Please explain how the rational explanations 'fall apart under even casual scrutiny.'
What passes for 'discussion' on this forum is far too often merely rather inane quibbling. That doesn't interest me. Looking at your earlier posts in this thread... well, there's not going to be a worthwhile discussion possible most likely. Too often discussions that should be approached intellectually and critically, particularly in areas of science, are unfortunately religiously dogmatic arguments/shooting matches. Your previous posts in this thread are more in the realm of the latter. Again, that doesn't interest me.
I'll mention the outline, and if you care to do some investigation and critical thinking of your own about the topic you can pursue it. You might look in to a book often mentioned on this topic since it was published, mentioned by Eben himself in interviews: 'Irreducible Mind'. It's a good starting place.
Memory formation, that process, is a high level function of the brain. In a purely brain-based explanation of consciousness, memory formation is a key consideration in this NDE matter. Even relatively minor insult to the brain stops that brain-based memory process. Hence a boxer who is knocked out, an easy example, doesn't remember what happened, in fact the moments even before being struck are not stored. They awake unsure of where they even are, wondering how they went down, not even remembering being hit. They do not awaken creating vivid hallucinatory recollections as they awaken. Trauma victims in car wrecks, etc, memory is lost, they often don't remember the accident or a time span before it happened. By the time the brain is running out of oxygen, severe insult to the brain - the cells are starving, there is no memory formation occurring. If the 'go to' stuff of 'cells starved for oxygen randomly firing and creating hallucinations' were happening, you wouldn't remember it. It would not be stored as retrievable memory in the brain. Even wrestlers and MMA fighters, for another easy example of many possibilities, who are 'choked out' by restricting blood flow and thus oxygen to the brain, often come to not remembering ever being placed in a choke hold. That supposed 'scientific explanation', widely parroted as I mentioned, simply doesn't hold up under even casual scrutiny. In fact if you look into it you find there is no real, actual, scientific basis for such assertions. It's more dogma than it is actual critically scrutinized and researched scientific deduction. The model and 'explanations' simply don't hold up.
In the case of Eben... his brain had no function in it, attached to a brain activity monitor, for 9 or 10 days. There was no brain activity. I assume you understand at least enough to know that memory formation requires electrochemical activity in the brain. Memories are not being formed in that situation. Some fantasy that all he and countless others recall about a NDE were some creation of the waking mind, is also unable to hold up to even casual scrutiny. When he returned he set about trying to account for his experience, and found that the existing 'explanations' that he too had subscribed to and parroted did not hold up. In fact it was quite easy to dismiss them in a strictly scientific fashion. This was something that was known before his experience, but he added some more data and understanding to it.
It's a fascinating and complicated issue, this whole NDE thing. We understand very, very little about consciousness.