
or - you are a racist and you think everyone else is also while ignoring the fact that people can laugh at jokes for different reasons, especially if they've actually been to a place like Houston and developed a feeling of distaste for the place.
You explained why you laughed, already. You explained the joke - behavior you had tagged as "funny" when you had projected it unto others (who did not exhibit it, as you and the troop did).
And the explanation was ridiculous - a comedy writers take on a bigot caught out, if it had been set up better by me. There is simply no way anyone harbors a stereotype of any demographic class of white Texans in general or longtime white Houston citizens in particular as swimmers - to see the claim posted as believable was precious, but wholly unexpected.

The Poe's Law joke was calculated to be so obviously bigotry based and so obviously parallel to the California joke that the bigotry behind the California joke would pop out of the background and stand revealed to even a casual reader.
Instead, it smoked out the depth to which you guys are drowned in the Republican swill - the "ignore the corporate interests you keep tripping over" framing of everything, the ubiquitous treatment of corporate wrongdoing as if it were the weather - uncaused and inevitable and impervious to human interference. Nobody's fault.
And that is the fog from which emerged the lost boy of the OP posting. The issue of the thread.
"Anyhoo - is this thread still actually about humour, or is it only coincidental that it continues to be so funny?
It never was about humor, and being about humor makes nothing funny anyway - the attempts at deflection into joke posting (revealing as they were about the posters's comprehension of the issues raised by the OP) hit something.

If it's "about" anything, it's about the deliberate and purposeful propaganda assault on American science, by the media wing of the fascist movement that has taken over the Republican Party, starting with the OP evidence of its effects.

As the dead have floated by or been dug out of the charcoal of their houses, in and out of cell phone camera range, it has become more and more difficult, more and more work, to keep the background in the back where it can be ignored. The jokes look more and more like Beetle Bailey cartoons - aimed at people who want to keep up the appearance of adulthood by claiming innocence for the adolescent within.

It's not innocence. It's willful ignorance.
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If it's "about" anything, it's about the deliberate and purposeful propaganda assault on American science, by the media wing of the fascist movement that has taken over the Republican Party, starting with the OP evidence of its effects.
An interesting take on: "Do scientist people actually have a sense of humour?"
To me it simply asks whether scientists actually have a sense of humour.
That makes the thread very much about humour, and specifically its relationship with scientists, at least initially.
So your "never was about humor" is both irrational and demonstrably wrong.

However, one can tell from the spelling that it was likely asked by someone from the UK.
Nothing in the question about American politics that I can see, and no implication therein.
Nope, your interpretation of what this thread is even now about (really not sure why you needed to put the word in quotes) speaks almost entirely to your crippling fascination with US politics and your overt hatred for "them".

I think the answer to my question, as far as you're concerned, would be a simple "no, it isn't".
Perhaps to everyone else it still is, though, or at least should be.
So let's leave it at that.
However, one can tell from the spelling that it was likely asked by someone from the UK.

Whatchoo talkin' bout, Willis!

Perhaps to everyone else it still is, though, or at least should be.
it sure as hell is to me, even with the irrational diversion into LA-LA land... (ya see what I did there? LMFAO)

just the other day I was reading a book on helium. I couldn’t put it down.

I am definitely the 4th type! LMFAO

Whatchoo talkin' bout, Willis!
red coat! does that mean he dies in the ... no wait: that is Star Trek
The Poe's Law joke was calculated to be so obviously bigotry based
like I said: you're a bigot

You see what you see because, being either a bigot or a fanatic obsessed with something, you can't see anything else, even when it's explained to you using a monosyllabic vocabulary.

that is on you, not on me or anyone else you're irrationally trying to justify yourself to in this thread.

It does remind me of the following joke - and for clarity, you're the patient:

A psychoanalyst shows a patient an inkblot and asks him what he sees.
The patient says: “A man and woman making love.”

The psychoanalyst shows him a second inkblot, and the patient says: “That’s also a man and woman making love.”

The psychoanalyst says: “You are obsessed with sex.”

