"Hello, is there anybody in there...?" A call to pagans, pantheists, and assorted...

Semi-atheist ?

Oh crap, who cares what to call it anyway.. lol ;)

Someone who lacks a positive belief in any specific deity would be an atheist - or possibly an agnostic. Certainly not a theist.
Acknowledging something greater than you exists, which you do not currently comprehend, does not imply the greater thing is necessarily a cognizant deity.
Someone who lacks a positive belief in any specific deity would be an atheist - or possibly an agnostic. Certainly not a theist.
Acknowledging something greater than you exists, which you do not currently comprehend, does not imply the greater thing is necessarily a cognizant deity.

Yes, but on the flip side, can you be called a theist when you don't believe in a specific deity ?
Someone who lacks a positive belief in any specific deity would be an atheist - or possibly an agnostic. Certainly not a theist.
Acknowledging something greater than you exists, which you do not currently comprehend, does not imply the greater thing is necessarily a cognizant deity.

Agreed. I think there is something. I can't admit to knowing everything obviously and I can't admit to believing blindly, but I've had weird shit happen to me that makes me question what I think I know reality is. :shrug:

I'm not an atheist. Maybe I'm part agnostic. Shit, I'm a mutt of religion/spirituality!
I'm confused..
So if you believe in gods but not in any specific ones
What?? :bugeye:

Im confused too.
That seems like a contradiction to me - it makes no sense.
Has someone claimed they believe in gods but not any specific ones?
I'm confused..
So if you believe in gods but not in any specific ones, you are neither a theist nor an atheist.. but not exactly agnostic either.


I would say worshhip of a cognizant diety or god/dess would make you a theist. I would say believing in something, or questioning the existance of something "higher", but nothing specific would make you agnostic. An athiest, I would say recognizes nothing outside the realm of what they can touch, see, and have proof of by what we define as 'science'. But I don't really understand athiests so maybe I shouldn't try to define them.

I might be 'pagan' in a moral sense, even in a realistic sense because I am not of the Judeo-Christian belief system, but maybe I am agnostic in the theological sense.
I would say worshhip of a cognizant diety or god/dess would make you a theist. I would say believing in something, or questioning the existance of something "higher", but nothing specific would make you agnostic.
But how can you be agnostic when you do believe in something godlike but nothing specific ?

An athiest, I would say recognizes nothing outside the realm of what they can touch, see, and have proof of by what we define as 'science'. But I don't really understand athiests so maybe I shouldn't try to define them.
No, atheists are only defined by not believing in any god.

I might be 'pagan' in a moral sense, even in a realistic sense because I am not of the Judeo-Christian belief system, but maybe I am agnostic in the theological sense.
lol Glad to see it's not just me :p
Not as far as I can tell.
Someone who lacks a positive belief in any specific deity would be an atheist - or possibly an agnostic. Certainly not a theist.
Acknowledging something greater than you exists, which you do not currently comprehend, does not imply the greater thing is necessarily a cognizant deity.

Agreed. I think there is something. I can't admit to knowing everything obviously and I can't admit to believing blindly, but I've had weird shit happen to me that makes me question what I think I know reality is. :shrug:

I'm not an atheist. Maybe I'm part agnostic. Shit, I'm a mutt of religion/spirituality!

Maybe I misunderstood..
"Something" does not necessarily equate to a cognizant deity.
She stated that she does not believe in any cognizant deity (though she doesn't necessarily discount the idea either).
But how can you be agnostic when you do believe in something godlike but nothing specific ?

Believing or thinking about the existance of something "higher" then yourself does not mean it has to be "godlike" or cognizant...shit, I would say that is just humility. To think we are THE supreme beings...sounds like BS and arrogance to me...;) Only in my experience of course...
Believing or thinking about the existance of something "higher" then yourself does not mean it has to be "godlike" or cognizant...shit, I would say that is just humility. To think we are THE supreme beings...sounds like BS and arrogance to me...;) Only in my experience of course...


What does qualify as "higher" ?
Humility to what ?

We are definitely not supreme beings, I'd sooner say we are vermin.
Note that above statement comes from an atheist ;)

I reject a rating system that differentiates things or being or whatever from "lowest" to "highest", in fact such systems seem to be inherent to religion and demand something godlike.
I'm not saying the godlike thing has to be cognizant.
I can't answer for her, but I will answer for me.


So in a sense God is yourself ?
Karma manifest.. hmm "My God (karma manifest) has no will, intention or cognizance of his own – only what we imbue on him."

Please explain ?

I also noticed this: "all cognizant life having the power to influence that force is divine"
As in humans ? Are humans divine ? If so in your view, can you explain your concept of divine ?
So in a sense God is yourself ?
I view it as a Holy Trinity.
Life is one aspect of the Trinity.
You have influence over your dog. Does that make you your dog?

Karma manifest.. hmm "My God (karma manifest) has no will, intention or cognizance of his own – only what we imbue on him."

Please explain ?
It is a result of our actions.
It is not some cognizant being with a will and intention.
What you do will contribute to it.

You should probably just join in on that thread rather than me keep linking to it.

I also noticed this: "all cognizant life having the power to influence that force is divine"
As in humans ? Are humans divine ?
Not humans per se, the power and the realtionship of the Trinity.

If so in your view, can you explain your concept of divine ?
That which is regarded as sacred and is revered for it's power, I suppose.
Tough one to define.
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