
Performance art is wasted ....

Zion ...

Can you imagine if we scripted that to a stage play? We'd chase people out of the park with it. Of course, representative reality is always a little scary. Also, you can expect mixed reviews. On the one hand, the general audience will be split down the line of sympathy versus confusion. The specific audience, as such, has no chance whatsoever of comprehending it. Art, like anything, exists in the world for him to ridicule; by condemning everything, he hopes to raise his own stature in his own eyes.

If there is a God worth the slightest fraction of Biblical faith, It will soon take mercy on the world and cause such revelations as to explain in the poster's mind what the problem is; at that time, it will be up to the poster to accept God's understanding or seal the deal by calling it Satan.

In the meantime, supremacist crap like you've observed being injected into this topic is the best that brand of religion has to offer. This thread is on a good pace; don't let an idiot with a half a brain-cell take it off that track.

Besides, I wouldn't attribute that evil laugh to him; Hooked on Phonics hasn't prepared him for that sort of abstraction.

Tiassa :cool:

That was one of the greatest short message that i ever got...i feel that you"re absoultely correct...it would be ridiculus to waste such a great thread of KM for that person we are referring to,erm...you know:D.so i am deleting all of my posts regarding him and so forth,so as to stop this stupid discussion in between.i respect KM too much(i still dont know the reason!) so i would never like to spoil his thread like this.

bye and thanks for a great thought provoking reply...

What's your Religion? If you have one... or if you have many...

You posted this link...

Thanks very much for it... it'll help me a lot!!! :D

I like it... the Bible don't explain how exactly faith works...
I guess the old Bible did so, because the kaballah is Jewish... and those things were in the old Bible...
Someone got it out of there probably because of Christianism, opposed to Judaism...

I've heard that the old Bible had a diagram of the Tree of Life with all the 10 sefirot...

Here's a link: http://www.mystae.com/restricted/streams/scripts/sefirot.html

There is an eleventh misterious sefirot... I got a link about it too... but it's in Portuguese... You can see it in the diagram though...

Yes, zion, truthseeker:

I do not have a religion. I follow a way of life. The methodology is called Sanatana Dharma. Do a search on that within sciforums - you will see some of my postings. The method has been developed by old Rishis close to Vedic period (8500 BC). Several years ago, a friend of mine got heavy into Kabalah. I was surprised to find too much similarities with old Hinduism. So I concluded that perhaps old Judaism and old Hinduism belong to a common group of people, perhaps about 6000BC.

Modern Hinduism has been diluted by too many Rishi-wanabees. But lucky for us, unlike other religions, todays Hindus do not fight against the source (I ran into a Thai student who insisted that Buddha was Japanese)

I was surprised to find too much similarities with old Hinduism. So I concluded that perhaps old Judaism and old Hinduism belong to a common group of people, perhaps about 6000BC.

Yes... it's true...
Actually, many, with not all Religions are connected. They are actually the same with different perspective and/or different ways... ;)

This is the old Religion. They all have the same source. God is within us... it's why we have those inspirations. All of them say that God is within and around us. All of them describe God in the same way. What changes is the perspective, the language and the culture: the background.

There is no different Truth... only different perspectives... ;)

Saw on the net, posted in another thread:

Hindu and Celtic Culture Are One
Druuis Belenios Ategnatos
As humanity begins to break free of the Dark Age caused by Christian Europe’s conquest (military, political and cultural) of much of the world, it becomes obvious that the history taught by their culture leaves much to be desired. This includes the history of Europe itself which also had its own Christian invasion, conquest and colonization. Finally, scholars within Western culture are beginning to recognize what the scholars and other leaders of traditional societies have been saying all along, for many centuries.

I am going to briefly describe some of the latest findings regarding Indo-European culture. Some of this is theoretical. Some of it is proven to exacting standards. In the interest of brevity, I shall not attribute the following information to the proper academic form. Much of the material used is yet to be published, and is cutting-edge, but should become available soon.

My particular topic is the relationship between the Celtic peoples of Europe, their origin, their relationship with the Vedic culture, and a few other relevant facts and theories.

The Celtic peoples are defined for the purpose of this article as referring to those people who in the past spoke a language of the Celtic branch of the Indo-European language family and also lived according to the ancient culture considered to be that of the speakers of Celtic as based upon Celtic traditions and stories and on archeology. Archeological and linguistic evidence traces them to the Danube river valley in Europe back to around 6000 BCE, and further back to the region of the Aral Sea of Central Eurasia. In Western China in particular, there is much evidence for a culture of people who physically looked like the Celts of Europe until the Turkic Uighur people and others moved into the region about the eighth century. Mummies with European features have been found in that region going back to 1500 BCE.The occasional red hair or green eyes found in that and neighboring regions is taken as evidence that these people related to the Celts were absorbed into various people still living in the areas in question, including Xinjiang, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Tibet and Nepal. Interestingly, I know a person of Irish ancestry who converted to the Sikh religion, and in his turban, he is sometimes mistaken for a northern Indian by Indians. It is also said that Genghis Khan had red hair and gray eyes; I have even read reports of tribes of red-haired people in the steppes and deserts in or near these regions, from the eighteen hundreds.

