
Do scientist people actually have a sense of humour?
The scientist people do, you're thinking of the political people, no they don't.

Except for Iceaura and Tiassa of course. They only seem humorless, they're actually the life of the party.

Maybe you are thinking of Billvon? :)
bone = break

break=fake, sake, rake

rake me a break or throw another shrimp on the barbie
Question? If there are "science people," would there be a living impression of LOVE itself?
Do scientist people actually have a sense of humour?
Not like you guys: whoo whoo speech youtube videos#id=0&vid=1b45b3055f5f3cf9c61a1f98a4f7758f&action=click
That sense of humor is all yours.
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The scientist people do, you're thinking of the political people, no they don't.
If you have any interest in what that kind of posting looks like to the world outside the bubble:
So why do they say and do shit like this, loud and proud and in public?


Because among the Pig People, this is the height of wit. To their tiny, debased brains, this is Oscar Wilde-level drollery. This is their Algonquin Fucking Round Table.
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