Great victory over political correctness and leftist propaganda

Deliberate misrepresentation of other members' posts is exactly unacceptable.
Yes. Because the people saying "black lives matter" are doing so in a context of black people not being recognized by people like you.
So clearly you believe white lives don't matter, which makes you a racist, right?
Quite the contrary - I'm resurrecting a form from my long suppressed past. Go **** yourself. Exuberantly and frequently.

Gosh it fells good to be unshackled.
Fair enough - either I haven't had much interaction with you in the past or it didn't register with me as memorable, because I don't have a "form" in mind for you. And since you weren't part of the discussion that led to this, if you aren't drunk, drugged, or stupid you should recognize that I wasn't referring to you when I said that.
... "you aren't drunk, drugged, or stupid" ...
Oh, the right wingnut base - uneducated, simplistic and totally unable to handle the rubber glue thing back atcha...

No, that wouldn't be me. But I see how you could self-identify.
Deliberate misrepresentation of other members' posts is exactly unacceptable.
The implied word there is black lives (also) matter. But that doesn't have quite the same ring to it.
Perhaps*, but that's not what PhysBang was responding to. He was objecting vehemently to the statement/prospect that "white lives matter", ergo he believes that white lives don't matter.

*I don't necessarily agree that that's the appropriate qualifier and given that guys like PhysBang think it is acceptable to insert whatever qualifier you want, I reserve the right to come back to that and add any qualifier I want and accuse him of believing it.
That said, trump could possibly be a great president to use his business sense to make this country more wealthy but thats only one aspect. Being a great and beloved president, he will have to recognize everyone as well as become current on these changes, not just like a wall street tycoon stuck in the 1980's mentality.
Great and beloved by whom?

People who do things like this?



Or how about this..

Shaun King, a reporter for the New York Daily News, began sharing reports immediately after Mr Trump took to the stage in the early hours of Wednesday morning. He said he was aware of more than 50 instances of Muslim women having their hijab removed or being attacked for wearing one.

Texas student Taesung Kim wrote on Facebook that a group of boys at Plano East Senior High School removed a girl’s hijab in the school hallway.

A mother of a student at the same school, Lacee Burton-Rhone, shared a photograph of a chalk drawing on the concrete. Under, were the words: “Build The Wall”.

“A student also said that Trump was going to get rid of all the n***ers, and a black girl was asked what side of the field she would be picking cotton on,” she wrote. “This is Trump’s America.”


Maha Abdul Gawad, a Muslim woman, said she was shopping at Walmart when she was approached and told the hijab is “not allowed”.

“My first racist encounter ... I am at Walmart today a woman came up to me and pulled my Hijab of (sic) and said ‘this is not allowed anymore, so go hang yourself with it around your neck not on your head’. I am traumatised.”


Maple Grove High School in Minnesota is investigating after racist messages were scrawled inside toilets on Wednesday afternoon.

The messages included “Go back to Africa”, “Whites only” and “White America”. Below the word “Trump” was a symbol for no blacks.

ABC5 reported the local school district was looking into the matter.

A spokeswoman said: “Racist messages like the one found today endanger the safety of our students and staff of colour, and they create a climate that is not conducive to learning.”



In Philadelphia, it was more of the same. reported the words “Seig Heil”, which translates to “Victory hail” and was a term originally used by the Nazis, was painted on a shopfront south of the city.

It was accompanied by a swastika and “2016”. Elsewhere in the city, a black woman’s car was vandalised with the words “Trump Rules” and “Black Bitch”. It was parked outside a repair shop and the owner said detectives were investigating.

Shit like this is being reported around the country since the election. Kids in kindergarten and primary schools are also being attacked for being minorities and they are being reminded that Trump won the election by those attacking them. Libraries are being defaced, because Trump won. White supremacists are now emboldened to show their true colours in public without fear of repercussion, because TRUMP!

Trump and the GOP are yet to address the horrific rise in racist attacks since the election, by those touting Trump's name. Then again, they probably do not want to anger their base.

So beloved by whom? Great according to whose standards? White supremacists? Too bad about everyone else, I guess. How about these kids?

Southern Lehigh High School students have been subjected to classmates yelling gay slurs and the n-word in the halls, calling black students cotton pickers and using heil Hitler salutes.

That's according to students and a letter high school Principal Christine Siegfried sent home to families following a special assembly on Wednesday, where the principal urged the study body to treat classmates with respect.


