
Traffic cop pulls Heisenberg over and asks him, "Do you know how fast you were going?"

Heisenberg says, "No. But I know where I am."
I always heard that one a different way:

Cop pulls over Werner Heisenberg. Cop says "What the hell's wrong with you, boy? Where you from, anyway?"
Heisenberg says "Germany."
Cop says "well, you ain't in Germany any more, you in Atlanta. Now, you know how fast you was goin?"
Heisenberg says "not any more."
Do scientist people actually have a sense of humour?
Sure, take for example, Isaac Asimov. Professor of Biochemistry, author of numerous books on science, including co-authoring a college-level textbook. He also had a great sense of humor. He even combined science and humor in a spoof scientific paper: The Endochronic Properties of Resublimated Thiotimoline.
I always heard that one a different way:

Cop pulls over Werner Heisenberg. Cop says "What the hell's wrong with you, boy? Where you from, anyway?"
Heisenberg says "Germany."
Cop says "well, you ain't in Germany any more, you in Atlanta. Now, you know how fast you was goin?"
Heisenberg says "not any more."
I like your version better. :)
Two complete K2 graphs walk into a topological bar.

One says, "Ok, you find a table, I'll get something to take the edge off".
For much of my life the "Far Side" period of Gary Larson's work was the touchstone of scientist-friendly humor.
And like the cartoonist behind "Boondocks", Aaron MacGruder, another if less directly scientist friendly touchstone,
and the cartoonist behind "Calvin and Hobbes", Bill Watterson,

he solidified his claim on the fond trust of the science friendly by retiring well from that period (all great artists have "periods").

Before them, there was Pogo. After them, like most digital era artists a bit dodgier and disconnected from landscape memory pattern (musical, lyrical) (the screen and code line live a plane farther from physical reality than the sketch pad) there was/is the iconic creator of xkcd.

And the never-to-be-forgotten who used a Mars rover fitted out with legitimate research goals and agendas - rigorously and without loss of effective yield - to draw a human penis on Mars, visible from orbit. They will dwell in the pantheon of the immortals, and sit on the right hand side of wonder under the oculus of heaven.

I refuse to cite the inventors of the Great Punking: Daylight Savings Time. Truly, they have their reward.

I don't get it.
read below or see:

Unprecedented California Blackout Ending as PG&E Restores Power
By Mark Chediak
October 9, 2019, 9:54 PM CDT Updated on October 10, 2019, 8:57 PM CDT

Californians are emerging from an unprecedented blackout that plunged millions into darkness this week as utility giant PG&E Corp. tried to keep its power lines from igniting catastrophic wildfires.

PG&E has restored power to 228,000, or 31%, of customers in parts of the San Francisco Bay Area after high winds died down and inspections and repairs were complete, Vice President Sumeet Singh said during a press briefing. More than 100,000 had already regained service earlier Thursday. About 510,000 were still without power.

The restoration marks the beginning of the end to the biggest blackout a utility has ever orchestrated to keep high winds from knocking down electrical lines and igniting devastating blazes. In all, as many as 800,000 homes and businesses in dozens of cities surrounding San Francisco lost power, amounting to more than 2 million people and potentially costing the California economy as much as $2.6 billion.

PG&E CEO Bill Johnson, in his first public statement since the outages began, apologized for the hardship and said it was needed for safety. His comments came after California’s governor on Thursday evening expressed frustration with the blackouts.

Johnson added the utility determined it must have “zero risk” of spark and that it’s “very likely” PG&E will need to cut power in future.

After being forced into bankruptcy from wildfires its equipment caused over the past two years, PG&E used the massive power cuts in an attempt to prevent another deadly disaster. While San Francisco and most of Silicon Valley were spared, the extensive reach of the outages in Oakland, San Jose and elsewhere roiled the area’s economy by disrupting workers, shutting stores and forcing companies and agencies to shell out for costly back-up generators to keep operations limping along.

In Southern California, Edison International had also cut power to tens of thousands of customers in counties including Los Angeles and Kern. San Diego’s main utility is also considering cutoffs. Altogether, more than 3 million people were at risk of being affected, or almost 8% of the state’s population, based on city estimates and the average household size.
Nobody was trying to sink the Titanic for profit.
I don't get it.
You need to understand that California is the assumed center of hippie incompetence. That is taken for granted as an aspect of reality. The alternative would be assessing competence by outcome, and lodging that in the public discourse as the assumed context of jokes - which would lead to jokes about government by Texans.
Dark humor, that. Hard to get a belly laugh, although Molly Ivins proved it possible.
No, understanding that California experienced a blackout is sufficient to get the joke.
Unlikely - and no example.
That may be because there was no joke unless one shared the bigotry it rested on.
The difference between the Titanic and a State that is not sinking, between the Titanic and a State that was subjected to a blackout by a corporate entity's policies and poor maintenance, is not the joke - right?

Who uses passive language such as "experienced a blackout" when describing the victims of serious crime? Those are who "got" the joke - meaning both understood it and found it funny.
Quite probably, a minority of those who knew about California's recent blackout.
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