Fixing the climate.


Valued Senior Member
Let's move to a position where everyone is convinced something must be done.
The only argument now is not if anything needs to be done to disagreements over the best things to be done.

So for a bit of fun, I certainly need something cheerful and trivial, let's put forward some ideas...keeping cattle inside with giant carbon or rather methane scrubbers probably will get a gold star.

My idea is...we work out the current carbon footprint averaged over all we work out the maxim carbon foot print per human in order to reach a universal target.
No offsets either..just because I have some trees that does not mean that I am entitled to race V12 cars...let's assume there will be folk like me who don't need to be rewarded to do the right that unrealistic...anyways it will boil down to a simple quantitative exercise that shows each human can burn say X kilowatts in a year.
Those that go over take away their car, lights etc, second offense trim off a limb or two...

Cut out carbonated drinks maybe.

I don't know..who wants to play.

Who wants to be offended at the suggestion to make lite of the problem.

Do not try to fix the climate!
You do not know what you are do0ing, and may make it worse.
If we do not fix the Climate problem there will be pressure to "fix" the Climate artificially as a last resort.

We could indeed then make matters even worse and so there is the imperative to reverse/arrest (if possible )the actions that are affecting the global climate whilst there is ,(if there is) still time.
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We fixed the ozone hole(to an extent).Perhaps we should have just let things take their course and invested in sombreros....:rolleyes:
Oh, I disagree completely with the idea that humans can't fix problems. I was just commenting on Sculptor's frequent boast that he plants a lot of trees.
Create a massive set of bases on the moon and move ALL people to it and then watch what happens on the Earth. :)
  1. Quarantine,
  2. Stabilize
  3. Heal
Let's move to a position where everyone is convinced something must be done.
The only argument now is not if anything needs to be done to disagreements over the best things to be done.

So for a bit of fun, I certainly need something cheerful and trivial, let's put forward some ideas...keeping cattle inside with giant carbon or rather methane scrubbers probably will get a gold star.

My idea is...we work out the current carbon footprint averaged over all we work out the maxim carbon foot print per human in order to reach a universal target.
No offsets either..just because I have some trees that does not mean that I am entitled to race V12 cars...let's assume there will be folk like me who don't need to be rewarded to do the right that unrealistic...anyways it will boil down to a simple quantitative exercise that shows each human can burn say X kilowatts in a year.
Those that go over take away their car, lights etc, second offense trim off a limb or two...

Cut out carbonated drinks maybe.

I don't know..who wants to play.

Who wants to be offended at the suggestion to make lite of the problem.

Ahh! Here's an idea...
Use the International space station and it's crew's needs and life sustaining processes ( stats) as a starting point.
Ahh! Here's an idea...
Use the International space station and it's crew's needs and life sustaining processes ( stats) as a starting point.
You mean - import everything you need to live, and just dump the waste out the door? I think that's the worst thing we could do.
Keeping cattle inside is a bad idea. Much of our factory farms operate this way, already. Cattle, chickens, pigs etc need to be grazing outside, in clean pastures, without harmful antibiotic and hormone injections. I’m not a Vegan but I totally get their cause.

One of my ideas is to stop waste. Encourage recycling anywhere and everywhere and make it convenient for consumers so everyone gets on board.

I’ve started using glass straws for my protein smoothies and they are amazing. No need to ever use plastic straws again.

I have other ideas that I’ll post later.
Keeping cattle inside is a bad idea. Much of our factory farms operate this way, already. Cattle, chickens, pigs etc need to be grazing outside, in clean pastures, without harmful antibiotic and hormone injections. I’m not a Vegan but I totally get their cause.

One of my ideas is to stop waste. Encourage recycling anywhere and everywhere and make it convenient for consumers so everyone gets on board.

I’ve started using glass straws for my protein smoothies and they are amazing. No need to ever use plastic straws again.

I have other ideas that I’ll post later.
I have one idea (with more to come), don't use straws. :)
You do not know what you are do0ing, and may make it worse.
If you follow that crazy approach we would never got into nuclear weapons.

I know we blow holes in the Sahara to creat lakes and eject clouds of dust into the stratosphere to reflect the Sun's radiation. Now I know that will work so all we have to assemble a team who can promote the idea and folk with credentials that reason that it is a good idea and it's going to save us.

It is a difficult problem fortunately I have plenty of solutions .. some radical some more so ...
If we do not fix the Climate problem there will be pressure to "fix" the Climate artificially as a last resort.
You are right, that's why I think harder about the radical solutions as I fear things could get so bad that they will turn to ratbag solutions because of sheer despaeratinin. Cynical perhaps or a realist.
You mean - import everything you need to live, and just dump the waste out the door? I think that's the worst thing we could do.
nah!... But by using the stats you can calculate the environmental cost of an individual, H2O, O2, CO2, CH4 etc... also food in waste out ratios etc...How much needs to be dumped and why? and so on...
Give you are base line starting point for us mere Earthlings...

or ask the question and seek the answer to:
How can we make the ISS self sustaining and sufficient?
What would be required at the station to support the existence of a crew of say 8, in a self sustaining manner.
Then apply what we learn with adjustments to the 8 billion crew members on space ship Earth.
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