Following Presidential Advice:

Your point that disinfectant may be used in vaccine may be valid but you are playing with perception context.
To the less educated in the world the word Disinfectant means something quite different to a virologist working on a vaccine.
Trump was using the term as any less educated person would, referring to household hospital grade disinfectant and certainly not the agents used in making vaccines.

It is the fear that the less informed ( and less intelligent) may do damage to themselves due to irresponsible comments by a POTUS that should know better.

The words, "Something like that" gives it away. So not the same but something that can do what disinfectant was described in doing. But those with an IQ matching their show size just heard Trump say, "Inject with bleach". That's why we have warning labels, to keep society moving forward, you have to walk with the slowest. And believe you me, stationary objects overtake some posters on here.
The words, "Something like that" gives it away. So not the same but something that can do what disinfectant was described in doing. But those with an IQ matching their show size just heard Trump say, "Inject with bleach". That's why we have warning labels, to keep society moving forward, you have to walk with the slowest. And believe you me, stationary objects overtake some posters on here.
Anyway, It's jolly funny:

The words, "Something like that" gives it away. So not the same but something that can do what disinfectant was described in doing.

Nope. That is your dishonest twist of what Trump actually meant. The rest of the world seems to understand what he meant, even Trump knew what he meant but said he was being sarcastic. If he meant something else, he would have said so. He didn't. You're the one who is trying to defend Trump on something he never said. Or is it something about a shoe size?
Nope. That is your dishonest twist of what Trump actually meant. The rest of the world seems to understand what he meant, even Trump knew what he meant but said he was being sarcastic. If he meant something else, he would have said so. He didn't. You're the one who is trying to defend Trump on something he never said.
Yep. We have health experts from all over the country saying "yes, it sounds like he was saying injecting disinfectants was a good thing, but DON'T DO IT." They are not stupid people - but are trying to protect stupid people from Trump's ill-advised words.

(Ironic, since the uneducated make up most of Trump's support.)