Terrific effort there exchemist in expounding how clever and resourceful Nature has been to bypass ID in coming up with nifty chemical cascades such that:Ah, so it was Tour claiming it was "nowhere good enough".
The nano-machine business is utterly irrelevant. Life had several hundred million years in which to arise. The fact that this guy thinks he can't do it in his lab tells us precisely zero.
I'm afraid all these objections are just a variant of the Argument from Personal Incredulity: you and Tour can't see how it could have happened naturally - ergo it couldn't. That's not science. It's the God (or "Designer") of the Gaps.
It's a hard problem in science. everyone acknowledges that. But just because we can't see the answer today doesn't mean there is no answer, especially when you consider the huge progress that is occurring in abiogenesis research. Here is just one recent finding (I quote a tutorial from another forum I belong to). It is a beautiful example of why thinking about it the way Tour does, as a synthetic organic chemist, is completely unhelpful:....
So with the discovery of chemical cascade reactions, cracking unguided OOL completely is perhaps just over the horizon? A few contra considerations:...in the last 6 years the group has gone on to use those above simple reagents to construct in the lab a chemical reaction cascade that very simply and effectively produces 3 of the 5 RNA/DNA units, 12 of the 20 amino acids and the building blocks of all lipid cell membranes. Thus now its an established fact that 70% of all the basic building blocks that life needs for its RNA-DNA-proteins and cell walls can be easily formed at one go in the prebiotic conditions of the early earth even before any evolution. They can now be created in a space of two days in a beaker with a little heating and cooling and a UV lamp once the way of thinking about how to go about the process changed.
1: Any accompanying homochirality and of the correct sign in any of these RNA/DNA units, amino acids, and lipid building blocks? If not Nature is still screwed.
2: There must have been many other reaction products apart from the desired ones. Will they magically hold off from reacting with and in effect poisoning the desired products? Hard to believe. A key observation of Edward Peltzer in 'Abiogenesis - The Faith and the Facts'. This issue bears heavily on the feasibility of e.g. RNA/DNA unit unbroken polymerization to the requisite large biologically active lengths. And did I mention homochirality maintained throughout? Which still leaves out the origin of information content required for cell reproduction and repair being somehow encoded in those (hopefully) long chains.
3: Peltzer also pointed out a simple lipid layer enclosing some notional primitive self-reproducing system (so many begging questions just there) may protect the protocell contents from environmental poisoning, but also works to kill the protocell anyway. That's because it would result in waste product buildup while simultaneously preventing new feed-stock from entering. In addition no feasible clever instruction sets and communications systems to allow protocell division are on offer. Or self-repair for that matter. What a pity - our miracle protocell evidently is doomed to die a very lonely death.
But hope springs eternal that such 'minor wrinkles' will all be solved in the bye and bye and via purely unguided mechanisms. Keep on dreaming. Keep up the faith.