Does mind control exist?

Are we discussing mind control in the sense of influencing peoples thoughts or are we discussing the paranoid delusional form of mind control?
Is it correct to say most people who believe in mind control have Schizophrenia?
lack of definition of terms renders your comment into narcissistic diatribe.
this moves your position into "delusional".
is it logical to define conceptualized schizophrenic paradigms from a delusional perspective ?
probably not.
lack of definition of terms renders your comment into narcissistic diatribe.
this moves your position into "delusional".
is it logical to define conceptualized schizophrenic paradigms from a delusional perspective ?
probably not.

I was unsure about the definition of mind control. I would not classify the experiences of a person with Schizophrenia as delusions but rather as just their personal experiences.
I find it sad that so many people with mental illness believe they are under mind control. Maybe there is a way we can clear things up for them to relieve their paranoia.
I find it sad that so many people with mental illness believe they are under mind control. Maybe there is a way we can clear things up for them to relieve their paranoia.
I didn't spend a lot of time in the rubber padded ward but my observations and information told to me from staff there the mistrust of authority, paranoia and a few other aspects of their life style became exacerbated by self medication

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I think it “exists.” Indoctrination is an example of it, and can be very powerful.
I think the word "control" is inappropriate. "Influence" would be more accurate.

A pedestrian can not "control" a car by jumping in front of it; he can "influence" its driver's control. Of course, the direction that that influence takes is not necessarily predictable.

I can "influence'"what you're thinking just by suggesting the word "influence" instead of "control" - but you might be thinking, "He's right! That's what I meant," or you might be thinking, "He's an idiot in every other thread, so I'll disregard what he says in this one."