Do women feel entitled because they are female?

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Registered Senior Member
Or should a woman who shares living quarters, who considers herself to be a responsible adult, take responsibility for working and helping to earn a living, whether or not she is having sex with the male of the partnership?
If she chooses to stay home, I think she should (and most would) serve the role as doer of most of the domestic work (including child rearing). Domestic work is no less a chore than working outside the home for pay, and both add value to the partnership. She pulls her weight either way.

How is that "entitlement?"

The primary entitlement women do have, that men do not, is the right to make the choice to stay in the home in the first place. Stay at home husbands do not have the same social acceptance. That's not women's fault's though, as I myself view stay at home husbands as a bit weird, truth be told.
Well, I would say yes, but I think there are more ways to contribute to a household than wage-earning. I mean no innuendo there.
The title is asking whether women are entitled to what, exactly?
Exactly. Feminists want "equal rights" but it still somehow returns to them feeling entitled to special privileges for being female, while the males get the shaft.
Or should a woman who shares living quarters, who considers herself to be a responsible adult, take responsibility for working and helping to earn a living, whether or not she is having sex with the male of the partnership?

Depends on how good she is in bed :D

If your girlfriend doesn't work and it bothers you and you resent it, get a new girlfriend. Easy Peasy.
Exactly. Feminists want "equal rights" but it still somehow returns to them feeling entitled to special privileges for being female, while the males get the shaft.

Those so called special privileges, are being given to her by the man she lives with. Why would she work if she doesn't have to. She's riding the gravy train and the guy lets her. Then he wants to whine about it???
How does that make sense?
This is something that must be negotiated by each individual couple. Some men and women agree that the woman will stay at home, look after the kids, etc. Others agree that the man will do that, while the woman goes out and does paid work. Others agree that both will do paid work and they will put the children in child care. And so on and so on.

As long as the people involved are happy, everything is fine. There's no need to impose a one-size-fits-all rule on people.
Entitlement? If you are just roomates then she should be paying half the rent. It doesn't matter how she gets the money. If she isn't paying anything and this bothers you then tell her to get the money or kick her out.
what if she is the only woman who will have sex with him....not that this is the case....right Metakon??? This is hypothetical, right?
Or should a woman who shares living quarters, who considers herself to be a responsible adult, take responsibility for working and helping to earn a living, whether or not she is having sex with the male of the partnership?

If you want a working girl then find you a working girl. I personally prefer my wife stay home with my kids so I don't have to pay strangers to take care of them. I do enjoy the fact that she puts in her 40 hours keeping house while I'm spending my 40 bringing home a paycheck. OTOH, maybe you'd prefer a husband...
MetaKron if you are having relationship problems then i strongly urge you to see someone, sure your GP could suggest someone

Otherwise if its that much of an issue for you then walk away
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