The patient says: “What do you mean I’m obsessed? You’re the one with all the dirty pictures.”
I'd post the Norm Macdonald joke about the moth but it would take 15 minutes to tell and you'd hate me at the end.
the one with the podiatrist?

tell it anyway - this thread never was "about humor, and being about humor makes nothing funny anyway"
To me it simply asks whether scientists actually have a sense of humour.
Of course.
Hence the assessment of what things are to you - and the issue raised by the OP: why and how did they get that way?
However, one can tell from the spelling that it was likely asked by someone from the UK.
Nothing in the question about American politics that I can see, and no implication therein.
And nothing much about US politics in my early responses.
Amnesiac though the bubbledwellers are, forgetting about the California/Poe's Law joke already is more than normally slipshod - even while posting another cookie from the "misrepresent, base personal attack on the misrepresentation" cutter.
Nope, your interpretation of what this thread is even now about (really not sure why you needed to put the word in quotes) speaks almost entirely to your crippling fascination with US politics and your overt hatred for "them".
Always "hatred", with you guys.
As long as you're counting "bandarlogs", maybe you could count the number of times I've suggested a wider and more accurate vocabulary for your personal attacks - that would make your projections a bit less obvious, and your Peewee responses blend in a bit better.
like I said: you're a bigot
What I am is right - accurate in my description of your posting and the thread situation. Explain that however you want - dealing with it is going to remain on the table.
You see what you see because, being either a bigot or a fanatic obsessed with something, you can't see anything else, even when it's explained to you using a monosyllabic vocabulary.
That "explanation" was what verified the assessment. You couldn't have been more cooperative if you had tried.
And when the projection followed, as a personal attack - lockstep in the pattern? Lordy - - -
Maybe there is humor in this thread.
The patient says: “What do you mean I’m obsessed? You’re the one with all the dirty pictures.”
You apparently haven't noticed how that joke fits into the California/Poe's Law illustrations (you remembered to "clarify" by asserting I am the patient, but forgot to make sure the patient was wrong).
It's that reality thing again - what happens to the funny when the reality doesn't cooperate, when the tribal hairstyle emerges from the preening cave and somebody slaps a name on it.
What I am is right - accurate in my description of your posting and the thread situation.
keep telling yourself that and perhaps you'll believe it soon

You apparently haven't noticed how that joke fits into the California/Poe's Law illustrations (you remembered to "clarify" by asserting I am the patient, but forgot to make sure the patient was wrong).
the patient was right? LMFAO

- and there you have it kids: demonstrative proof that Baldeee was spot on with the descriptive "crippling fascination with US politics and your overt hatred for "them" ". It's that reality thing again

Like I said, Ice: You see what you see because, being either a bigot or a fanatic obsessed with something, you can't see anything else

Didn't go through the whole 84

I pick this one
That was my third pick. I rather liked Rayando and IAmTheCrayonMaster (linked in names)

So now we have three frunking fonts to consider. or should that be "frontgkting" or something? :D

Let's get Seattle to chime in with his choices or thoughts! HEY COOL-Ai... erm, I mean Hey Seattle!
Of course.
Hence the assessment of what things are to you - and the issue raised by the OP: why and how did they get that way?
That issue wasn't raised by the OP.
It would be an interesting off-shoot of a discussion, though, once a position on the opening question was put forward and perhaps agreed upon.
And nothing much about US politics in my early responses.
Which makes the later diversion all the more wearisome.
Always "hatred", with you guys.
It's your language that conclusion has been based on.
Maybe if that is "always" the conclusion then that should give you a clue as to what the common denominator is.
As long as you're counting "bandarlogs"...
I'm not.
But thanks.
That issue wasn't raised by the OP.
Yeah, it was.
And repeated, insisted on.
Which makes the later diversion all the more wearisome.
And not of my doing. Not even a "diversion", actually.
It's your language that conclusion has been based on.
? ! (Lord, that one's too fat to let by - - )

By the same people who have told me, gone out of their way to tell me, insisted on telling me, repeated their telling of me, rejected all attempts to correct or deflect their telling of me,

- based on my language -

that I'm not an American, never took an economics class, live in a basement, work at home, regard myself as "woke", think the Democratic Party is a savior on a white horse, was a lineman on my high school football team, am female, blame others for my lack of success, envy the rich, am politically active, own a gun, hate guns, and so forth and so on - dozens, maybe hundreds, of such posts. Years of them.

