Greatest I Am's anti-religion thread

how is that different from religious sects? a "human" decided to write down their ideas of what morals should be followed or exercised and those that agree with them do the same.

You better ask GIA, I was just saying what I think the following means...
I like to think Gnostic Christianity is a better buy for any seekers buck as we seek God and do not idol worship the homophobic and misogynous Gods that the mainstream have on offer. We measure our worth by our morals and not by some heavenly pie in the sky prize that the mainstream lie to their sheeple about.

According to GIA he is not an atheist...
I am not an atheist but am a man who, thanks to apotheosis, believes himself to have high morals. Perhaps even superior to women.
According to GIA he is not an atheist...

i just re-read it and realized i wrote 'agnostic' instead of 'gnostic.' if he is a practicing gnostic, then he isn't an athiest. however, if he utlitizes these just as a way of metaphors or still not cemented in his ideas or sure, it doesn't necessarily mean he isn't atheist or agnostic. i don't know or really care what his beliefs are but he/she never struck me as being sure but rather questioning which is better than locked in one framework.
i don't know or really care what his beliefs are but he/she never struck me as being sure but rather questioning which is better than locked in one framework.
So, his posts are falling on deaf ears in your case and you won't be signing GIA's petition to the United Nations to ''declare war'' against ''Islam''?
GIA said...
Let us be honest. Islam’s ideology is immoral to its core. Should we ask the Haigue and U.N. to rule on the free world’s first duty to the world. Should we declare war against this immoral ideology?
But then, if your a woman GIA would not expect you to sign, since women have lower moral standards.
GIA said...
I am not an atheist but am a man who, thanks to apotheosis, believes himself to have high morals. Perhaps even superior to women.
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So, his posts are falling on deaf ears in your case and you won't be signing GIA's petition to the United Nations to ''declare war'' against ''Islam''?
GIA said...
But then, if your a woman GIA would not expect you to sign, since women have lower moral standards.
GIA said...

you are really taking things out of context. as i said before and as that thread indicates, GIA is more a questioner of ideas. he did not say women have lower moral standards, he said he personally may have higher moral standards.

as for islam, whether it's pc or not, islam is a crappy religion per the koran. did you expect a pc response? the koran is a very corrupt book and so a dangerous ideology or religion. is there some insane reason that the very things modern society deems inappropriate, sexist, immoral etc is somehow okay or ignored when it's magically in the religious section?

at least GIA has the guts and honesty to call it like it is. besides, did you not notice all the other sexist and stereotyping replies in that post from others? why are you just focused on GIA?
at least GIA has the guts and honesty to call it like it is.
I'm not sure about that.

As far as I can tell, GIA has recently flipped from being an avowed atheist/agnostic to now proclaiming himself to be a "gnostic Christian", whatever that is supposed to mean.

He is still preaching that all religions are wrong, but now he seems to have added that "gnostic Christianity" is an exception to his general rule, for some reason that he is yet to adequately explain.
he did not say women have lower moral standards, he said he personally may have higher moral standards.
'' Perhaps even superior to women.'' Read what GIA says...
I am not an atheist but am a man who, thanks to apotheosis, believes himself to have high morals. Perhaps even superior to women.
My bold. From...

as for islam, whether it's pc or not, islam is a crappy religion per the koran. did you expect a pc response? the koran is a very corrupt book and so a dangerous ideology or religion. is there some insane reason that the very things modern society deems inappropriate, sexist, immoral etc is somehow okay or ignored when it's magically in the religious section?
Even more reason for GIA to be ACTIVE somewhere where it counts, instead of flapping his gums on a forum and getting where exactly? Recently I did ask him how his lobbying of the UN was going.

at least GIA has the guts and honesty to call it like it is
If he's honest with himself in his 'beliefs', he wouldn't waste his time on a forum trying to change the world. Because that's what he's doing when talking about the UN.
As far as I can tell, GIA has recently flipped from being an avowed atheist/agnostic to now proclaiming himself to be a "gnostic Christian", whatever that is supposed to mean.

I addressed that in post #250 (and GIA seems to have agreed with my interpretation).

To save having to go back and look for it, here it is again:

I think that it might help to understand where GIA is coming from if we read him as a modern-day proponent of ancient Marcionism.

This was an early Christian 'heresy' that accepted Jesus, but rejected the God of the Old Testament. The idea was that the OT God was really the devil, and this fallen world really was something very much like hell, but the real higher God, the God of Love as opposed to the god of death and hate, took pity on us and out of compassion sent down Jesus to this awful place to aid us.

He is still preaching that all religions are wrong, but now he seems to have added that "gnostic Christianity" is an exception to his general rule, for some reason that he is yet to adequately explain.

I agree that GIA uses "all religions" too loosely. His criticisms don't seem to even apply to the early Buddhism that interests me. But then again, much of the atheist rhetoric against the evils of "religion" doesn't apply either. (Misusing the concept of 'religion' isn't just GIA's failing.)

GIA seems to basically be an opponent of the OT Hebrew God, or at least how that God is portrayed in "scripture". Since Christianity and Islam have adopted that God and that earlier tradition, I guess that GIA's criticisms apply to all of the so-called "Abrahamic" traditions.

And it's probably useful to notice that GIA's criticisms of this OT God are all moral criticisms. GIA isn't attacking the idea of God from an epistemological or metaphysical direction, like atheists so often do.
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Greatest I am:

This link expands on this and shows a Jesus that wants to free us from organized religion.
Is this what you mean by "gnostic Christianity"?

A Christianity where you believe in Jesus and a loving, good God, but a Christianity that is not "organised"?

