Do women feel entitled because they are female?

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so many god blasted [/i] threads about feminism until I feel like cracking up a joint or somethin to put me to rest. James has got to be the uuberest member on this here thread.
And he is is right, at least for the most part.. I guess..
I'd say that, if you are discussing the role of the female who engages in femistic ideas or idealisms or whatever have you then, of course, women do have some such. There is a general and universal rule to the feminists, I have said this same statement in many different ways at least 300 thousand times th rought out all of sciforums :D

So. What is this "entitlement". Or are you guys infact discussing a far less trivial issue than the one I am at the moment boring you with?

Looks up.
It seems to be pretty much this shit.

What shit... lol...
(Insert title here)

MetaKron said:

Or should a woman who shares living quarters, who considers herself to be a responsible adult, take responsibility for working and helping to earn a living, whether or not she is having sex with the male of the partnership?

That depends in part on the male, I suppose. For instance, would the male live with a woman who earns a living if he wasn't having sex with her? It also depends on the foundation of the relationship between them. If a man is upset, for instance, because he's finding it difficult to change the terms of the relationship, he needs to deal with the fact that he helped set the terms that he finds so unacceptable.

Feminists want "equal rights" but it still somehow returns to them feeling entitled to special privileges for being female, while the males get the shaft.

Strangely, I only ever hear the argument this describes second hand, from men who seem to have a problem with women and, especially, feminists.

Try this notion on for size:

Once upon a time, I dated a girl who watched Days of Our Lives. She wasn't completely gaga over the soap, so I didn't really care. After all, I didn't have to watch it. I picked up a couple of character names, and that was it. A couple years later, I was dating another woman, and it turns out she watched Days of Our Lives. I saw even more episodes, and started to learn plot lines. A few years after that, I ended up dating a woman, and finding out while we spent a mutual day off from work together that she, too, watched Days of Our Lives. That relationship ended, and, while a woman I had a brief fling with watched the damn show, I was lucky enough to never be around while she was watching it. Yet, strangely, when I met a new woman, with whom I ended up smoking pot and watching many episodes of The Simpsons with, I was shocked to discover that one of her male roommates was a Days of Our Lives addict. And then, after she left that place and moved in with me, I found out she had lied about that point. She, too, recorded Days of Our Lives on a daily basis, so that she could watch the show after work. It blew my mind. It still does in a way. I hate soap operas. I especially hate Days of Our Lives. How the hell did I come to know what was going on with that show from the time I was seventeen until about thirty-two? Somewhere in there, however, after telling the joke enough times, I came to realize that regardless of what I thought of the intellects that enjoy Days of Our Lives and other soap operas, this bizarre phenomenon spoke more of me, and my taste in women.​

I'm of the opinion that if you feel shafted by terms of your relationship that you accepted, it's not all about what's wrong with the partner. Making this about "women", or smearing "feminists" with these complaints doesn't help anyone.
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Imagine that, still trying to claim that wanting equality is somehow misogynistic.

Why shouldn't women in general feel the same social pressure to have an income that men in geral are pressured to have? Why should work only be an option for a women, while a male's entire value is tied to his ability to produce an income?

Of course your reply with most likely be the typical sexist reply to such a comment regarding your blatant sexism. You will bring up the fact that many women feel the need to refuse to produce any value than that of a sexual value, and instead refuse to be of a financial value, all while claiming that the existance of a vagina exempts them from being of any value other than sexual.

Instead of ever demanding that the woman be held to the same standard as the man, you will just cry that demanding the woman to produce any value other than a sexual one would be 'unfair' to her. Then again, such instances of blatant sexism seem to be fairly common amungst liberals who do their best to fight against equality.
How silly can you get? (Ooh, yeah!)

Angrybellsprout said:

Why should work only be an option for a women, while a male's entire value is tied to his ability to produce an income?

Oh, come now. Even I think that particular standard is stupid. But this is the world men have fought and killed and died for, dude. Seriously, take a look around. Men have been in charge of the culture for a long time. And this is what we've made of it.

The symptom you're referring to is part of a phallocentric malady.

It's hard for me to take your exaggerations seriously:

Of course your reply with most likely be the typical sexist reply to such a comment regarding your blatant sexism. You will bring up the fact that many women feel the need to refuse to produce any value than that of a sexual value, and instead refuse to be of a financial value, all while claiming that the existance of a vagina exempts them from being of any value other than sexual

Ever read Doonesbury? A classic four-framer from the 1970s, when Joanie worked at the daycare:

Slim: Ms. Caucus, we boys have been noticing a big change in the girls lately. They've been acting like boys.

Joanie: Well, dear, I'm not sure you boys are being quite fair. A great lady, Simone de Beauvoir, once said that there are two kinds of people; human beings and women. And when women start acting like human beings, they are accused of trying to be men.

Slim: Yeah ... but ... but ... um ....

Ellie: Simone de Beauvoir's got your number, Slim.

In the meantime, Angrybellsprout, you really ought to stop trying to guess what other people think, or will say. You're so far off the mark you're embarrassing yourself.

I mean—

Instead of ever demanding that the woman be held to the same standard as the man, you will just cry that demanding the woman to produce any value other than a sexual one would be 'unfair' to her.

