How and why do angels fight?

Could you give a reference? I was always under the impression that heaven belongs to the spiritual realm.

There is 7 heavens in total, each one a universe in it's own right.

Our physical earth "realm" is lower than the heavens, each heaven is like a pyramid system getting more beautiful and magnificent the higher you go, The throne of god is it's own realm and that resides out-side of all time and space and it is unlike any other place it is perfect.

There is 7 heavens in total, each one a universe in it's own right.

Our physical earth "realm" is lower than the heavens, each heaven is like a pyramid system getting more beautiful and magnificent the higher you go, The throne of god is it's own realm and that resides out-side of all time and space and it is unlike any other place it is perfect.


How do physical bodies travel between these universes?
When people die their spirit aka soul is supposed to travel to heaven, not their bodies. Then how do angels, being corporal, travel between heaven and Earth?

Please explain how you equate "angels have no choice but to obey" with having free will.

Quite simple, their body and mind are created for a specific purpose, but they can change their mind, because they are spirit souls.


Etc. etc etc.
Now tell me again how "the bible says no such thing".

Do you know what a semi-colon is?
And do you know how they're used?
The passage you showed is preceded by a semi-colon.

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There is 7 heavens in total, each one a universe in it's own right.

Our physical earth "realm" is lower than the heavens, each heaven is like a pyramid system getting more beautiful and magnificent the higher you go, The throne of god is it's own realm and that resides out-side of all time and space and it is unlike any other place it is perfect.


I am refering to the 'Heaven" as in "God created the Heavens...."

Anything that is created, is disposable. Do you agree?

"in the begining God created the Heavens and the earth"

Spirit, the nature of God and the soul, is not created.


So you're saying that heaven can be found? Physically, I mean.
And it also appears that you are saying that souls already existed before creation. Could you expand on that?
I am refering to the 'Heaven" as in "God created the Heavens...."

Anything that is created, is disposable. Do you agree?


Not all, Sentient Souls are not disposable.

And the seven Heavens Sheol, Earth realm and Gods throne are all that currently exist, unless the most high has some new thing in the works which i am un-aware of and surely there is much I am not aware of.

Quite simple, their body and mind are created for a specific purpose, but they can change their mind, because they are spirit souls.
Do the words "no choice" mean anything to you?

Do you know what a semi-colon is?
And do you know how their used?
I do. But obviously you don't.

The passage you showed is preceded by a semi-colon.
The modern uses of the semicolon relate either to the listing of items or to the linking of related clauses.
Join two related independent clauses of equal emphasis

And by the way, neither of the two quotes in my last post (or a large number on the linked page) contained a semi colon.
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So you're saying that heaven can be found? Physically, I mean.
And it also appears that you are saying that souls already existed before creation. Could you expand on that?

From our perspective?

Souls eternally exist, some are liberated, and some are conditioned.
The material world is created in order to give a chance for the conditioned souls to become liberated. The creation, maintainence, and dissolution, of the material world works in cycles, like the seasons.

This is a very crude description.

How do physical bodies travel between these universes?
When people die their spirit aka soul is supposed to travel to heaven, not their bodies. Then how do angels, being corporal, travel between heaven and Earth?

They don't, your soul is made of something simular tophotons and sub atomic energies. you turn to dust and will be raised with all Alamin on the day of judgement. your physical body is a vessel and a cage temporarily, but it is only for a short time so it's not that bad.

Angels are simular to Jinns or what westernpeople think are Ghosts, when you die you don't turn into a spirit and wander the earth. Jinns are made of the typeof energy your soul is, same as angels but the energy varies slightly. Angels and Jinns are as free on earth as in the other realms, they just don't have flesh bodies.


From our perspective?
I'm not sure what you mean.
You claimed that heaven is a physical place in this universe, did you not?
Then how is it that this place cannot be arrived at by physical means?

Souls eternally exist, some are liberated, and some are conditioned.
The material world is created in order to give a chance for the conditioned souls to become liberated. The creation, maintainence, and dissolution, of the material world works in cycles, like the seasons.

This is a very crude description.
So if souls always existed, what are they? And why is God meddling with them since he has got nothing to do with them being 'in existence'?

Oh you're participating in a discussion about angels, so you have an interest in this? as you are spending your short amount of time before you return to dust on earth debating the matter.

You wish to know about angels askme a question i can answer.

Angels are simular to Jinns or what westernpeople think are Ghosts, when you die you don't turn into a spirit and wander the earth. Jinns are made of the typeof energy your soul is, same as angels but the energy varies slightly. Angels and Jinns are as free on earth as in the other realms, they just don't have flesh bodies.

So angels are not corporal then.. I'm confused.
Oh you're participating in a discussion about angels
I'm participating in a discussion about claimed attributes of angels. There's a subtle difference.

Youwishtoknow about angels askme a question i can answer.
Well I know not to ask you about souls.
Is your "knowledge" of angels equally *cough* accurate?
Well, Jan is saying that heaven is a physical place in the universe where angels live and die (thus having physical bodies).
You are claiming just about the exact opposite.

Angels can't die just like our souls can't die, you cannot destroy this type of energy it is forever. Yes I am correcting the claims you cited of Jan.