The message sent home to families outlines the racially charged incidents and asks parents for their support modeling that this behavior is unacceptable, Evison said Friday, declining to get into the details of the actual incidents.

They include swastikas being carved into bathroom stalls, written on homework, laptops and screensavers, according to Kish and a copy of the letter obtained by The Morning Call and posted on the newspaper's website.

Students have been yelling the n-word in hallways at lunch and in gym. Black students have also been called cotton picker and lesbians referenced as "dykes."

"Black students seem to be one of the largest targets," Kish said."Some students think it is funny to yell slurs. It baffles me how people think this is OK."

The superintendent said she is not sure why students seem to think this behavior is suddenly acceptable. There's been no major changes at the school and this has not been an issue in the past, Evison.

I am sure the victims of these awful attacks feel really optimistic about their future right about now. And it isn't just 'racial' minorities. LGBT and people with disabilities are also targets by people screaming Trump at them and telling them they are no longer welcome in the US. Women are being sexually assaulted by men calling out "grab them by the pussy" in public areas.

So I'll ask again, beloved by whom?
Great and beloved by whom?

People who do things like this?



Or how about this..

Shaun King, a reporter for the New York Daily News, began sharing reports immediately after Mr Trump took to the stage in the early hours of Wednesday morning. He said he was aware of more than 50 instances of Muslim women having their hijab removed or being attacked for wearing one.

Texas student Taesung Kim wrote on Facebook that a group of boys at Plano East Senior High School removed a girl’s hijab in the school hallway.

A mother of a student at the same school, Lacee Burton-Rhone, shared a photograph of a chalk drawing on the concrete. Under, were the words: “Build The Wall”.

“A student also said that Trump was going to get rid of all the n***ers, and a black girl was asked what side of the field she would be picking cotton on,” she wrote. “This is Trump’s America.”


Maha Abdul Gawad, a Muslim woman, said she was shopping at Walmart when she was approached and told the hijab is “not allowed”.

“My first racist encounter ... I am at Walmart today a woman came up to me and pulled my Hijab of (sic) and said ‘this is not allowed anymore, so go hang yourself with it around your neck not on your head’. I am traumatised.”


Maple Grove High School in Minnesota is investigating after racist messages were scrawled inside toilets on Wednesday afternoon.

The messages included “Go back to Africa”, “Whites only” and “White America”. Below the word “Trump” was a symbol for no blacks.

ABC5 reported the local school district was looking into the matter.

A spokeswoman said: “Racist messages like the one found today endanger the safety of our students and staff of colour, and they create a climate that is not conducive to learning.”



In Philadelphia, it was more of the same. reported the words “Seig Heil”, which translates to “Victory hail” and was a term originally used by the Nazis, was painted on a shopfront south of the city.

It was accompanied by a swastika and “2016”. Elsewhere in the city, a black woman’s car was vandalised with the words “Trump Rules” and “Black Bitch”. It was parked outside a repair shop and the owner said detectives were investigating.

Shit like this is being reported around the country since the election. Kids in kindergarten and primary schools are also being attacked for being minorities and they are being reminded that Trump won the election by those attacking them. Libraries are being defaced, because Trump won. White supremacists are now emboldened to show their true colours in public without fear of repercussion, because TRUMP!

Trump and the GOP are yet to address the horrific rise in racist attacks since the election, by those touting Trump's name. Then again, they probably do not want to anger their base.

So beloved by whom? Great according to whose standards? White supremacists? Too bad about everyone else, I guess. How about these kids?

Southern Lehigh High School students have been subjected to classmates yelling gay slurs and the n-word in the halls, calling black students cotton pickers and using heil Hitler salutes.

That's according to students and a letter high school Principal Christine Siegfried sent home to families following a special assembly on Wednesday, where the principal urged the study body to treat classmates with respect.


The message sent home to families outlines the racially charged incidents and asks parents for their support modeling that this behavior is unacceptable, Evison said Friday, declining to get into the details of the actual incidents.

They include swastikas being carved into bathroom stalls, written on homework, laptops and screensavers, according to Kish and a copy of the letter obtained by The Morning Call and posted on the newspaper's website.

Students have been yelling the n-word in hallways at lunch and in gym. Black students have also been called cotton picker and lesbians referenced as "dykes."

"Black students seem to be one of the largest targets," Kish said."Some students think it is funny to yell slurs. It baffles me how people think this is OK."

