
I can't wait to see
Two weeks..hope to have a very serious attempt at M42 with the new scope in the new observatory and controlled via wifi whilst I sit inside with the new airconditioner in the van running...and if all goes well actually have both scopes (115 refractor and 200 Newtonian) running together although one will only have a DSLR which after the mono will probably be disappointing. DSLRs don't handle the heat very well...I "need" another mono cooled camera really but as I need to drop two stone (body weight) I see a way to save the cash.

- - - what I assumed in a comment that I explicitly state what assumptions were made, and none of it has anything to do with swimming.
Syntax collapse - it happens to all of them, when their repetitions are confronted. They sputter.
It's not called a "meltdown", of course.
Everyone knows what you claimed to have assumed. But they can also read the two line joke, and realize that your claims are ridiculous.
The "joke" pivoted on some people - a defined group, frequently mocked - being forced by profitable corporate mismanagement to swim or drown after being denied lifesaving infrastructure - just as the California joke pivoted on a defined group, frequently mocked, being forced by profitable corporate mismanagement to flee or burn after being denied livesaving infrastructure.
As with parodies and sendups generally, both the "joke" and the "explanation" were carefully and (I see with a certain pride) quite effectively modeled after their targets above.
I just overlooked obvious pit trap of Poe's Law, is all. Sorry about that.
Normally I stay aware of the fact that humor or playfulness or double-entendre or sarcasm or gentle wit or the like is off limits for me here. I'm just lucky the reactionary cadre didn't fasten unto #32 - I'd have missed that one. And I still have hopes that Daylight Savings Time can be repealed - that would make a good argument for the restoration of good government, eh? C'mon, Dems - low hanging fruit.
and none of it has anything to do with swimming.
The "joke" you claimed to be explaining involved swimming - explicitly and centrally. You can't "get" it without assuming the Texans involved can swim.
so... did you mean Bandar-log or banderlog??
Proper nouns often devolved into common nouns over many decades - a standard English pattern. The hyphen is optional - I choose casually, based on the role of the word in the sentence, by ear. Did you have trouble comprehending? Do you need an explanation?
has anyone done a "banderlog" count yet?
You guys are up to three or four alternative spellings, misquotes, of the word I posted - the misquotes outnumber the accurately quoted spellings. Do you recall my frequent suggestion that you quote my posts directly, using the quote feature, rather than attempting paraphrase or interpretation?

Rather than attempt searches or counts of a term you can't spell and refuse to copy, count the one line innuendos posted as personal attacks in lieu of assertions or claims or discussion, and divide by three - that would give you a fair estimate, and you would not have to admit having read the posts you pretended to be talking about (letting you off the hook for deliberate deception in response).

In any case, we appear to have learned a bit about humorless scientists and the people who believe in them, so closely conjoined with the fully humor-enabled conservative rightwing Americans as they are.
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There are medications you can/should take for OCD behavior. You might find it relaxing as well. You're friends will appreciate for sure.

Did you hear the joke about the little girl who was looking forward to going to her friend's birthday party next month?

Her mom explained that she can't go as we will all be dead and the planet will be destroyed by then.

I guess you had to be there.
There are medications you can/should take for OCD behavior. - - -
You guys are certainly welcome to do a search and count on a word you've misspelled four different ways in five pages of thread - it's no skin off my nose, and bound to entertain somebody.

Those of us with a college education have learned to take the taxonomists's adage seriously:
Linneaus: "When the name is forgotten, the knowledge and understanding are lost".
And the honest politician's:
Confucious: "The first thing is the rectification of names".
You guys are certainly welcome to do a search and count on a word you've misspelled four different ways in five pages of thread - it's no skin off my nose, and bound to entertain somebody.

Those of us with a college education have learned to take the taxonomists's adage seriously:
Linneaus: "When the name is forgotten, the knowledge and understanding are lost".
And the honest politician's:
Confucious: "The first thing is the rectification of names".
The little things....just let them go...ahhhhh. Now isn't that much more relaxing? Or you can go all Tiassa and footnote your posts.
Linneaus: "When the name is forgotten, the knowledge and understanding are lost".
And the honest politician's:
Confucious: "The first thing is the rectification of names".
Just two people saying stuff...does not mean it's true or even wise.
And I disagree...if you train your mind to be exclusive rather than inclusive you gear yourself to understand less...and what about body language...or slang.
Yes as so often the case someone says something catchy and folk cite it for its cleverness and somewhat deminish the thinking process...and worst of all these saying are mere generalisations mostly, which is a generalisation I accept it is, but this subservience to sayings and quotes just annoys me...and why do people say these things anyways...well clearly because they are trying to be childishly arrogant..sayings and quotes should be outlawed.
The little things....just let them go...ahhhhh. Now isn't that much more relaxing?
They know no other way. It's a kind of willed stupidity.
Just two people saying stuff...does not mean it's true or even wise.
Doesn't mean it isn't.
In this case, the two people had considerable first hand experience - more than almost anyone else who ever lived.
Meanwhile: how does keeping the names straight exclude anything? (Except the opportunity to cheat and con people, of course).
They know no other way. It's a kind of willed stupidity.
Doesn't mean it isn't.
In this case, the two people had considerable first hand experience - more than almost anyone else who ever lived.
Meanwhile: how does keeping the names straight exclude anything? (Except the opportunity to cheat and con people, of course).
If there are many of you out there, we're going to lose to Trump again.
Doesn't mean it isn't.

