Creation Museum

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Valued Senior Member
The Creation Museum in Kentucky has opened. Just saw it on the news.
Apparently the whole thing cost 27 million dollars and they are teaching the public that dinosaurs co-existed with humans and that the earth is only 6000 years old. The worst part about this is that they are presenting it as scientific fact.

This is going to far, they are corrupting the public ! :mad:

I can't believe they actually... GGGGGGGRRRRRRR :mad: :bawl:

Video of the news on it (see this at least):

Article, Protesters, Visitors Flock To Creation Museum:

Website Creation Museum:
Very strange indeed. They can think the way they want as long as they

don't try to use it in the classroom to teach science.
This is bad, really bad... people that come there really believe in it.
Of course the motive behind building this museum is to win over more people for these ideas.
It's sickening..
When my son was in elementary school, they had to write/draw a report on dinosaurs. One girl wrote that all the dinosaurs were lost during the great flood because they couldn't fit on Noah's ark.
I don't think the teacher could correct her without a lawsuit.
This is going to far, they are corrupting the public ! :mad:
the public has already been duped into believing that science has proved life comes from non life naturally.
there is no evidence that says life comes from non life but what does our young people think?
what kind of BS do you meet on this board if you mention that fact?

so, who's corrupting who here?
When my son was in elementary school, they had to write/draw a report on dinosaurs. One girl wrote that all the dinosaurs were lost during the great flood because they couldn't fit on Noah's ark.
I don't think the teacher could correct her without a lawsuit.

I think it's his duty to correct her. School isn't about perpetuating myth.
the public has already been duped into believing that science has proved life comes from non life naturally.
there is no evidence that says life comes from non life but what does our young people think?
what kind of BS do you meet on this board if you mention that fact?

so, who's corrupting who here?

That is not taught, it is only presented as an hypothesis. Science is very open about stuff they are not sure about. Religion is sure about EVERYTHING !
Anyway, go on believing your fairy tail if you want. Maybe the museum is a great thing for you :rolleyes:
This is old news, and frankly the people that hand over money to visit the Horseshit Museum get what they pay for.
The sooner you realize that people and dinosaurs lived together in harmony less then 10,000 years ago the better, shame on you Enmos.
"The museum, which is said to have cost $27 million, is privately-funded through donations to the apologetics ministry Answers in Genesis and opened its doors to the public on May 28, 2007."

I saw various news reports here in the UK about the museum opening months ago. Anyway the point is you're right that it's an insane waste of money, but then as long as the US government isn't funding it I don't see a problem.
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