God wanted Trump to be President?

Biden inserting homosexuality in the US army is against God.
Jesus never said anything about homosexuality. He did say if you divorce and remarry then you are committing adultery. So I guess all those churches that allow divorced adulterers to come in the church are against God.
LOL. Good point, I wonder why?
Don't ask.
Don't tell.

Curious case of the WAC company at fort Ritchie, circa 1969-70.
They put a field grade officer(major) in charge of a company---kinda like a demotion.
and, She was having a sexual relationship with the WAC 1st sergeant.
The discharges did not mention homosexuality, but rather focused on the non fraternization rule.
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Nope. A cartoon dog getting an acorn in his anus isn't sodomy. A cartoon truck getting water squirted up his butt is not sodomy. A man getting a prostate exam, or a woman getting a colonoscopy, is not sodomy. Sodomy requires sexual intercourse, and none of those examples qualify.

If you are such a woke fragile snowflake that such things offend you, simple solution - don't watch them.
Certainly you don't know what are you talking about.

Plus, my comment was not about such a cartoon affecting me, but is about CHILDREN.

Children have rights, and their rights must be respected.

Do you understand now?
I do have a lightsabre and can use The Force when I want to!

Maybe I've exposed too much...


:leaf:Sex addict with a lightsabre!

I have had sex in my 99 Buick Lesabre,... oops, maybe I have exposed too much as well... but I can swear, if I'm allowed to do so, that at the time to come, I always kept in my mind that god was with president Trump...
Jesus never said anything about homosexuality. He did say if you divorce and remarry then you are committing adultery. So I guess all those churches that allow divorced adulterers to come in the church are against God.
Of course he did.

When you go to the book of Revelation 22:15 it says: "Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood. These are the prophetic words of Jesus to John

In the old testament, the same words the dog is used in reference to the homosexual, when his offering as well the offering of the prostitute must not be accepted when worshipping the biblical god.

About divorce and marrying again, even Jesus said that is not allowed just by "any reason", however when fornication/adultery is involved, then divorce is accepted to proceed. Check with Mathew 19:9. Other reasons for divorce like she turned obese, she can't cook or her feet really stink, those are not valid reasons for divorce.

By the way, up to those years a man was to marry several wives if such was his desire and his economic budget to supply for them. But divorce them was a complete different scenario.

President Trump did very good when he stop homosexuality getting into the armed forces. And, if you don't want to remember I will remind you, that those men and women looking for become effeminate men and mannish women started to demand for the government to pay their cosmetic surgeries in order to look like women and men.

At least, in president Trump's administration my tax money didn't financed such cosmetic surgeries thru the army.
President Trump did very good when he stop homosexuality getting into the armed forces. And, if you don't want to remember I will remind you, that those men and women looking for become effeminate men and mannish women started to demand for the government to pay their cosmetic surgeries in order to look like women and men.
Oops, you're ignorance is showing again! I'm sure this is all very confusing for you.:rolleyes:
Certainly you don't know what are you talking about.
Apparently I know far more than you. You thought Biden allowed gays to serve in the military.
Children have rights, and their rights must be respected.
Absolutely. And if YOU wanted to stick acorns in children's butts, be warned that I would do what I had to to stop you.
"Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood."
That sounds like Jesus was talking to Trump directly. "Falsehoods" - Trump was the most dishonest president in history. "Sexually immoral" - Trump raped his own wife. "The idolaters" - for that I will just leave that picture above.
It happens that the higher price with president Trump administration was temporary, with Biden will stay permanent and will continue going up. This current administration is against the economy of people.
Yes, Trump gave a taxbreak to the rich, for which the working class had to pay.
God was with president Trump, no doubt about it.
Yes, just like God is with every televangelist who builds a golden doghouse from the money he bilks from the poor and stupid devoted flock of sheeple.

Trump even acted like a snake oil salesman with his solutions to the Covid pandemic. What more proof do you need that Trump is the instrument of the Devil. Is Fox your news source?

Why do you refuse to see what is placed in front of you while Trump with the big salesman's smile carefully places himself behind his "customer" and proceeds to service the account?