In traditional histories of India like the Puranas and Brahmanas, it is pointed out that in addition to the kingdoms in northern India, there were kingdoms north of the Himalayas with the same culture as in India, which would be in the regions that we are considering for the Celtic peoples. Most important is the famous land of the Uttara Kurus, described as a spiritual paradise north of the Himalayas. Comparison of European Celtic culture with Hindu culture shows a large number of similarities between them. Some of these were shown in a two part article that appeared in the May and June issues of the magazine Hinduism Today. Therefore, we have cultural evidence to back up the traditions and the archaeology.

Religiously, these red-haired northern Vedic people are known to have some point taken up Buddhism. Certain traditional sources indicate that they learned Buddhism from the Buddha previous to Siddhartha Gautama, who was named Kashyapa. A Kashyapa rishi also appears as one of the oldest Vedic rishis and as associated with northern regions like Kashmir, that was originally called Kashyapa Mira or Kashyapa’s lake. Tibetan literature, I have been told, indicates that they learned their Buddhism, not from India, but from "Shamballa" which is placed exactly where these people lived.

However, the European Celts clearly practiced, and a few still do, more orthodox Vedic type religions, with similar traditions of chanting, rituals, deity worship, mantra and meditation, with direct parallels to most of the ancient and modern orthodox Hindu sects found in India. As such, it is theorized by some scholars that the two branches split because the Celts maintained the older dharma, whereas the people who stayed in the regions north of the Himalayas accepted Buddhism, perhaps from Kashyapa Buddha.

One of the hallmarks of Celtic culture is the use of the sacred Ogham (pronounced Oh-wum) alphabet by the Druuids, who are Celtic Brahmins. Many scholars believe that Ogham was only used by the Irish, and not by other Celts. However, this is clearly disproved by many Ogham inscriptions appearing in different places, including France, Iberia (Spain and Portugal), the Danube valley, and the Tocharian regioins. Furthermore, inscriptions of Ogham have been found in ancient sites in Japan, some of them megalithic. One Japanese scholar who studies these inscriptions and the sites they are found in believes that the inscriptions indicate that some of the Buddhist monks who brought Buddhism to Japan were Tocharians, or had maintained the use of the sacred writing system of the Tocharians.

There is also extensive evidence of many sorts that Celts crossed the Atlantic from Europe to North American millennia ago, long before the Viking excursions into North America, who perhaps followed Celtic routes. The evidence is archeological, epigraphical, linguistic, folkloric, among other forms. American Indians with more European type features were reported by early European colonists into the region.

There is much more that could be told, it will have to wait for another time. I must apologize for any errors or omissions’ this article is an imperfect attempt to review a wide range of relevant information in a limited space.

This information has inspired the beginning of a move for unity among Hindus and traditional Celts, as branches of the same culture. Any readers interested in more information in this area are invited to correspond with the author at:

PO Box 120149
Staten Island NY 10312- 0149
The following are some of the main scholars working on the issue of Celtic and Hindu commonality and history: David Frawley, M.G. Boutet, Professor Yoshida, J. Monard, and Alain LeGoff. Many thanks to them and any others whom I may have missed.


Tibetan literature, I have been told, indicates that they learned their Buddhism, not from India, but from "Shamballa" which is placed exactly where these people lived.

The lost spiritual city!?!?
... Wow...!

However, the European Celts clearly practiced, and a few still do, more orthodox Vedic type religions, with similar traditions of chanting, rituals, deity worship, mantra and meditation, with direct parallels to most of the ancient and modern orthodox Hindu sects found in India.

Do they still exist...?

One of the hallmarks of Celtic culture is the use of the sacred Ogham (pronounced Oh-wum) alphabet by the Druuids, who are Celtic Brahmins. Many scholars believe that Ogham was only used by the Irish, and not by other Celts. However, this is clearly disproved by many Ogham inscriptions appearing in different places, including France, Iberia (Spain and Portugal), the Danube valley, and the Tocharian regioins.

I have a link about it... but it's in Portuguese...
I don't think you will understand... :

I guess ALL Religions have connections...
But get all of them together is pretty hard...
Where did you see this thread?

Posted by kmguru:
You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees & the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

In other words...

Matthew 11:25-26:

"25 At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto children.
26 Even so, Father: for so it seemed good in thy sight. "

Matthew 18:1-5:

"1 At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?
2 And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them,
3 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

4 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
5 And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me."