Afaik none by anyone who can - demonstrably - paraphrase my posts.
Maybe if that is "always" the conclusion then that should give you a clue as to what the common denominator is.
I clearly and directly stated the common denominator, for you to read - here it is again, bolded for ease of comprehension:
Always "hatred", with you guys.
Your reliance on such personal attacks fouls discussion, and your confidence in your mindreading abilities is badly misplaced.
- - -
the patient was right? LMFAO
In this case - you did insist that I was the patient, remember?
The joke appears to have had a layer or two you overlooked - even after posting all those dirty innuendos and personal attacks, even after "explaining" yourself.
"crippling fascination with US politics and your overt hatred for "them" ". It's that reality thing again
The PeeWee response would hide better if you were more varied and accurate otherwise - and if you borrowed for misuse from somebody other than me, of course.
I suggested that to Baldee, above, but it applies even more to you (Seattle, with "wingnut", is hopeless).

You guys's failure to come up with your own language does appear to be a symptom, meanwhile. Any clue to what of?

Hint: it's directly thread relevant. Reminder: Why and how do scientists acquire the reputation or stereotype of lacking humor, why and how is that a current topic in the public arena?
Yeah, it was.
And repeated, insisted on.

And not of my doing. Not even a "diversion", actually.
? ! (Lord, that one's too fat to let by - - )

By the same people who have told me, gone out of their way to tell me, insisted on telling me, repeated their telling of me, rejected all attempts to correct or deflect their telling of me,

- based on my language -

that I'm not an American, never took an economics class, live in a basement, work at home, regard myself as "woke", think the Democratic Party is a savior on a white horse, was a lineman on my high school football team, am female, blame others for my lack of success, envy the rich, am politically active, own a gun, hate guns, and so forth and so on - dozens, maybe hundreds, of such posts. Years of them.

Afaik none by anyone who can - demonstrably - paraphrase my posts.

I clearly and directly stated the common denominator, for you to read - here it is again, bolded for ease of comprehension:
Your reliance on such personal attacks fouls discussion, and your confidence in your mindreading abilities is badly misplaced.
- - -

In this case - you did insist that I was the patient, remember?
The joke appears to have had a layer or two you overlooked - even after posting all those dirty innuendos and personal attacks, even after "explaining" yourself.

The PeeWee response would hide better if you were more varied and accurate otherwise - and if you borrowed for misuse from somebody other than me, of course.
I suggested that to Baldee, above, but it applies even more to you (Seattle, with "wingnut", is hopeless).

You guys's failure to come up with your own language does appear to be a symptom, meanwhile. Any clue to what of?

Hint: it's directly thread relevant. Reminder: Why and how do scientists acquire the reputation or stereotype of lacking humor, why and how is that a current topic in the public arena?

Why would anyone be enamored of the language that you've come up with and want to do the same? Peewee response, wingnut, tribe, bander-long, Republican talking points, etc. No one who was "repeating talking points" could possible be as repetitious as you've been.

If you got a college degree and ended up in a Walmart warehouse, embrace it. Tell youself, "When I walk into work, I'm the smartest person in the room.". Even if it's not true it might make you feel better. No more tilting at windmills can have health benefits.

We're all here to help.
let's pick a crayon font ( ) and ask the admin to add it
Wouldn't using that be interpreted as sarcasm? I developed a fear of sarcasm when I was suspended from my very first forum. But did I learn the full lesson? No. I was warned on another one and banned from a third for what the admins considered inappropriate jokes.

PS: Guess who's on CBC right now? Our old buddy Jamie Oliver (still pudgy, but not trying to be funny). He's got some pretty good recipes this time - made in 15 minutes. That is, 15 for him; it would take me 30, because nobody puts everything ready to my hand, and I like my pasta cooked. Still might be worth your while checking out.
Wouldn't using that be interpreted as sarcasm? I developed a fear of sarcasm when I was suspended from my very first forum.
I can relate.
He's got some pretty good recipes this time - made in 15 minutes.
NICE. I'll be checking that out, Thank you.

If you like quick recipes, check out some Fire Department recipe books or sites. Good food and usually faster recipes, because not all stations can afford to keep one person off the trucks to cater (LOL)

and I like my pasta cooked
What? You no like CrunchyPasta? LOL
I'm with you on that one, tbh.