copyright image theft (re. spuriousmonkey)

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imaplanck. said:
Yes just today.
He seemed alright, but this guy is a full scale loon.
anybody that would bitch and moan about someone using 'thier' avatar without permission is shallow indeed.

then to go on and on about not being able to sniff waters panties.
What do you think is the best strategy for dealing with extremely difficult people?

"Enjoy the difficulty.

Then the more difficult they are, the more you'll enjoy it."

spidergoat said:
What do you think is the best strategy for dealing with extremely difficult people?

"Enjoy the difficulty.

Then the more difficult they are, the more you'll enjoy it."


Works for me, anyway. ;)

--- RH, London, UK


I came from a difficult family, and have known a lot of difficult people in my time, and all in all that was the most common factor with every one of them, their unsatisfied craving to be enjoyed.

A threat would have been defintely phrased as "if you .... then our ways must part", or something similar.

Yeah. This is an old trick. You know. It's like you ask a question instead of saying it outright and then plead the letter of the law that you weren't saying you wanted to cut my throat.

Very old trick.

Slimy people use it all the time. Passive aggressive little twats.

As it happens I had merely put a question, in some considerable difficulty to comprehend your philosophy, what it should take for you to deign to afford a genuine respect.

So. In trying to comprehend my 'philosophy' you put forth a question on whether you should cut my throat or not?
This would somehow clear up the question of my 'philosophy' how?

Nice try.

I don't believe you.

I've never made a death threat in all my time here, buddy boy.
Neither have I coached a death threat in passive aggressive terms by pretending to ask a question rather than stating it straight out.
Nothing you've ever read by me would or could lead you to believe that 'cutting my throat' is a part of my philosophy or what the fuck ever stupid bullshit you've concocted in that pathetic little mind of yours to backtrack.

I still think you wanted to get banned. But, now you have to deny deny deny. It wouldn't do for it to come out. No. You have to get banned kicking and screaming.
Drama queen stylee.

On one thread you purport to castigate abuse and then on another you appear to prefer to side with an abuser, according at least to the moderator's opinion.

I'm an enigma wrapped in a mystery shrouded in darkness.

What do you mean? Sided with an abuser? You mean Spurious in this thread? Actually, I never took sides as to the copyright issue. I happen to believe that you were right in that. We all hold copyright over all our postings here. This has been gone over several times already in the past (although not in the cuntish way that you bring it up.)

I didn't side with anyone.
I just took note of your pathetic actions and commented on it. That's all.

I find it pathetic and dramatic that you should care if someone uses your avatar for a few minutes. Big fucking whoop. It's a common thing around here. Swapping avatars and whatnot.
But, leave it to you to raise a big stink about it.

You would thus appear to me to be an idiot unfortunately short of integrity, comprehension, reason and intelligence, afflicted by some sort of emotional undertow that you have yet perhaps to account to yourself for, let alone to anybody else.

More passive aggression.
Cut out that 'appear' and instead just call me an idiot.
You know. Like I call you a pathetic old cunt.
You show your weakness by couching your terms.
Hell, I'd have more respect for you if you'd actually threatened to cut my throat rather than taken the coward's way out by coaching it in terms of the question like you did.


You remind me of my father, who was similarly keen to bully and belittle at the slightest opportunity, while possibly making sense to himself but scarcely to whoever he picked on, nor to bemused onlookers.
In his case it was mostly about being out of his depth, conditioned to exceed his capabilities to a foolish extent.

I'd say that people seem to follow my points quite clearly.
Bemused onlookers? They're 'onlooking' you.

And. I also don't 'bully and belittle' very often.
You are just such a pathetic old twat that you draw it on you like stink on shit.

Given the choice, I would rather that you did.

Ain't gonna happen, pussy.

Vexation is vexation.

And a pathetic old cunt is a pathetic old cunt.
Dried up and stinking.
Rancid fish oil...


I had the intention several times to ask him to remove that avatar, but by then knowing his tendency to react intensely, and considering that there were much bigger problems at hand than using a photo without permission or using a real name in open forums, I refrained from asking so.

Well. It's a good thing you didn't. Maybe his 'mentorship' somehow works in some weird way.
If you did ask him to remove it you'd be as pathetic as he is being.

Reminds me of that episode of Seinfeld where George figures out that the way for him to succeed in life is to do exactly the opposite of his inclinations.
Do exactly the opposite of what Ron would do and you should do fine.

Wait. This battle is not worth fighting, not for me.

Honey. You got it all wrong.
This is just wiping your ass.


I noted that ron ceased posting with regard to water ages ago

If 'ages' translates to 'a week or two' then yeah.
Probably. I've not been following his tripe so wouldn't be surprised if he'd slipped in some references anyway.

You and he have become quite close though, eh?
Water should be glad that he's found a new paramour.
And, to think, when he becomes all obsessive over you he only has to get on the bus...

Hey, ToR.
Guess what Ron just posted about.
I was warned for merely replying to a post:

Imagine that. What lies just beneath his 'calm' exterior...
You were saying?
invert_nexus said:
..... So. In trying to comprehend my 'philosophy' you put forth a question on whether you should cut my throat or not?
This would somehow clear up the question of my 'philosophy' how?

Your present reply appears to have done so:

invert_nexus said:
Hell, I'd have more respect for you if you'd actually threatened to cut my throat rather than taken the coward's way out by coaching it in terms of the question like you did.

You'd glory perhaps in supposing that you were worth it, as you seem to do already, which of course you are not.

You take yourself too seriously.

