Bush Pisses Me Off!

Maybe but this democracy wont be there to see it if we are so blind. Also, I don't see many people outside our country that like Americans. Even our neighbors the Mexican do not like our attitude. It is painfully obvious why just in your statement:

" To bad the rest of the world is too immature to realize that fighting shouldn't be used to resolve problems. "

Do you truly believe that you are better than the other 95% of the worlds population just because you were born in this country. Because you are a lucky rich bastard in comparison with the larger portion of the world.

Democracy has been crushed in many countries as well. We are not so powerful as to mess with China just yet but we seem to be doing a good job at pissing them off.
Ever heard of jealousy?

Plus China doesn't scare me, they don't want to get in a war with us. We acel at fighting full on nations. Our Navy would kick their ass and the war would be over. Plus we could drop a nuke on every pedicab and head in the PRC.
Sorry I forgot.

Back to the original topic, isn't it true that Bush is leading us in to a neo-isolationist era?
Not entirely isolationist

It seems Bush and the GOP are backing a plan to open the borders to Mexican truckers; the whole point, of course, being to crush the American unions, and to increase profit margin by hiring truckers you can pay 1/3 the current rate. But it is cooperation with another nation; of course, it comes about only because of the perception of financial gain.

Bush isn't setting an isolationist policy per se. Rather, he's just alienating the rest of the world with his Republican tomfoolery. The isolationism will be imposed by a world that would kick the US off the UN Human Rights commission not because the alternatives are better, but because they're just effing sick of the way the US government tries to kick around the rest of the world.

Idiotic? Yes. Isolationist? He doesn't see the profit margin, so I tend to say no.

Tiassa :cool:
To get off-topic once again.

Hi all,

Sorry to go off-topic once again, but I just had to reply to some of Curly1's statements.

If Britian, the US, and France, generally the League Of Nations, had stopped Hilter from re-arming Germany than WWII wouldn't have happnened.

I agree with FA_Q2 to totally disagree. WWII was indeed caused by all the restrictions imposed on Germany after WWI (and all "allies" trying to get a piece of broken Germany once it was defeated in WWI). The country was totally wrecked, and then one man came forward to restore it to its full glory. Heck, if that happened anywhere else, everybody would have supported the man. Unfortunately it turned out that this "saviour" had some other plans.

Hmm, if our troops don't defend democracy than there will be even more wars and then one of those wars will have to involve us.

Great, you've just found out why the rest of the world hates the US. To go out and slaughter another army (which is after all what happens with the superior technology the first world countries have) in the name of democracy reminds me of the crusades where people where slaughtered in the name of a religion - not really a good reason to take a life.

Perhaps you haven't noticed, but 90% of the world countries work quite fine with their own political system. Democracy doesn't need to be defended - why didn't we all attack Austria when Jörg Haider got to the power ? After all, this was a treat to democracy ?

To bad the rest of the world is too immature to realise that fighting shouldn't be used to resolve problems.

Too bad some parts of the world think that any small treat to their economy should be crushed live on TV (and this isn't specifically a flame towards the US but kinda towards the entire west).

Ever heard of jealousy?

And what exactly is there to be jealous of ?

Democracy ? Hey, we can install that overnight. Knowledge ? Think twice of where all knowledge comes from. Economy ? Worth nothing once you go to war. A good lifestyle ? Don't get me started on this one ;).

Plus China doesn't scare me, they don't want to get in a war with us. We acel at fighting full on nations. Our Navy would kick their ass and the war would be over.

... You forgot to mention that there are ONE BILLION Chinese who are prepared and willing to die for their country. And the Chinese aren't as technically inferior as you think. To be completely honest, if the Chinese would decide to take over the world one day, I'd give them a 50/50 chance of succeeding.

Plus we could drop a nuke on every pedicab and head in the PRC.



Perpetually confused ...

I never could understand why, if 'Democracy' is as great as we claim it to be, there is a supposed need to 'defend it' when this country hasn't been attacked?

From what?

I can possibly understand certain people being up-tight with Cuba. After all it's right on our doorstep, so to speak, and who wants a classroom demonstration of how well a socialist government can work to benefit it's citizens. And yes, there was that matter of a 'revolution' ... even though it was to, essentially, overthrow a military dictator!

But Vietnam after WW II when they democratically elected Ho Chi Min, a Communist?
Or Chile in '72 when they democratically elected Salvador Allende, a socialist?

I just don't get it. Except ... if democracy, as practiced in the good old U.S. of A. isn't necessarily the only, or best, form of government and god forbid, it's citizens began to realize it.

But what the hey! We have Bush and will soon have a missile defense system to 'protect' us from North Korea ... of maybe Iran ... or Iraq ... or maybe even Vietnam!
let's hope he's a one-termer......