You, Jan Ardena and me should gather together to mix "Hinduism"
with Christianism... ;)

I've already done Christianism with Taoism. We could try get Christianism, "Hinduism" and Taoism alltogether... :)


In my travels over the last 30 years, all over the planet, I have met many spiritual people. At their level, no verbal discussions are necessary nor the name of the religion they officially belong to - make any difference. They are all the same. These great spirits have made peace with their inner-self and are one with the universe. When you talk to them, you feel the energy, the humbleness and just joy - it is difficult to describe....

I remember, while I was a student, I went for a summer job in Chicago (early seventies). I was having some personal problems. I was taking a walk to clear my head when I saw a catholic church nearby. I walked in - there was no one inside. I just sat inside (the worship area). It was a very old church. So you can just feel the energy and calmness. I soaked up as much energy as possible (a la The Celestine Prophecy). About the time I was ready to walk out, I saw an older gentleman (a priest) walk up to me to greet me. I was thinking, "I am not officially a Christian or Catholic, but I felt the need to be here at this moment, I hope he does not mind". I did not say a word to him. He said " I understand. For you, the Lord's house is always open. Go with his blessings." I acknowledged him by bowing a little, and then walked out all refreshed. I left thinking, did he read my mind or what!

Next day I got a cushy job...the universe works mysterious ways...

In my travels over the last 30 years, all over the planet, I have met many spiritual people. At their level, no verbal discussions are necessary nor the name of the religion they officially belong to - make any difference. They are all the same. These great spirits have made peace with their inner-self and are one with the universe. When you talk to them, you feel the energy, the humbleness and just joy - it is difficult to describe....

Where!!!?? Please tell me!! :cool::)
I just wished to stay in this state...
Do you know their names, where they are... I need to talk with this kind of people... :)
I'm ready to get out of here... I'm pretty tired... the Universe is calling me... (already two spontaneus OBEs... ;))

...a la The Celestine Prophecy...

Did you read it? :D

most of the seriously involved people(with relegion)who can actually perform the so-called miracles will never talk or meet you.

I"ll give you a classic example of this.
i once went to a place called Shivanna (a village in india).it was not even a proper village(it's in Rajasthan and i dont know how developed it is right now)but back then it was just a common village connected with a shrubs and bushes jungle of a sort.
Under a Banyan tree used to sit a saint known as Shivanna Maharaj.he was different.there's a story that is popular about that man.everyday whenever he felt the need he could perform astral projection.he could shape shift (in that OBE)to a tiger.once some of his students and couple of tourists despite his telling,tried to follow him to jungle(Grandpa was one of them)they say him sit down under a tree and suddenly saw him dead.(yes! he died completely,no heart beat whatsoever).no one had ever seen a lion or a tiger in that place,(it was a desert for christ sake!)then a lion suddenly came out of nowhere and left all the students form the site and sat inside a temple for a while.

many people had in fact reportedly seen him do this many times.

anyways,when we first went to meet this guy,he was blind(his age was over 100)he had his black hair coming...you know you could say he was <b>REAL</b> old.so this guy started talking to my grandpa as if he knew him.he told him many of grandpas personal life things that grandpa barely remembered.
so what i mean is,those guys who are really special,or those who serious about spirituality will not be seen in sci-forums discussions,they"ll be at an abondoned or an isolated place.

thanks for sharing great experience.

I am a little busy on a project deadline. Will post some interesting stuff later. Thanks.
Hm, I gotta get down and read all of this stuff in the eastern relig section. No hot blooded people here...:D
Once in a while some born-again idiot jumps in here. Like they say, if you hit a brick wall, go around it. So those who post here know that and we just move around the post. There is no real benefit in fighting...
Anyone here a Hindu? Just curious. It seems to be a nice religion, I never hear any horrible breaking news from that part of the world.

Or maybe I missed it. Anyhow, I'm curious about it. What is the central philosophy behind it? Anyone wanna enlighten me? (note I'm just curious, I am still atheist and no plans to switch yet)
Read all the posts in this section...you will get most of it. Hinduism is a mixture of philosophy that goes back to pre-aryan days. There are so many facets that it is difficult to get an arm around it. After reading the posts, if you have some questions, may be someone will answer or debate....
KMGURU/ I was baptised a christian, but now i practice hinduism i find it more peaceful to the mind and body/ i practice a lot of other eastern practices, but as a religion hinduism seems to be for me
Blastoff/ You are welcome.

I have a feeling that Hinduism is a multilayered system of knowledge. The more you peel, more stuff that surfaces that is good to the latest scientific thinking and will continue that way for may be another 2000 years at the present level of our technological growth.

Even educated Indians have difficulty understanding the deeper aspect of that knowledge base - such as Yoga of Knowledge (Gyana Yoga).