Try it without the ego.

invert_nexus said:
I'm an enigma wrapped in a mystery shrouded in darkness.

What do you mean? Sided with an abuser? You mean Spurious in this thread?
Actually, I never took sides as to the copyright issue. I happen to believe that you were right in that.

This did not exactly strike me as being unequivocal support:

invert_nexus said:
How can you copyright Dennis Hopper's photo? He's a celebrity?

God. You're a whiny little cunt. Is your name trademarked too? Are you a brand name?

What if he changes it? Say.... makes it so a monkey is humping your head? Will that satisfy you?


invert_nexus said:
.... But, leave it to you to raise a big stink about it.

Big stink?

You are the one, yet again, with the big long post to tell us how terribly unimportant it is.

I made one posting which should have sufficed as my stink, beyond which I did nothing but respond to the stink that you and the rest chose to create.

Hypocrite, pot ... kettle ... black, you are as much to blame, if anybody is.

--- RH.
Your present reply appears to have done so:

Yeah. Imagine that. I have more respect for people who say things directly rather than slide them in with innuendos and other trickery bullshit.

That's like something really difficult to understand about me.
I mean. The only way you could ever have found that out is by threatening to kill me.

You'd glory perhaps in supposing that you were worth it, as you seem to do already, but which of course you are not.

You're the one with the death threats, buddy. Not me.

This did not exactly strike me as being unequivocal support:

The Dennis Hopper thing was a joke, numbnutz.
And the rest simply implies exactly what I've said.
That you're being a petty little bitch over your avatar.
I made no mention of veracity of copyright claims.
Merely how I view you as a fool. And that you're once more showing that foolishness.

Big stink?

Well. Perhaps big stink wasn't the right term.
But I don't think that anything should have been made about your 'copyright'.
I still think you're being a foolish old twat about it.

You are the one, yet again, with the big long post to tell us how terribly unimportant it is.

I don't remember mentioning importance anywhere. Did I break down and throw around the hackneyed expression about how 'boring' this all is? I didn't mean to.

Are you reading from someone else's script?

I made one posting which should have sufficed as my stink, beyond which I did nothing but respond to the stink that you and the rest chose to create.

One posting too many over such a stupid thing.

"Oh no! Someone's using my avatar!!! Make him stop!!!!!!!!!!"


Hypocrite, pot ... kettle ... black, you are as much to blame, if anybody is.

I never said anything about 'big stink's' in general. Just about the pathetic kind that you specialize in.
invert_nexus said:
...I mean. The only way you could ever have found that out is by threatening to kill me.


I am not threatening to kill you.

Kindly curb your paranoia.

You are there; I am here, virtual reality, get it?

Many many miles apart, nothing really to be afraid of.

You are safe enough, a big boy now.

Calm down.

Take it easy.

Breathe deeply.

Think of your Mother's love.

Feel better now?

Sweet dreams.


Peace be with you.


--- Ron.
I am not threatening to kill you.

You are not threatening to kill me.
I agree.

You did threaten to kill me.

Physical locality has nothing to do with the fact that you threatened to cut my throat.

You said: "Would you prefer that I cut your throat?"

This was in response to where I was ridiculing you for your whininess.
Therefore, the 'prefer' would be a choice between you whining or you cutting my throat.

You basically said, "Would you prefer I whine or cut your throat?"

This is basically a form of extortion, yes?
Either I sit back and stop calling you a pathetic old cunt or you cut my throat?

Note: I'm not scared of you in even the least little bit, Ron.
If it ever came down to a physical match between us? I'd be very surprised if you walked away from it. I'm not a physically weak person at all.

Plus. I really think you're way too much of a pussy to do anything more violent than beating your wife.
invert_nexus said:
You did threaten to kill me.

No, I did not threaten to kill you.

Kindly curb your paranoia.

It is all in your mind.

You are there; I am here, virtual reality, get it?

Many many miles apart, nothing really to be afraid of.

You are safe enough, a big boy now.

Think of your Mother's love.

Nothing so bad was ever going to happen to you because of me.

Be nice and the World will be nice to you.

I am very sorry to have frightened you so much.

I did not realise that you were so delicate.

Sweet dreams.

Peace be with you.


--- Ron.
Your attempts to ridicule are as pathetic as everything else about you, Ronnie old fart.

The fact that I recognize that you have threatened me does not mean that I believe you are capable of carrying out your threat.
I am in now way afraid of you.
The very idea is ludicrous, in fact.
For the reasons you've given plus the fact that you're a dried up stinky old dicklicker.

This does not alter the fact that you have threatened me, however.
Intent is what is at issue here. Not ability.

You're just getting more and more cuntish with each posting.
I think I'll probably soon give up on wiping my ass with you for a while.
Rest assured, however, I will return to wipe my ass on you again.

(By the way. I have little doubt as to your intention being to get me banned or something? Meh. I may. But I'll gladly suffer a temp ban just to piss a little more on you at the moment. Dicklicker.)
invert_nexus has been banned for 3 days for insulting another forum member.

perplexity has been banned for 2 weeks for once again posting personal information regarding another member without permission, after a previous warning.

imaplanck. has been banned for 3 days for insulting another forum member, following an explicit warning not to do so.
They've all been banned m'dear. There's no one left....

We could, I suppose, loot the place and create our own a dark, dystopian future in everyones abscence....? It's just a thought.
Well the only one of the three that I wish did not get banned is invert_nexus. Ron needs a permaban (hopefully that is the next thing coming). Imaplanck needs a cool-off period. He is a good guy, but has a temper.
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