...maybe Greenspan is planning a "fall" around his reelection? That would definately enhance another's chance for the White House.
Hate Bush????

Where were all you bitchers and whiners during the Clinton Gore fiasco?


If Clinton were to become any more spanish, we'd have to call him wet back Bill on top of slippery when wet!!!!!

That sorry, suck ass (CLINT) was(and still is) a f**kin dope dealer!!! That is a FACT!!!

No argument!!!!!! He is!!!!

And don't give me any bs about his record in AR......... I have lived through it from the beginning.......you snot heads haven't got a f**kin clue.........

Not even a month (Jan-Feb 2001), I got an argument about Bush from that idiot boris! Boris was blaming Bush for Calipornia's power woes!!!!!! What stupid Boris didn't take into account was that all of Calipornia's power woes were a result of Calipornia State policy and the previous administrations (Clinton's fu**k up!!!) BUT THAT DIDN'T STOP BORIS FROM BLAMING BUSH!!!!


You people are so tranquilized by the staged events (by Clinton/Gore), that you haven't got a clue about reality!!!!

WAKE UP!!!!!

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds" -- Albert Einstein.

Curly, for you to use such a statement by Einstein, is laughable indeed. Like idiotic democraps, you accuse others of the very things that you are guilty of...............

The thing that really pisses me off is not the policies outside the country but the bending of bush to the moral majority. I still can't believe Tiassia has not raised hell over that, or I have missed it. He is going to turn this country into a fanatic nation

JESUS CHRIST!!!!!.. IF THE MAN DIDN'T tru to get along with the libs, you'd hear the wildest bunch of bitching and bellering from the lib dems!!!!

"The man, the boy, and the jackass" (story)

Hate Bush, Hate Bush, Hate Bush, ect.. don't care to talk about Clinton/Condit, ect.... but Hate Bush! ! ! ! !

Back to the original topic, isn't it true that Bush is leading us in to a neo-isolationist era?

It seems Bush and the GOP are backing a plan to open the borders to Mexican truckers; the whole point, of course, being to crush the American unions, and to increase profit margin by hiring truckers you can pay 1/3 the current rate
But when clinton did nearly the same thing, he was a maestro!!!

Idiotic? Yes. Isolationist? He doesn't see the profit margin, so I tend to say no.
Yes you are Tiassa.

Imagine how many MILLIONS could have been saved if the US jumped in September 1939, when Hitler invaded Poland.
(first post by curly)

Curly, you make this statement after the title"Bush pisses you off!!!" You go on about the Balkan Islands, germ warefare, ect.......

Bush Pisses Me Off!
Thats it I've had it, I cant stand it any longer. Ever since the damn Republican has been appointed, quasi-elected, whatever you want to call Indesicion 2000 we've returned to 1930s America. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, IS BECOMING AN ISOLATIONIST COUNTRY!

He's been ignoring plees against a missile shield, denied the Kyoto protocal, wants to pull the peacekeepers out of the Balkans, cut foreign aid, is turning his back at everything the UN proposes, ignores NATO constnatly, and NOW has chosen to not sign the Anti-Germ Warfare Accord. JESUS! I can't believe this idiot. Theres gonna be another war somewhere in the next 6 months, Americans will die because he has been giving the world the middle finger. We're making our own bed to sleep in.

Imagine how many MILLIONS could have been saved if the US jumped in September 1939, when Hitler invaded Poland.

I HOPE THIS CAUSES AN UPROAR OF DISAGREEMENT, AND AGREEMENT. I'd rather cast my vote for Snoop Dogg as President, than George W. Bush!

BUT BUSH PISSES YOU OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :confused:

Better to be pissed off, then pissed on!

The hexocrats have been trying to completely destroy all ideas about missle defense. Why the other day, I listened to the ramblings of every fag's favorite hero, Barney Frank & assortment of jew comments. They went on and on about how Bush was trying to spend money for a missle defense system that was not only un-necessary, but how it would be a threat to world peace! Seems that barney was afraid that Bush would piss off the Russians & Chinese....

Then these dems went on about how the money could be better spent on the hungry!!!!!

It never ceases to amaze me.......

Hell Curly, are you blaming Bush for WWII? The man wasn't even born then? His father was however shot down in an Avenger torpedo bomber, in the pacific ocean. The Avenger torpedo bomber was one of the most dangerous piloting jobs that one could have at the time.

Are you saying that pilot Bush was responsible for the inaction of Franklin D, Roosevelt?

What point are you faggots trying to make?

ARE you insulted over my pic of a babe being spanked. What? Are you bitches jealous? In fact it is no less ridiculous than all of your previous statements.
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" Plus we could drop a nuke on every pedicab and head in the PRC."

