COP24 - Global catastrophe - climate change

The city of Sydney declared a climate change crisis a few days ago, in line with a few other locations around the globe
a paleoclimatologist said something to the effect
we are looking at coming times of when there was alligators at the north pole or words to that effect
that is estimated to be in around 100 years roughly calculating current warming.
Do you suppose that there is any possibility that there have ever been any alligator, crocodile or even tortoise like creatures at the North or South Poles previously in Earths history?
a paleoclimatologist said something to the effect
we are looking at coming times of when there was alligators at the north pole or words to that effect
that is estimated to be in around 100 years roughly calculating current warming.
Good question. Obviously we cannot say with any certainty that in the future, there will be crocodiles and the like at either the North or South Pole. But at one time we do have evidence that the North pole was a much warmer place.
"During this time, when dinosaurs roamed the almost subtropical forests of an ice-free Antarctic, conditions on the other side of the planet were even more remarkable: the Arctic Ocean was a gigantic freshwater lake infested with crocodile-like reptiles".

The other point to consider is that after the formation of the Earth, all the continents were joined in one super continent that we call Gondwana and another stage among many stages termed Pangaea.
Also the magnetic poles do shift and are currently doing that. Taking that into consideration along with the orbital obliquity, the Chandler wobble and other movements in a very dynamic Earth, climate change has occurred since the Earth formed 4.6 billion years ago.
That though in no way subtracts from the present apparent acceleration of climate change due to human actions and expansion. That is now a scientific given.
On the warmest hour of the warmest day of the warmest year of the warmest decade of the warmest century of the warmest melinia of the warmest interglacial(mis 11) of the last 500 thousand years it was, most likely, no warmer than about 15 degrees C(59 degrees F) in the arctic. Balmy by comparison to today, but not really warm enough for alligators.
It seems unlikely that we will exceed that by much, if at all.
On the warmest hour of the warmest day of the warmest year of the warmest decade of the warmest century of the warmest melinia of the warmest interglacial(mis 11) of the last 500 thousand years it was, most likely, no warmer than about 15 degrees C(59 degrees F) in the arctic. Balmy by comparison to today, but not really warm enough for alligators.
It seems unlikely that we will exceed that by much, if at all.
After reading your Post, sculptor, an afterthought of mine was - millennia ?
any possibility
is a statistical chance
your question is
"is there any statistical chance what i have roughly stated as a rough quote could be true."

considering a couple of basic things
1. i generally believe paleontologists when they publicly state something they tend to believe based on basic science which is not quickly dismissed by other scientists.
This is an assumption of probable factual premise
not a religion

  • are fossils real ? do i believe in fossils ? do i believe in basic archeology and paleontology as a science having basically valid principals ?
yes. mostly. however that is a scientific premise of assumed probability
not a religion
The evidence is abundantly clear: the rising temperature of the planet is causing more Arctic ice to melt during the northern summer. We cannot avoid further ice loss in coming decades, and people and ecosystems will have to adapt to this.

But there is still a window of opportunity to avoid the worst impacts of future climate change in the longer term. The evidence tells us that the only way to prevent the destruction of the Greenland ice sheet, and multi-metre rises in global sea level, is to make rapid, deep cuts to greenhouse gas emissions. That is a choice we still have a chance to make
Maybe it is just confirmation bias, but the latest news from NOAA confirms my suspicions that there has been a significant uptick in Climate change dynamic progression.
July 9, 2019
Rain – and plenty of it – was the big weather story in June, adding to a record-breaking 12 months of precipitation for the contiguous U.S. It's the third consecutive time in 2019 (April, May and June) the past 12-month precipitation record has hit an all-time high.

Anomalies in Australia also appear to be gaining momentum. Not to mention Europe, Russia, China and India.
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18 people injured in Abruzzo Italy due to orange sized hail falling from the sky.... 10-July-2019
This phenomena of huge hail appears to becoming more common..
Destroying houses, injuring people, wiping out crops etc....
Could it get worse and become a really big threat?
poor ol Mississippi folk gonna get some

i hope the army are evacuating residents to allow for blowing any leveys they might need to.

25 inches of rain expected on top of storm surge.

this type of event has been expected since katrina.
i guess we will see what they have done to prepare for it.