Mmmmm so we are not sure one way or the other.

Not satisfactory.

I can not understand why you of all people look for a quote to make a point when I expect you could make an observation more powerful than these two put together.

Could you not string some words together to make your point and do it in a profound manner.
I believe you could yet I suspect your education has put in you the belief that remembering quotes is a good thing and that makes you appear intelligent and I say that's a silly notion. Go on rather than use those two quotes use your words to make the point and you can only prove my point. A pox on quotes and reverence to folk who love to hear themselves talk and a pox on those who accept their arrogance.

What a great way to destroy ones creative expression.

In this case, the two people had considerable first hand experience

Never look down upon anyone and never look up to anyone is my approach.
No human is a god.
Who is to say their experience is greater than mine or yours. And I will bet I have more experience than the both of them and you command an elegance of expression that I bet they would bow down to.

Meanwhile: how does keeping the names straight exclude anything?

That was not my point of focus but seeing you mention it..I don't like that approach either..let language evolve.
Look how acronyms serve us..on the quotes you could read into that advice not to use an example not to consider an alternative but to blindly following authority...which is the subservience of copping out of writing an original opinion...I dislike the constant display of folk who do not need to use the words of another using the words of another.

Makes them less not more.

But I am being a little hypocritical as I do from time to time use a saying but that shows the disease has also infected me a free thinker and that displays how insideous the disease can be.

(Except the opportunity to cheat and con people, of course).

No no no cheating and conning can be done most successfully using quotes and sayings and that is obvious. Consider the saying..once a thief always a thief..a thief may have a good argument or the wisest words but offering that saying destroys him and his argument and in that context I suggest we have the opposite of your contention... And I could offer more but I am sure you are more capable than most to pick up on my point and apply it at your leisure.

I looked up facism to remind myself of the would seem to me that both parties could be labelled just seems to me that's the way your country does it...I would be interested to hear your rebutal of that observation. Read a definition first and try and analyse objectively.
Did you have trouble comprehending? Do you need an explanation?
actually, I was more concerned. I know what a stickler you are for facts, clear concise data, and how analytical you are, so when you chose to spell it casually, based on the role of the word in the sentence, by ear, I thought perhaps you had a stroke because of the meltdown.

I was just looking out for you.

fully humor-enabled conservative rightwing Americans
I didn't realise you were right wing and conservative... huh

[end EDIT]

that your claims are ridiculous
Oh? Do tell, oh enlightened and woke one!
The "joke" pivoted on some people - a defined group, frequently mocked - being forced by profitable corporate mismanagement to swim or drown after being denied lifesaving infrastructure
since when are Texans being forced by profitable corporate mismanagement to swim or drown after being denied lifesaving infrastructure?
Hell, I know for a fact that San Antonio has one hell of a medical infrastructure, having worked in it in my past, so that can't be true.

OH WAIT! it's your overly-analytical breakdown based on your own prejudices attempting to project them onto others while you bait. I'll have to remember to just let you get the last word in.

Sorry, didn't catch that until now... pontificate away!

we apologise for the interruption: we now return you back to your regularly scheduled soliloquy.

But I am being a little hypocritical as I do from time to time use a saying but that shows the disease has also infected me a free thinker and that displays how insideous the disease can be.
of course, it could also be that you realise the power of the saying or that it's just more concise than what you had in mind, too...

It reminds me of a quote my historian, philosopher and psychology teacher (and friend) used to say:
"remembering quotes is stupid as f*ck" *


* I better note that I'm offering this as lighthearted relevant humour, considering the respondents in the thread. my friend used quotes regularly in her/his courses if that helps explain the situation for the analytical in the crowd.
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I just heard a joke, and I'm pretty sure the guy who told it won't mind if I borrow it.
A banker, a miner and a recent immigrant are sitting at a table. On the table is a plate with 20 cookies.
The baker grabs 19 cookies, then whispers to the miner: "Psst, that foreigner is eyeing your cookie."

Yes, I'm aware that banking doesn't normally involve baked goods. But the guy who told the joke isn't American; maybe he's miseducated.
My apologies to bakers everywhere. Mistype was due to time pressure.
Hmm... are ya sure it's not because of the racist alphabet that excludes Logoconsonantal and Logosyllabic scripts?

I'm sure we'll see just how wrong we all are for laughing ... until then, here is something to enjoy in the spirit of the upcoming US Thanksgiving feast from a different perspective :

Far more likely because of my enduring romance with cakes, pies and wonderful, wonderful bread.
(We just watched the final episode of The Great Canadian Baking Show. Nobody can spoil my mood!)
it's a faithful replica of the British one - which we also watch religiously. One of us is diabetic, the other has a whole different set of food issues. We can't indulge in the real thing, so we feast vicariously.
These two baking shows are the best of all contests for mood and style: no hysteria or meanness. What the champion wins: No big money, book contract, prestigious position - just a glass cake-stand and the title.