Does this Gnostic Christianity demand anything of its followers? In what sense it is "disorganised"?
The name Mohammad is given to sons to show respect. Why is the name Jesus not given the same respect?

Many cultures pass on names of those they wish to show respect to. The Muslim community pass on the name Mohamad more than Christians do with the name of Jesus. This name respect is lacking in the Christian cultures.

I think it is due to the fact that none in the Abrahamic cults can justify Yahweh/Jesus’ genocide of mankind.

Yahweh’s son Jesus has not been deemed worthy of respect for moral reasons. Christians recognize the imperfections and agree with the ostracising of the name Jesus. Hence their not passing on the name and showing disrespect. Jesus is as unworthy to literal reading people in the myriad of Christian cults, as is Yahweh.

Are the myriad of Christian and Catholic cults showing a lack of respect for the name of Jesus as compared to the respect Muslims show the name Mohammad?

Can you understand the logic of Universality, in terms of all of us ending in heaven?

Hell is obviously an invention of the church. Universalists Gnostic Christianity and other Universalist Abrahamic cults do not see God as a loser of the souls he calls the light of the world.

The light of the world does not end in hell.

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

1 Timothy 2:4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

As you can see, especially those last two quotes, all are saved without a sacrifice.

The logic behind Universalism begins with knowing that all souls are created equal. It thus follows that God would treat all souls the same way and would all be given the best possible end due to us being the light of the world and equal. This follows natural law as well as heavenly law as those are never in conflict.

Look at judging, from God’s point of view, with an example of one we mostly think of as evil, Hitler.

Hitler would appear before God and as God examines Hitler’s life, he would see that all those Hitler interacted with, and who contributed to what Hitler became, would all have to share the blame and guilt for Hitler becoming the monster we think he was.

If you take that sound judging logic to it’s ultimate end, you will see the logic of either punishing all of us for what we have contributed to evil, or forgive us all for all being exactly what God, if he existed, created us to be.

Non-Universalist creeds, that have that imaginary religious creation called hell, are trying to appease their own blame and guilt by placing some souls above others even though God would have created us all equal.

God unites while religions separate.

Do you believe God to be a Universalist God, or a God that is such a poor creator that he would have to send his perfectly created souls to eternal punishment instead of just curing them, if required?

This kind of language is not acceptable, and will result in an infraction every time.
Hey you cocksucking brain dead mods.

Are you going to put everything I ask or write in the same post?

If so, you cocksukers mods now have a great reason to ban me.

Hell is obviously an invention of the church. Universalists Gnostic Christianity and other Universalist Abrahamic cults do not see God as a loser of the souls he calls the light of the world.

Hell is very real, the devil may be un certain who he is, but the devil isn't a nature, hatred is. God can not be apart from Lucifer or Nature would crash into Creation, but then again... Satan masquerades as light.
Hell is very real, the devil may be un certain who he is, but the devil isn't a nature, hatred is. God can not be apart from Lucifer or Nature would crash into Creation, but then again... Satan masquerades as light.

Anger becomes , evolves , into hatred .
God; a good father or a deadbeat dad. Which is the truth?

The use of the term Father in speaking of God is quite ancient and was around way before Jesus started using the term, even though he used son of man a lot more than son of God.

A son calling someone father in the proud way Jesus did is respecting a worthy father, but if we look at Yahweh, I do not see how anyone could be proud of such a father.

Yahweh is definitely portrayed as being quite vile thanks to his use of genocide, infanticide and punishing the innocent instead of the guilty quite often. Yahweh is also shown to covet Joseph’s wife, cuckold Joseph, produce a son and then take off for parts unknown leaving his responsibility for his son to others thus showing himself to be a deadbeat dad.

Scripture say that we are all sons of God. To be relevant to his children, a father has to be around to interact with them. It seems that God does not want to be relevant to us as he remains absent and places us, his children, at the mercy of people who have written scripture more to enrich themselves than to give us the messages from God that they claim to know. Even though scriptures say that God id unknowable and unfathomable and his desires cannot be known.

My analysis of the bible and God does not show God to be a good father.

Do you, as a child of God, see God as a good father or as more of a deadbeat dad?

A son calling someone father in the proud way Jesus did is respecting a worthy father, but if we look at Yahweh, I do not see how anyone could be proud of such a father.
Of course not - because you give every appearance of utterly rejecting the teachings of the Bible. How could you call someone you do not know a Father?

Yahweh is definitely portrayed as being quite vile thanks to his use of genocide, infanticide and punishing the innocent instead of the guilty quite often. Yahweh is also shown to covet Joseph’s wife, cuckold Joseph, produce a son and then take off for parts unknown leaving his responsibility for his son to others thus showing himself to be a deadbeat dad.
Queue your usual anti-religious ranting.

Scripture say that we are all sons of God. To be relevant to his children, a father has to be around to interact with them.
This would seem, to some, to be a cry for attention - that you feel abandoned by your Father?

It seems that God does not want to be relevant to us as he remains absent and places us, his children, at the mercy of people who have written scripture more to enrich themselves than to give us the messages from God that they claim to know. Even though scriptures say that God id unknowable and unfathomable and his desires cannot be known.

My analysis of the bible and God does not show God to be a good father.
What a twist!

Do you, as a child of God, see God as a good father or as more of a deadbeat dad?


Given I have a legitimate deadbeat dad, who lost two families now (one before he married my mother, from a previous marriage, and now ours) due to deciding alcohol was more important than anything else... I can safely say that, at least in my life, God has been quite a good Father.

I've no doubt you would argue differently.