Doing the Numbers on No. 1

was not my choice of words, (coined during the V.A. Kotov debate days) but it strikes most people as unexpectedly and amazing,
Really? Why would that be amazing?
and from that 10^3, using bode you have wavelength and ballpark photon signal travel time at your fingertips. example:
Saturn, the most stunning of planetary views, is reflecting sunlight that is~10x10x10x10/2 seconds travel time from the sun.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
Except that's false.
why? how?
I mentioned " ballpark" figures. (not babe ruth roundness)
Really? Why would that be amazing?
Well the correspondents back then, academics all, had never thought of orbit diameters in terms of speed of light, and when ~1000 light seconds popped up out of the long time data., some were surprised, amazed, wrote "clever" about the ramifications. , just a find of one of N N's polished pebbles on the beach.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
Bode has Saturn at 100. or 10 AU. I AU ~ 150 ooo ooo, km or 1000/2 light seconds . Sunlight will reach Saturn in 10x 500 seconds. approx. and then bounce back to you, wherever you are in the orbits. If you know Bode and the 1000/2 you have instant ballpark connection time delay. .
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Bob, In his sideshow, nebel is using weighted dice again. but not faked. facted.
There are facts but your "connection" of the facts is fakery,

I have two ears and it's two o'clock. Coincidence?

Yes. Of course it's coincidence.
I have two ears and it's two o'clock. Coincidence?

I thought with what you supposed to have between your 2 ears, you would come up with a more striking incident of 2+2 coincidences. like a clock broke and stuck at 2 showing absolute accurate time twice a day , not just standing still, like in
Dave' s ballpark bewilderment.
Belittling, bringing bizarre and irrelevant counter - examples is not refuting or erasing the confirmed, not just tentative numbers of 10s for No.1
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It's parallel logic, intended to show the bizarre and irrelevant nature of your examples.
I do not know why you use the word logic in connection with your example.
2 is too common, most stars are in a binary, 2 , arrangement, most humans come in 2s too, , unless you are Solomon, with his harem of 1000. (10^3)
so there is another 100 10s for you, you asked for it.
Bible: 2 are better than 1 , but when it comes to Bode. 10 is better than 2, although
most orbits are ~ 2 times bigger as you go out.
To show how silly your "logic" is
well, In the OP I did not appeal to a match of logics, simply showed for our home planet a
10 in the simplest planetary orbit ratios (modified Bode)
10 ooo light seconds orbit diameter
1/10 000 speed of light Orbital velocity
10 meter of water atmospheric pressure
10 ms^2 surface acceleration
10 digits.
It was not planned that way, but that how it turned out. Now what did you plan with your 2 ears at 2 o clock?
hope it turns our well with what No.10 Downing street is planning.
While we are at 10 for the number 1. ---1st planet with life, through which the Universe knows itself:
10 times further from the sun then Earth, with 10x10 on the Bode scale, is this exquisite, thin structure. Saturn's rings, now theorizes to be short-lived, younger, and dying sooner, like us humans. Good that our existence co-exist.
added up the Moon's and the Earth's orbital velocities, as we had during the red moonshine on Sunday. believe it or not, At that point, furthest from the Sun, the Moon whipped at 111 thousand 179 km/h around our planet and also star, that far. Did I have red moonshine on Sunday? No, when I drink , what i drink is legal. so:
~111 111 km/h. it is, easy to remember. for Nor. 1. without the Moon we would not be here.
PS: happens at every full moon I think.
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The number "one" (1) is fundamental to the mathematics in use by humans.
If the universe recognizes this artifical human value is still open. It seems it does.

But perhaps it functions strictly in a binary fashion and the fundamental functional numerical concept could be two (2), which includes 1 as one half of the whole..................:)
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If the universe recognizes this artifical human value is still open. It seems it does.
These numbers, as they turn up are interesting , but it was not planned that way. Surely the good people at "L'cademie Francaise" ~ hundert years ago did not plot to have the kilometre introduced to serve so well. The numbers in mile per second would not so cool.
These numbers, as they turn up are interesting , but it was not planned that way. Surely the good people at "L'cademie Francaise" ~ hundert years ago did not plot to have the kilometre introduced to serve so well. The numbers in mile per second would not so cool.
That argument can also be used in support of different fundamental functional mathematical concepts.

Just because humans would have trouble using all consistent mathematical concept does not mean it is invalid in the greater universal mathematical context of algebraic type mathematics dealing with probability potentials.

Something seems to work at Planck scale, but we can see it, or even describe it accurately. The universe seems to do just fine at quantum scale information sharing............:)
Write4U said:
If the universe recognizes
Anthropomorphism at its worst

Not necessarily. This was an objective qualitative statement.
Recognize = Distinguish,.....i.e. Trying to hammer a square peg in a round hole. The square peg "recognizes" it is unable to enter the round hole......:)
It doesn't need to be aware of this. It's mathematical........:biggrin:

Relative compatibility between two systems.
Many of these are all non-conscious mathematical functions, applicable to all objects including humans.

Compare it to different operating languages. They will not recognize each other's algorhythms.

I offered it in that context. Hey, I'm an advocate for a non-human like mathematical universe......:cool:
Keyword; Mathematical.

Is the term not also used in medicine?
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the greater universal mathematical context
well I do not go that far, just saying, having 111 111 km/h flow out of the end of you pen, or pop out on your calculator read out, is just slight less exciting than seeing 186 000, then, when I had only old American handbooks,
111 111 km/when I was really dealing with the areas where the Orbital velocities and rotational velocities add up to zero km/hr. like is shown in the "Jupiter velocities cancel" thread, Zvzs.
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Interestingly, "entanglement" suggests a possible universal dimension without spatial restrictions.
A pure quantum state in equilibrium, where a single quantum event triggers an instantaneous opposite quantum event elsewhere without consideration of spatial geometries, but maintaining intrinsic equilibrium as a wholeness.

Bohm's "insight intelligence" (metaphor), a dynamical self-referential mathematical system, aka. "superposition", responsible for the explication of every single quantum event in reality, since the beginning.

In such a universe "entanglement" would establish an abstract reciprocal mathematical function, which does not recognize spatial dimensions, but rather a set of hierarchical abstract "states" of the information network, the "implicate order" of that which is about to emerge as an unfolding self-referential pattern, a continual process.
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