I'm broke

I'm broke... but its more from necessities (rent, petrol to get to and from work, car payment to pay for the car I need to get to and from work, food) and taxes than from buying "too much stuff" heh.
Real wealth is time and life, you can't be broke if you believe. Death can't do hope.
You should learn to remember that your needs are to be met first then your wants. At least that way you'll be OK for living somewhere unlike many homeless people who just try to survive day to day in the streets. They are really broke.
Capitalism seems designed to maintain the cost of living at a level that precludes the majority of the population from having the ability to truly enjoy life.
(Easy credit is a trap that many fall prey to.)
Hmmm....My computer went into update mode just as I hit send in post #10 and when I logged back on after it had done and restarted, my post was not there so I rewrote my response as best I recalled it.

Our ISP is too bizarre for words. Sometimes email arrives days after it was sent. Where on earth was it in the meantime.

Sorry about the redundancy. Proceed in an orderly fashion in the original direction indicated, lol...:D
I am also broke, mainly because I pay for everything for many months in advance. I pay for rent many months in advance, for the deposit, for the fitness club, for plane tickets and etc. So now I got no money but I got all the amenities covered.
That was true when everyone kept a few bills and coins in their pockets. A lot of folks do not even carry cash anymore.

Problem is, I travel to so many countries nowdays...of which country do I keep cash in my pocket for?
Problem is, I travel to so many countries nowdays...of which country do I keep cash in my pocket for?

Most of Europe uses the Euro, England the pound and Swiss the Franc.. Most countries will accept American currency or some credit cards.