Great victory over political correctness and leftist propaganda

Yeah, you really aren't. Saying that you are racist is not calling you a name....
I was actually referring to where you just called me stupid. is pointing out that you support attitudes and policies that contribute to the oppression of people based on race.
If fair, fine. When based on your imagination of things not said, not fine.
This statement would seem less racist if it were true, but since this is not true - seems kinda racist....
Wait, what? Can you explain that? It sounds like you are claiming blacks commit fewer crimes than whites. I can't fathom a way to spin that for it to be true.
Yes, and if you look at the district results in virtually all of the "swing" states, the cities almost universally voted for Clinton, while rural areas and small towns voted for Trump.
- - - -
Part of the problem here is that with the diversity of news sources available, people can now pick and choose sources that reflect their existing political views. So, they never see the point of view of people who have the opposite political affiliation.
You vastly overestimate the diversity of the news sources available to small town and rural Americans in the course of their daily life. The big radio and TV stations are about it. Madanthony is being simply informative when he tells you about aspects of ordinary reality he has never heard of.

Look at the cable and dish programming selections in the rural and outer suburban regions.

For years it was Fox News on the gas station pump screens all over suburban and rural and truckstop America, and Fox News on the military radio and TV feed on every American military base. That was the non-controversial, non-alienating choice of most commercial enterprises. Lately with Fox somewhat controversial and CNN converted to Fox viewpoint delivery anyway, CNN has taken some of that niche - no real difference.

Guys like Madanthony in the US live in an information vacuum - they lack factual information about the historical and physical world. It's not only because they choose insularity, it's also because their environment lacks sources of information.
Wait, what? Can you explain that? It sounds like you are claiming blacks commit fewer crimes than whites. I can't fathom a way to spin that for it to be true.
Blacks and whites of equivalent demographic status seem to commit about the same number of crimes overall, sure. Why would you think differently? There are some differences in type of crime committed, but these seem circumstantial.

Imagine if the police ran stop and frisk on Wall Street in New York, for example, and included fraudulently obtained prescription drugs with the cocaine in the search parameters. Or consider what zero-tolerance and SWAT team equivalent computer search for financial crimes would turn up in the office buildings lining that street.
Trump kind of blew that out of the water, though. Civility and being together with Trump and his supporters are mutually exclusive conditions at the moment.

I'm doing it, not hard actually, take a chill pill or something, smoke some marry jane, etc.
I think poverty is a stronger indicator of crime than race. And it just so happens that there are way more blacks living in poverty than whites.
Sure. But if you say something racist, then you said something racist Just because you are too stupid to realize that something is racist doesn't mean that it's not racist. Just because you don't want to be called racist doesn't mean you're not racist.

If you believe in black lives matter, you will be treated differently, than if you believe white lives matter. The first makes you progressive the second makes you a racists. If you believe in women's rights, you will be treated differently than if you believe in men's rights. The first makes you progressive and the second makes you sexists. If you believe in gay and lesbian rights, you will be treated differently than if you believe in the rights of traditional sexuality. The first is called progressive and the second is a phobia. The Trump supporters are against the dual standard. They believe in human rights, which are the same for all, regardless of race, sex, etc.. They do not believe in separate and/or extra rights just because you votes for Democrats.

Trump supporters do not believe the son is responsible for the sins of the father. Slavery was terrible, while women were not allowed to vote until the last century. However, nobody around today had anything to do with that, unless your believe in a form of reincarnation, where white male souls of the past can only come back if they enter white male bodies of the future. There is no science to support this. However, there is separation of church and state, This strange liberal church has the right to exist but it can't be supported by law.

The Trump supporters are not against immigration and immigrants. Most of our parents or grandparents came from other places and immigrated to the USA. The difference was they came here legally, to show respect for place they wanted to call home. They did not expect nor did they get any freebies. The took their hazing, like all new immigrant groups. They also had enough sense to encourage their children to assimilate and learn the new language, since being mainstream will offer them best path for success and the American dream.

Liberals think illegal and legal immigration is the same thing. If you hate criminal aliens you also hate honest aliens. They judge solely by race and not character; all Mexicans immigrants are treated the same. Trump supporters favor only the law abiding immigrants.

Trump supporters are not against Muslims. Once again they make a distinction between radical muslims and peaceful muslims. Liberals like to lump Muslims as all the same; based on race, instead of character. They do not like to make a character distinction. In terms of the character issue of Muslims, the good Muslims could win over the Trump supporter by claiming an allegiance to America; separating from the racial element. If they don''t make this distinction, they will get lumped due to safety first.

The Liberals undermine this with the concept of diversity, which is designed to keep them separated so Muslim criminal can prey on Muslims so they are afraid to stand apart. This perpetuate the misunderstanding that comes from not showing your character. Almost all criminal immigrants will prey mostly on their own kind. Even black on black crime is worse than black on white. The liberals know this and keep them segregated with fear. Trump supporters wish to help their fellow human with character fight the bad guys. We need to know who wears which colors.
The Trump supporters are against the dualstandard. They believe in human rights, which are the same for all, regardless of race, sex, etc.. They do not believe in separate and/or extra rights just because you votes for Democrats.

Wow! Trump supporters believe in human rights! Lol

Let me translate what their idea of human rights are: their standards should be your standards. Talk about selfish and narcisisstic.

The rest is correct and fair on paper but unfortunately the real base of the right are the bigots just the same. They dont care about differentiating either. This is why extreme right or left does no good.