Where the hell are you getting this stuff? I mean, even Leno can write better jokes than that.
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Oh, come now. Even I think that particular standard is stupid. But this is the world men have fought and killed and died for, dude. Seriously, take a look around. Men have been in charge of the culture for a long time. And this is what we've made of it.

The symptom you're referring to is part of a phallocentric malady.

I predicted that you'd respond with sexism, and you responded with sexism instead of actually expecting a woman to produce a value other than sex.
Angrybellsprout said:

I predicted that you'd respond with sexism, and you responded with sexism instead of actually expecting a woman to produce a value other than sex.

To reiterate: Where the hell are you getting this stuff?

Look, putting the burden of your own fears of inadequacy onto women won't solve a damn thing for anyone. You're going to have to learn this at some point in your life, else you're going to remain so miserable for the duration.

Start making sense. Really.
Bullshit, unless you're a REAL neat freak.

Housework usually involves taking care of children and maintaining the house. I don't know about your kids, but mine didn't turn themselves off after 5:00pm or on weekends. Plus everyone still has to eat so dishes still have to be washed. When I stayed at home my day started before I woke up with the dog wanting to be let out and lasted until after I went to sleep with one of the kids and their cold or they wet the bed or something. My husband rarely volunteered to doo anything except for when I had surgery and couldn't move. (and he still expected me to do stuff...please).
Exactly what does my expectation that a woman have a value greater than being something for me to stick my penis into have to do with 'my own fears of inadequacy'?

Then again, how dare I suggest that there be equality when liberals will just boo hoo that holding women to the same standards as men is unfair to womyn.
Mountainhare said:

Liberal original sin dogma, for all to see.

Ah yes. Whenever you don't like the detail of history, just call it liberal dogma.

That's some bottom-shelf swill you're pushing.

• • •​

Angrybellsprout said:

Exactly what does my expectation that a woman have a value greater than being something for me to stick my penis into have to do with 'my own fears of inadequacy'?

Your disingenuous presentation.


Then again, how dare I suggest that there be equality when liberals will just boo hoo that holding women to the same standards as men is unfair to womyn.



That's so cute.

See, your definition of "same standards" is part of what's in question.
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Ah yes. Whenever you don't like the detail of history, just call it liberal dogma.

Even if we ignore your historical inaccuracies, you still clearly don't understand the meaning of 'original sin', despite me explaining it to you in the past.
Even if we ignore your historical inaccuracies, you still clearly don't understand the meaning of 'original sin', despite me explaining it to you in the past.

Origional sin is a term related to Christianity, and we already know that liberals hate religion in general, and especially Christianity specifically. That the only thing that they could ever hate more than Christianity is the concept of equality, especially when that equality is on the basis of sex.
Angrybellsprout said:

Origional sin is a term related to Christianity, and we already know that liberals hate religion in general, and especially Christianity specifically. That the only thing that they could ever hate more than Christianity is the concept of equality, especially when that equality is on the basis of sex.

He's referring to a concept of his own invention. But I did want to congratulate you. One clause of what you wrote in that post isn't pure fantasy. Original sin is, indeed, related to Christianity.
I do think my advice is sound: if you don't like women, stay away from them. Why aggravate yourself ? There's no law says you have to invite some freeloader into your life.
I do think my advice is sound: if you don't like women, stay away from them. Why aggravate yourself ? There's no law says you have to invite some freeloader into your life.

Just nice to see that you think that all women are freeloaders without a hope of ever having a value associated with them.
Just nice to see that you think that all women are freeloaders without a hope of ever having a value associated with them.

Well, you seem outraged about something. We can only hope, for your sake, that this is based on your experiences and not just fantasies you have, alone in your apartment. You seem to feel you, as a man, are on the unfair end of things. You also speak harsly about liberals.

Remember liberals always tried to get the laws to be fairer, for example, between the races. They also listened to the stories of people, like for example African Americans, who felt marginalized. Conservatives and reactionaries viewed these people as special interest group whiners who should pull themselves up by their own bootstraps.

Well, you are whining now.
What are you going to do to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps in a society you think unfairly favors women?
I see several men in positions of power both in government and in the private sector.
I see some men who have managed to find spouses who have jobs, or are happy homemakers, who do not slap their husbands when they are called bitches, in fact who do none of the things you whine about. So, given conservative logic, given that there are 'success stories' everyone else should shut up in that discriminated category or they are whiners. Knuckle down and get the life you want.

Are you going to do this?
Or will we be reading for years how unfair it is to live in this society because you are a man?
I would rather DIE than be one of those stay-at-home wives or girlfriends. Seriously, no hyperbole, I would. I don't ever plan on sitting at home doing the cleaning and washing up while my boyfriend/husband earns a living. I'd rather eat manure than be dependent like that. When I'm an adult I want to be exactly that, not some kind of childlike appendage who depends on a male to feed her.
I would rather DIE than be one of those stay-at-home wives or girlfriends. Seriously, no hyperbole, I would. I don't ever plan on sitting at home doing the cleaning and washing up while my boyfriend/husband earns a living. I'd rather eat manure than be dependent like that. When I'm an adult I want to be exactly that, not some kind of childlike appendage who depends on a male to feed her.

YES!!! :bravo:
I keep telling my daughter she can be anything she wants to be. But if she decides she wants to be a housewife, I think I'm gonna die a little bit inside. That never even occured to me.
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