Hitlers and Maos running thrid-world countries. I think we saw what happened last time we didn't have the balls to stand up to someone that was breaking the law. It costs too many lives for what we could have fixed in a year of invasion and bombing over early Nazi Germany.

Too little time, g2g, bye.
BobbyLee I hope things do change, but until they do America cannot allow itself to become isolationist. If we do we risk destroying freedom abroad, and we will have shut our selves out of the world to such an extent than when and if we rejoin we'll be too far behind in whats going on.

thecurly1 ...

Re. your statement:
I think we saw what happened last time we didn't have the balls to stand up to someone that was breaking the law. It costs too many lives for what we could have fixed in a year of invasion and bombing over early Nazi Germany.
In this period of overpopulation, we could afford to loose ten times as many lives as were lost in all the conflicts since 1900 and still hardly make a dent in the overpopulation bit.

I don't think you realize just how prolific our species can be.
I don't care about what happens to the world populus as a whole. I don't want to see a million people die, let alone the FIFTY million plus that died during WWII.

If Britian, the US, and France, generally the League Of Nations, had stopped Hilter from re-arming Germany than WWII wouldn't have happnened.

There is no way in the future or the past to justify what happened between 1939-1945. Any war no matter how big or small is a horrible thing. Sadly the human species hasn't figured out how to work things out in a more peacefull matter.

Warfare has solved more disputes than any other method in history, but at the costs of human lives. A cost that is always a high one at that.
Better late than never!

" If Britian, the US, and France, generally the League Of Nations, had stopped Hilter from re-arming Germany than WWII wouldn't have happnened."

That is in no way true. It would have delayed WWII but not stopped it. We learned a valuable lesson in WWII that truly needed to be taught. Do you know what was the underlining creator of WWII? It was WWI and the USA attempting to control the world. Germany needed to pay for its destruction after the war because of US and the ensuing poverty laid the setting for WWII. If not Hitler then another megalomaniac would have done it. Maybe it was a good thing it was Hitler, Germany lost the war because of his stupidity.

" FA_Q2 America's troops should be defending democracy, here and abroad. This is what the US should do so that we don't have little Hitlers and Maos running thrid-world countries. I think we saw what happened last time we didn't have the balls to stand up to someone that was breaking the law. It costs too many lives for what we could have fixed in a year of invasion and bombing over early Nazi Germany. "

Why does America need to defend democracy elsewhere? Why do you think the rest of the world hates us? Maybe because we are pompous asses who force our way on everybody else. I've got news for you, if we keep spreading ourselves out another country is going to destroy us and it wont be a democratic country.

The thing that really pisses me off is not the policies outside the country but the bending of bush to the moral majority. I still can't believe Tiassia has not raised hell over that, or I have missed it. He is going to turn this country into a fanatic nation.
Suprise, most of the world likes the US!

Yes I'm back after a short vacation.

Hmm, if our troops don't defend democracy than there will be even more wars and then one of those wars will have to involve us. Would you rather have a few hundred thousand peacekeepers in the world, or a few hundred thousand dead soldiers.

Jeez, I think it's called premptive activity. You try to prevent whatever dispute to the fullest extent possible to avoid war.

Don't tell me that the US shouldn't try to help solve disputes and curb wars before they start.

To bad the rest of the world is too immature to realise that fighting shouldn't be used to resolve problems.

P.S. The United States and democracy abroad has tried to be crushed multiple times in this century alone. Some attempts suceeded for the short term, but democracy, the people's freedom has crushed the facists and communists as well as other entities that have threatened all personal freedoms.