Creation Museum

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Quite obvious from your reaction. Otherwise you are a hypocrite.

my reaction stated facts. it's A FACT. there is no evidence that supports the claim that life comes from non life naturally.
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"The museum, which is said to have cost $27 million, is privately-funded through donations to the apologetics ministry Answers in Genesis and opened its doors to the public on May 28, 2007."

I saw various news reports here in the UK about the museum opening months ago. Anyway the point is you're right that it's an insane waste of money, but then as long as the US government isn't funding it I don't see a problem.

Ah well, my bad then. They presented it here as if it just opened.
I do see a problem with it though but it has nothing to do with the money. The whole idea of the museum is to dupe more people into believing this shit.
look fuckhead, where did i call you any motherfucking names?
You called me names just now :mad:
And where did I call you names ?

my reaction stated facts. it's A FACT. there is no evidence that supports the claim that life comes from non life naturally.
And I didn't deny that, did I ? :bugeye:

I am very tempted to report you now.. you better not continue with these insults.
my reaction stated facts. it's A FACT. there is no evidence that supports the claim that life comes from non life naturally.

True, but the hypothesis is that since life exists and we have no evidence of anything beyond matter and energy it's fair to say that life must have come from matter and energy (the how and when is open to question).
Perhaps a debate for another thread.

What's your view on the Creation Museum?
a splendid, perfect example of the nonsense one encounters on this board when they mention that science HAS NO CLUE as to how life came to be on this planet.
a splendid, perfect example of the nonsense one encounters on this board when they mention that science HAS NO CLUE as to how life came to be on this planet.

We don't know, but we have clues.
So answer this. Are you religious ?
anyway, i stated my piece. anmd as usual the morons that can't handle certain things get tied all in knots about it.

i shouldn't be surprised, i've been put on ignore for stating what i've stated in this thread.

leopold has LOGGED OUT.
I dont really see what the big fuss is honestly. If it was created to "dupe" people into beliving it well.....that game is played every day with far more important things. For example the war in Iraq, 9-11, etc....

If people really do belive man walked with dinos.....and the earth is only 6000 years is that going to change gas prices? or the cost of living? Immigration problem? "War on terror"? Global Warming?......or anything that actually matters and effects people who live on the world today?

Yes, this musiem will cause confusion but what in science doesnt already do that?

I shit you not......I have a friend who belives Dinosaurs never existed at all.....and that the bones were put here by the devil to decive us......not even joking he belives this 100% and stands by it reguardless of the joking.....this warped vision of history however has no effect on his life, mine, or anyone is harmelss......he leads a successfull life and is happy.....

guess what Im getting at is.....why the ruckus?
It's just massively stupid, and the last thing we need in society is more misguided people. Science can be confusing, but we shouldn't be adding to it.
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