Creationist questions evolution

I meant, are you interested in writing a peer reviewed articles? Something slightly original. Do you think you could do that?
Yes I could. I used to be a (successful) proposal writer for Indian tribes.

But I am not very ambitious, so to me it's not worth the effort. I like an informal setting, without any pre-conditions.
Must be the jazz musician in me. Improvisation on a theme.....:cool:
And these mutations no doubt can be traced back to times when theists worshipped the Sun and presumably long exposures to the Sun has caused problamatic mutation for it is at this point we find various humans claiming they were related to the Sun and therefore although human they were indeed gods.
I see, that explains it quite well.
Here is Richard Dawkins presenting mail he has received from good god loving folk pertaining to The Theory of Evolution.

Although only a few one cant help but think these folk disagree with The Theory of Evolution.


Here is Richard Dawkins presenting mail he has received from good god loving folk pertaining to The Theory of Evolution.

Although only a few one cant help but think these folk disagree with The Theory of Evolution.


This scares me. Imagine a scenario where Dawkins was trapped with a bunch of those maniacs. I guarantee that such a mob would indeed lynch him and feel proud about it.:eek:
This scares me

Well I think we have every reason to worry about these folk.

To think people can be so hateful is a worry.

They are brainwashed ...

And folk will defend religion as being a good thing ...

I think the reality is that a larger percentage of humans have some kind of mental disorder than we care to recognise...we look at religion as being the problem but I am inclinded to think religion is just a symptom.

We see it here when folk just cant turn on reason and analyse what is being said with say The Theory of Evolution or the reality that JC was just another human god based on astrology.
These facts are simply ignored with such a stuborn rejection what else can we call it but a mental problem.

I can finallt understand why thise at the top are so unconcerned about the bulk of the population as they must see them as too crazy to worry about.

I really think we need a new bible free of bullshit history but perhaps a list of rules of many of the mythical JC teachings could be adopted.
A new list of ten commandments. shall not lie or shall be shall not be shall not be a greedy glutton. shall respect all humans and all animals....that sort of thing.

If you do not follow these rules your immortality in the eternal universe shall be withdrawn.☺.

Here is Richard Dawkins presenting mail he has received from good god loving folk pertaining to The Theory of Evolution.
Although only a few one cant help but think these folk disagree with The Theory of Evolution.Alex
Perhaps we see the budding of such a religious mentality here:
Here's comes the new member of the choir who has no idea what's happening, and looks set to suck willies within the next month.
Oh have we got a *** here,
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Perhaps we see the budding of such a religious mentality here:

If it walks like a duck☺.

This is a good example of how the person making the insult does damage to themselves and rather than denigrating their intended victim does the opposite.

That's the thing, there is no "reality" only yours.
The nature of science is, in part, to separate personal realities from objective realities. The objective ones we call fact.

What we're after here is the theory that best fits the facts we all have access to.
That's what you chose to believe.

If there's a boulder about to fall on your head, you can believe that it's there, or you can believe it's all in your imagination, or you can believe God will stop it. Your belief may change - but reality won't.
The nature of science is, in part, to separate personal realities from objective realities. The objective ones we call fact.

What we're after here is the theory that best fits the facts we all have access to.

You believe in the objective realities of others. Say 10 realities(people), 7 objective(science) 3 subjective(art), because you want to create you reality on science. When you look at a painting you know what you see.

If there's a boulder about to fall on your head, you can believe that it's there, or you can believe it's all in your imagination, or you can believe God will stop it. Your belief may change - but reality won't.
You never know...
You believe in the objective realities of others. Say 10 realities(people), 7 objective(science) 3 subjective(art), because you want to create you reality on science. When you look at a painting you know what you see.
OK, but this is a science board.

I certainly grant that, here in the Religion subforum, there will be as many religious realities as there are people. But that does not mean it is immune to rational analysis and logic.
You never know...
Now this is a man I want to make some bets with!

My kid once had the notion that smoking might or might not result in cancer. He thought that since there are two possibilities, they are 50:50 odds.
I suggested he go lay out in the middle of the highway at night, after all, the odds of him getting run over are only 50%.

He confused possibilities with probabilities.

I would be delighted to strike some bets with you. I'll drop a boulder on your head, and you can have 10:1 odds that it won't crush you.