Finish my Sentence

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...a bunch of men in white coats were performing an important experiment investigating the effect of pulling a dishcloth from the cupboard under a sink, as they had theorised that if such an act was to be performed in these conditions....
the other Mrs. Treacle would die. The experiment yeilded the unlikely result of....
one of the scientists bumping his head on the bottom of the sink unit and knocking himself out cold! Meanwhile, back at the Treacle's...
Mrs. Treacle's head did indeed explode. Luckily, she had a spare in her....
due o the effigy shortage of 2407. There was one thing for Mrs. Treacle to do,...
impregnate herself with an elephant sperm injection, nothing new because she had in the past given birth to ........
Mrs. Treacle thought she was supposed to give birth to a giraffe, some mixup at the sperm bank, at any rate she gave Ganymede Kid to the adoption agency where a family from .......
Mimas adoped him. The Ganymede Kid became an infamous...
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.....gun slinger. It was estimated that at his peak, he owned over 550 guns. And even more astonishing, he carried all 550 guns on himself. His ultimate death was....
from a heart attack, which came while he was out running police cruisers with all those guns on, and...
ironically, the Ganymede Kid. Such a coincidential and ironic conclusion to his life was in 2678 witten about by Boethius of...
everlasting kingdom that once dwelled within a galaxy of Andromeda that noone had cared for but now, when it collapsed with our stars, our planets, our kingdoms once separated from wars and distress but now united to solve one common goal, to leave the Milky Way before the Apocalypse of collision strikes vengeance upon our souls for such the day has come and now we must flee together to the distant path, opened by the closest black hole to us, and as we fled approaching the singularity of space...
, however, what we didn't know was tha the black hole led nowhere, we were all crushed into nothing instantly. It was a sad...
moment for the robots, that died soon after the disaster...sad, but sadness was no longer for death is not dominion of life, emotions are unjust, for there are no emotions, no hatred, no love, no despair, but only past that haunts us...
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