Yes, and if you look at the district results in virtually all of the "swing" states, the cities almost universally voted for Clinton, while rural areas and small towns voted for Trump.
Its not just the swing states. Virtually every "blue" state is a blue state because of one or more big cities running up so many Democrat votes that they overwhelm the rest of the state which votes Republican.

Another interesting effect is the clustering of politically like-minded by geography, as you say. I don't think your experience would be at all unusual. I think a lot of Trump voters would not know anybody who would have voted for Clinton, and an equal number of Clinton voters who would not know anybody who voted for Trump.

Part of the problem here is that with the diversity of news sources available, people can now pick and choose sources that reflect their existing political views. So, they never see the point of view of people who have the opposite political affiliation. That lack of discussion of policies and ideas means that people end up voting in a kind of vacuum, based on perceptions of personalities and stereotypes and caricatures.
That problem is exacerbated by the open hostility found on many sites (including this one) for people with an opposing viewpoint.
I'm doing it, not hard actually, take a chill pill or something, smoke some marry jane, etc.
They aren't.

Trump's entire campaign was run on rejecting civility, and flying the thug flag high and proud. Look at the title of this thread.
That problem is exacerbated by the open hostility found on many sites (including this one) for people with an opposing viewpoint.
You mean hostility toward you for posting as you do? It's not being "opposing" that renders your viewpoints foul.
They aren't.

Trump's entire campaign was run on rejecting civility, and flying the thug flag high and proud. Look at the title of this thread.

So therefor you should not be a civilize adult human and instead shit in your cupped hand and fling it at them as they have towards you?
But hope it reverses; like 9/11 to 11/9, this should become destroy to create peace and harmony with prosperity.
I certainly hope you are correct, for the sake of the USA, firstly, and the world secondly.
It's just rather hard to comprehend in this day and age, how such a misogynistic, racist, isolationist, pig of a man, is going to accomplish such good. :(
Either that, or he is no more than a manipulative lying individual, that has set out to appeal to such qualities in others just to get votes.
But the US have voted him in, [at least those that took the time to vote] and those that failed to see the possibility of what may happen, and did not get up of their fat arses, to cast their vote, cannot now complain.
Meanwhile I'll sit back in my comfortable retirement, in the greatest little country in the world and watch with interest. :)
If you believe in black lives matter, you will be treated differently, than if you believe white lives matter. The first makes you progressive the second makes you a racists.
Yes. Because the people saying "black lives matter" are doing so in a context of black people not being recognized by people like you. You are, right now, trying to diminish their concerns because you are a racist. Some other person, ignorant of history, might say, "all lives matter" and say something racist but not mean to be racist. You, on the other hand, we can tell are actually racist.

If you believe in women's rights, you will be treated differently than if you believe in men's rights. The first makes you progressive and the second makes you sexists.
Sure, because there is a context of men ignoring the rights of women and there is a context of people who claim to represent men's rights who do nothing for men and only work to oppress women. You cannot be ignorant of this.

If you believe in gay and lesbian rights, you will be treated differently than if you believe in the rights of traditional sexuality. The first is called progressive and the second is a phobia.
Hardly. Nobody who is in favor of gay rights thinks that heterosexuals shouldn't have rights. However, you are probably referring to those people who believe in the right to oppress those who do not conform to very conservative (and mostly false) ideas of sexuality. Those who believe that are wrong.

The Trump supporters are against the dual standard. They believe in human rights, which are the same for all, regardless of race, sex, etc.. They do not believe in separate and/or extra rights just because you votes for Democrats.
This is clearly false, since you are a Trump supporter and you believe that straight white men should have opportunities that other people should not.

Trump supporters do not believe the son is responsible for the sins of the father. Slavery was terrible, while women were not allowed to vote until the last century. However, nobody around today had anything to do with that, unless your believe in a form of reincarnation, where white male souls of the past can only come back if they enter white male bodies of the future. There is no science to support this.
There is science to support the idea that the rhetoric of slavery still exists. You spout it regularly, especially when you regularly lie about the history of the Republican party and their racism.

The Trump supporters are not against immigration and immigrants.
Except that they clearly are.

Liberals think illegal and legal immigration is the same thing.
Except that they clearly don't. They are not the ones running around with anti-immigrant signs.
If you hate criminal aliens you also hate honest aliens.
Why don't you try not hating?

Trump supporters are not against Muslims.
Except that they clearly are.
It's just rather hard to comprehend in this day and age, how such a misogynistic, racist, isolationist, pig of a man, is going to accomplish such good. :(
Either that, or he is no more than a manipulative lying individual, that has set out to appeal to such qualities in others just to get votes.

The fact remains he won the battle.
And in doing so it would seem he achieved the impossible.

He has after all beat everyone, firstly on his side and then on the other, folk seem to still underestimate him which was their fatal mistake in the first place.

We have a non career politician wipe the floor and has shown the best how to suck eggs and all they can do is grizzle.

Well I would be taking just a little joy in the fact that someone with the ability to win is playing on the nations side.

He is in now and there is little that can be done to change that fact.
And by winning deserves at least recognition that he has done so and now rather than ask why is it so turn to a hope that this "winner" can hit some home runs for the team.

So therefor you should not be a civilize adult human and instead shit in your cupped hand and fling it at them as they have towards you?
Of course not. I plan to be civil as always. But expecting the Trump crowd to be civil in return is silly - there is no way to join together in mutual civility with Trump's electoral base.

They are who they are, and they're proud of it.
Look at the title of this thread.
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