I'm broke

I can tell you in three letters. ATM.

And I can tell you how much ATM in other countries steal. First there is international transaction fee of 5$, than there is surcharge fee if you take more than say 200$, than there is ATM fee, than they give you the lowest margin of the currency rate. Oh but you might say that most accept dollars, sure they do, but they will give you lowest margin on exchange rate as well. Good luck with that.
The most broke ive ever been was the week befor i got married... my wife-to-be paid for shoes for me to get married in... an the day before i got married my car ran out of gas an i only had a dollar to buy gas... the gas can deposit was 50 cents so i got 50 cents worth of gas in the can... an when i returned the can i got 50 cents more gas... lol.!!!
The most broke ive ever been was the week befor i got married... my wife-to-be paid for shoes for me to get married in... an the day before i got married my car ran out of gas an i only had a dollar to buy gas... the gas can deposit was 50 cents so i got 50 cents worth of gas in the can... an when i returned the can i got 50 cents more gas... lol.!!!

that is sad but it also tests relationships. True love between man and a woman is tested at money hardships like that.
that is sad but it also tests relationships. True love between man and a woman is tested at money hardships like that.

Well... im perty sure the Lord was involved... cause i only had to walk about 1/4 mile when i ran out of gas... an even tho it was poorin down rain at the time... im almost certan it coud have been rainin harder.!!!

The day i got married i took off work at noon cause i had lots of stuff to do... an when i got to my car in the parkin lot it had 2 flat tires (a prank from my buddies... lol)... so after i got the tires fixed i went by the apartment that i had been roomin wit 1 of my buddies an i flipped the circuit braker to the water heater off... an i also turned the thermostats on the water heater to off... an i then went by the electric company an shut the electric to the apartment off (it was in my name only) an got my $70 deposit back;;; it was about a week befor my old room mate finaly got it all figered out an got hot water agan :)

But yes... money was tight... an we quit buyin bananas for a while cause they had jumped from 5 to 8 cents (outrageous) a pound.!!!
My wife wasnt workin at the time but at least we was able to pay our bills on time... an not to brag... but i was makin almost $4 an houre.!!!
Well... im perty sure the Lord was involved... cause i only had to walk about 1/4 mile when i ran out of gas... an even tho it was poorin down rain at the time... im almost certan it coud have been rainin harder.!!!

If your lord was involved I think it would have reminded you that you were low on gas before you had run out to be able to fill your tank before your car stopped. Also if your lord would have stopped the rain that to would help you more than just making it rain lighter.
Are all humans as rich as you are.???

I feel rich in other ways besides money, power or property. I have some very good friends who have helped me out during my life. I have also helped strangers when they were in trouble which made me feel very good.
If your lord was involved I think it would have reminded you that you were low on gas before you had run out to be able to fill your tank before your car stopped. Also if your lord would have stopped the rain that to would help you more than just making it rain lighter.

Prolly what brout it on was my evil thouts about our soon to be weddin night... an God is not here to make life easy... its to teech us thru punishment to be more responsible an to have more pure thouts.!!!
I feel rich in other ways besides money, power or property. I have some very good friends who have helped me out during my life. I have also helped strangers when they were in trouble which made me feel very good.

A-Man... very true... very true... money is nuthin more than the cherry on top.!!!
I'm always broke, a-l-w-a-y-s. I've given up even trying to make money, because it never works. I'm a lost case when it comes to money, cursed, blacklisted...you name it.
I'm always broke, a-l-w-a-y-s. I've given up even trying to make money, because it never works. I'm a lost case when it comes to money, cursed, blacklisted...you name it.

its called money management, learn it.
So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?'
For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?'
For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

I really hope you mean those words in all your heart and are not mocking God.
I really hope you mean those words in all your heart and are not mocking God.
Wisdom is wisdom even if the majority of people here think Jesus and/or God is not a real person. Whatever. There's a lesson to be learned here if only one is willing.
Wisdom is wisdom even if the majority of people here think Jesus and/or God is not a real person. Whatever. There's a lesson to be learned here if only one is willing.

I dont have beliefs in God/Gods an i eat drank an have clothes... what lesson am i missin out on.???
I'm always broke, a-l-w-a-y-s. I've given up even trying to make money, because it never works. I'm a lost case when it comes to money, cursed, blacklisted...you name it.

My first bidness was findin an sellin pop bottles for 2 cents each... but my best childhood job was shinnin shoes for 15 cents a pair... an most people went ahead an gave me a quarter :)

How do you get food.???

How do you get food.???
Me? I got a fleet of boys who sell pop bottles, shine shoes, pick pockets for me, either that or I box their ears for them. Call me Fagin.
[QUOTE="Landau Roof, post: 3248618, member: 2796]
Me? I got a fleet of boys who sell pop bottles, shine shoes, pick pockets for me, either that or I box their ears for them. Call me Fagin.[/QUOTE]

You look like a guy in my hometown who didnt work... was avoided an was referred to as "fly soup"... but i talked to him an he was well spoken an a nice guy.!!!