The superintendent said she is not sure why students seem to think this behavior is suddenly acceptable. There's been no major changes at the school and this has not been an issue in the past, Evison.

I am sure the victims of these awful attacks feel really optimistic about their future right about now. And it isn't just 'racial' minorities. LGBT and people with disabilities are also targets by people screaming Trump at them and telling them they are no longer welcome in the US. Women are being sexually assaulted by men calling out "grab them by the pussy" in public areas.

So I'll ask again, beloved by whom?

I didnt know it was going to get that bad. This is like social regression winded back three or more decades. And you are right, if trump even addresses this to denounce the racism without being vague such as 'united americans', he will be appearing hypocritical to the right.

I dont know how he will handle this rising civil unrest. I wonder if there will end up a civil war in this country.

I asked this hispanic and black guy why they voted for trump. They said he can make america great and everyone is racist sometimes or feels that way. I see this as a male bravado vote on their part. I asked this christian white male who apparently has many minority friends who voted for trump and he was more vague but it seems also about empowering economics is why they voted for him. Besides the ones who voted because they are white supremacists.
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He was objecting vehemently to the statement/prospect that "white lives matter", ergo he believes that white lives don't matter.
When the statement is a response to the plea from black people for a re-evaluation of police violence, it's perceived as a "fuck you and your black issues". You get that, right?
When the statement is a response to the plea from black people for a re-evaluation of police violence, it's perceived as a "fuck you and your black issues". You get that, right?
Are you saying that a person should consider context and intent? Well that doesn't sound right at all!
I am not sure what point you are trying to make and I don't like to hear about the many terrible things that happen to women but although your intentions may be good I find your post somewhat in poor taste.
Let me explain a little then...
The Statue of liberty is a icon for many things to many people. one of those things is the ideological position that immigrants are welcome to the USA
The Statue of Liberty is also an icon for some of the ancient Roman Goddess Libertina, who was a woman who was granted goddess status due to her heroic work in the emancipation of slaves during the Roman empire.
Ideologically the USA is founded on all those values, most of which are enshrined in the constitution.

When a person in Australia who is suffering PTSD due to sexual assault she looks towards those who would normally support her recovery. Trumps mandated behavior has left her at a great loss, as this means her sexual assault has also been mandated.

The USA provides the world a flame of hope to so many people around the world and Trump has not only dimmed that flame he has denigrated it as well.

The issue facing the world is not just about democracy and politics and nuclear weapons, it is about USA ideology and how that ideology, admired by so many around the globe is currently being threatened.
Trump is far from perfect candidate for president, but I would like to point out important aspect of this election. It seems to me that one of the factors which brought down Hillary is that people are already tired by leftist - political correctness - pro immigration - gender - positive discrimination - false racist accusations - LGBTI - propaganda shoved down their throats every single day from 90% of "mainstream" media, scores of leftist activists and "standard" politicians. All the rigged polls presented by “mainstream” media tried to show that Trump has no chance to win. Majority of "mainstream" media have totally pushed anti Trump propaganda and used standard leftist false accusation tactics naming Trump racist, misogynist and so but the result of election clearly showed that majority of people in US simply don’t believe the mainstream media propaganda anymore.

I hope more people will follow Trumps example and show middle finger to the leftist propaganda and more people will stand up and fight leftist “activists” if they try to gang up on somebody using false accusations.

You're a pristine example of why I can't wait for humanity to self-destruct. I root for its annihilation. Hopefully Trump will get pissed at Putin and launch the nukes and Putin does likewise.
Let me explain a little then...
The Statue of liberty is a icon for many things to many people. one of those things is the ideological position that immigrants are welcome to the USA
The Statue of Liberty is also an icon for some of the ancient Roman Goddess Libertina, who was a woman who was granted goddess status due to her heroic work in the emancipation of slaves during the Roman empire.
Ideologically the USA is founded on all those values, most of which are enshrined in the constitution.

The Statue of Liberty was also based on a black woman. Seems worth noting, given the fact of American white supremacism.
I do think we should give him a chance though now that he is president. But the protests are a good wakeup call also to trump and the right that the old racist patriarchy of a nation will have to be modified, not just a version of the past.
Really? Most of us see the protesters as spoiled brats throwing a tantrum at best, if not simply a gang of violent thugs. Marching around yelling "fuck Trump" and committing random acts of vandalism and violence will only serve as further justification for a return to law and order.

Here are some of the "protesters":

Also, more people will probably start carrying guns to protect themselves from such "wake up calls".