Have you actually read Trump's biography? Everything this man touches dies. He touched our democracy and it is dying. Take off the blinders this con-man has placed over your eyes.
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stop homosexuality getting into the armed forces

To bad the religious church's did nothing about their holy forces having the deviant homosexuals within their ranks

Note the operative word deviant. Nothing wrong with homosexuality

vow of celibacy seems damned perverse
start out with one perversion and
what follows follows

as re god and trump
would you have it that 1st god wanted trump to be president and then, 4 years later, god didn't want trump to be president?
is god really that fickle?
is god really that fickle?
Depends on what your belief in a god is, was you expecting something else?
Maybe it grates you to find your chosen belief to be something like Mary Poppings, only ''practically'' perfect in every way. That may explain the ''fickle''.
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Yes, Trump gave a taxbreak to the rich, for which the working class had to pay.
Yes, just like God is with every televangelist who builds a golden doghouse from the money he bilks from the poor and stupid devoted flock of sheeple.

Biden is doing worst things in economy that favoured the rich over the poor.

Biden bought 200 million vaccines and later found out only 75 million got vaccinated. Desperate Joe wanted to justify his unnecessary buying of vaccines obligating 80 million people getting vaccinated against their will. Such is evil. His attempts are still not working so he now has targeted CHILDREN. Oh come on, he is the Devil in person...

President Trump, guided by God shouldn't have never ever do such disastrous buying of 200 million vaccines. As a business man he should start with 50 million vaccines and continue buying in accord to the demand. Joe is just a 50 years politician who is an expert in spilling tax payers money investing in unnecessary things.

And worst, Joe is the greatest liar, because he said those vaccines are "free" ha ha ha ha... those vaccines cost billions of dollars of taxpayers money: the vaccines themselves plus the daily propaganda inciting people to get vaccinated.

Trump even acted like a snake oil salesman with his solutions to the Covid pandemic. What more proof do you need that Trump is the instrument of the Devil. Is Fox your news source?

Why do you refuse to see what is placed in front of you while Trump with the big salesman's smile carefully places himself behind his "customer" and proceeds to service the account?

Have you actually read Trump's biography? Everything this man touches dies. He touched our democracy and it is dying. Take off the blinders this con-man has placed over your eyes.


Hillary Clinton's fanatics in their frustration are the ones who killed democracy and established democrazy. Candidate Donald Trump won the elections in a clean democratic process.

In the middle of the pandemic, president Trump made what any scientists will do, which is trial and error, in order to fight against the spreading of the virus.

Unlike South Korea, Australia and the rest of the world, no matter how good any initiative of president Trump was to be recommended, the idiots of Democrat States decided to contradict any solution and such is the result of the chaos in the US while in other countries the different political parties worked together for their countries. Here, the chaos generated by Democrats doing street manifestations with riots included, and fomenting confusion and pessimism were the clear signals that social resent people were to take power instead of decent leaders as honourable president Trump.

Go ahead, read the news of those days again, in the middle of the pandemic those idiot fanatics still were in the streets destroying business, causing injuries, stopping the normal functioning in several cities. Those were Joe's people, the incarnated Devil.

Look at now the inflation, the gas price, the food price, everything went up in the first three months with evil Joe, and you and others say nothing, you keep your mouths shout. Good, because keeping such a silence means at least you are not praying to the Devil to bring more misery to this country.

And believe me or not, in July 2020 was a clear sign that evil was to take place in this country. I witnessed the sign, and I have the video of it.
Remember that your beloved President Trump was the guy who opposed mask wearing and most other sensible public health measures, while promoting ineffective medicines for Covid 19, such as hydroxychloroquine, long after they were proven ineffective. Trump and his Republican cronies regular held super-spreader public events that exacerbated the Covid epidemic in the United States. American people paid with their lives in huge numbers because of Trump's errors and carelessness.

You really don't want to get into the business of counting Trump's lies vs Biden's. Trump holds the all-time record on lies. Reliable media organisations actually dedicated people just to fact-check and count Trump's lies, which came at an astonishing rate during his presidency. And then, after Biden was elected, came Trump's Big Lie.

You want to trash your democracy and bring that guy back as your President, so he can run your country like Putin runs Russia, preferably indefinitely? You want him as your Supreme Leader? Why?