You have just managed to walk into the complete idiot category. Only a dumb jackass would say something like that.
Obviously I was talking about nuclear weapons as a last resort if a conventional war didn't work.

BUSH is an isolationist. Its that simple. I'm not blaming the economy, Cali's power crisis, or any other thing that happened between 1993-Jan 2001 on Bush. I am simply saying that President Bush seems to be isolating the US from the rest of the world, when we should be listening more closely.

This impeding recession is Greenspan's fault, not Clinton's or Bush's. Don't feel like elaborating on that one.

I'm not being brainwashed by the TV media. And it isn't liberal, non-liberals don't like what they hear so they instantly say that the mass media is liberal. I don't think its that left.

HOWARDSTERN, you said Balkan Islands, they are countries most of which are land locked. A few months ago he said that he wouldn't put his signature on the new Anti-Germ warfare accord, which a lot of others are signing. Really nice, eh?

Crisp, Germany was doing fine until the Great Depression, the government was fine. The treaty of Versailles was a mistake, but since it was around it should have been enforced. They didn't need a military, the treaty didn't say they couldn't eat. It was a military restriction above anything else.

Defending democracy was directed to other democracies around the world not us. I DON'T AGREE WITH SDI. Why should we let fanatics of all sorts kill in the sake of overthrowing democracies? We shouldn't, we should defend those countries. If they VOTE democracy out, fine we have no business keeping the democratic government there.

"What point are you faggots trying to make?", HOWARDSTERN.

Call me a faggot or any other personal derogatory remark again, and I'll report you. I will not sink to your level by retaliating with such vulgar insults.

Understand, HOWARDSTERN?
Finally figured it out ...


What say you and I go halfers on treating anyone that gets upset with your inmitable way of expressing yourself to six months of Marine Boot Camp at Paris Island? :D

Or at least a videotape of 'Full Metal Jacket'! :D
" Obviously I was talking about nuclear weapons as a last resort if a conventional war didn't work. "

That does not make the statement any less idiodic. If we leveled China they would level us with their extensive arsinal and then 99% of the people on the planet would die from the resulting radioactive cloud that would cover the planet. That is if it did not wipe us out entirely.

Besides, you seem to have a double standard:
" I don't care about what happens to the world populus as a whole. I don't want to see a million people die, let alone the FIFTY million plus that died during WWII. "
But it is OK to bomb 2 million. Yea sure we should be afraid of those damn commies with people like you on our side. But then again we are the ones that want to wipe them out!

" I'm not being brainwashed by the TV media. And it isn't liberal, non-liberals don't like what they hear so they instantly say that the mass media is liberal. I don't think its that left. "

It is left. Maybe not radically there but they have a lot of weight. The problem is all those that watch it are left. Ratings are everything.

" Defending democracy was directed to other democracies around the world not us. I DON'T AGREE WITH SDI. "

Why? Never mind. Ill start a new post for that one.

" Why should we let fanatics of all sorts kill in the sake of overthrowing democracies? We shouldn't, we should defend those countries. If they VOTE democracy out, fine we have no business keeping the democratic government there. "

That would be fine except most of those fanatics are from their own country.

" Call me a faggot or any other personal derogatory remark again, and I'll report you. I will not sink to your level by retaliating with such vulgar insults. "

Now both of you are being childish. Just ignore him if you don't like it.
One thing you can say about HOWARDSTERN, he gets responces. He is at times brillant, very capable in his observations, and highly opinionated. You may not like the way he says it but say it he does. I respect him in that he has something to say, a point ot make, and he does it at times very articulately. For that I admire him. It's not my way nor is it thecurly1's way from his responce, but it works for HOWARD. Oh, there is one other thing I like about HOWARD. He is well informed. He comes to the table with information to use.

Personally I think it would be eaiser to just go out into the thunderstorm holding a 20' iron rod but each to his own.
This is between the two of us...

This is the last time I get off topic, this post which I originally started, "Bush Pisses Me Off", was to ask others if the United States was leading towards an isolationist path, and if that path is correct.

Now everyone is way off topic, go back to the original topic or stop filling this fourm up with other junk.

As for HOWARDSTERN, he hasn't responded to my quote. Until he does I am not concerned with anyone else's views or oppinions about me being called a "faggot".

That isn't childish.

P.S. While I'm on a tyraid I find something deeply ironic about the Republican party. They are pro-life, but they want us all to have guns which kill others. I'm just pointing out the irony of it, not debating weather it's right or wrong.
If they paid enough money to your political kitty I think you would understand that there is no irony in it. Without the money you have a good point.

Bush has the problem of pleasing all his political cronies. One of the problems with being in the leadership role is that you have advisors because you can't cover it all. You pick your advisors and hope that they give you the straight or that you understand them enough that you can willow it out. Bush bases his decisions on what he hears. He may not be hearing the whole line. Who knows?