Inertia and Relativity

Thanks for your interest with my theory.

Can you summarize it here?

Consider a particle in a general way. Say, a quark or an electron. This particle will have some mass, charge and a spin. These mass, charge and spin are integral part of the particle. Electrical field can be associated with the charge. Gravitational field can be associated with the mass. Magnetic field can be associated with the spin of the charge. As mass, charge and spin are integral to the particle; these fields also can be considered as integral to the structure of the particle. These fields will be distributed surrounding the particle. If the particle moves, these field distribution will move along with the particle. Conversely, if the field distributions are moved, this can cause a movement of the particle. If no force is applied to the particle, it will remain static and its field distribution will be having a geometrical shape. Law of Inertia can be interpreted in terms of the geometrical shape of the field distribution of the particle. If a force is applied to the particle, the geometrical shape of the field distribution will change. Alternately, if the geometrical shape of the field distribution is changed; we can say some force is applied to the particle. These fields can interact with the fields of other particles.Space is filled with these fields of all the particles in the space. Its a mesh of fields or field-mesh. Field distribution of individual particle can interact with this field-mesh; its geometrical shape will change or curve and the particle will move accordingly. Perhaps Einstein was referring to this field-mesh as space-time. If the particle is moved at a very high speed, due to inertia, the geometrical shape of the field distribution may change significantly, causing a dragging effect on the particle. This may slow down the particle. This effect may cause time dilation.
Here I would like to mention another fact that, Einstein's second postulate in SR is unnecessary. Because speed of light is constant in vacuum.
It seems over-simplified. I mean, it is probably too simple as to not be uncomplicated. What role does statistics and/or statistical inference play in your write-up? Quantum electrodynamics?

Do you agree with the results of Einstein's relativity?

What I'm wondering is whether your explanation is one about finding a mechanism for relativity, or whether it is actually questioning the theory's predictions/results, and seeking to replace them with something else. If it's the latter, can you please demonstrate an experimental difference between Einstein's theory and your alternative one?

Thanks for your interest with my theory.

Do you agree with the results of Einstein's relativity?

Einstein's EFEs are working fine. They are giving us results/solutions. So, they are OK.

What I'm wondering is whether your explanation is one about finding a mechanism for relativity, or whether it is actually questioning the theory's predictions/results, and seeking to replace them with something else.

My explanation is only a mechanism for relativity.

If it's the latter, can you please demonstrate an experimental difference between Einstein's theory and your alternative one?

In Einstein's Relativity, it does not explain why space-time curves around a mass but through my integral field concept this curvature can be explained.
It seems over-simplified. I mean, it is probably too simple as to not be uncomplicated. What role does statistics and/or statistical inference play in your write-up? Quantum electrodynamics?

Thanks for reading my paper. If you can read the sessions(discussion) for my paper, I have explained how the concept of mass generates from conservation of angular momentum of a particle. You are right, I have not used any statistics or QED here. In my model shape of a particle can be predicted. It may not be spherical as it is normally considered.
It seems over-simplified. I mean, it is probably too simple as to not be uncomplicated. What role does statistics and/or statistical inference play in your write-up? Quantum electrodynamics?

My analysis is not based on uncertainty principle. If you can read the sessions(discussion) for my paper in the academia, I have developed an equation like Einstein. With this equation I am observing that mass of a particle depends on its radius and angular speed(spin). As the radius and angular speed will increase, its mass will decrease.
Earlier, we have observed that Relativity can be explained in terms of the integral fields. These integral fields are associated with the spin of a particle. So, I think Relativity also can be explained in terms of the spin of a particle.
Earlier, we have observed that Relativity can be explained in terms of the integral fields. These integral fields are associated with the spin of a particle. So, I think Relativity also can be explained in terms of the spin of a particle.

As relativity can be explained with the spin of a particle, I think relativity can be linked with the spin of a particle. This concept may be useful in correlating gravity with the spin of a quantum particle.
Hello James R,

Erm... what???(!)

Can you clarify your question, so that I can make an attempt to answer it. I guess you are surprised by my claim or may be I am not very clear in my explanation. Here Law of Inertia can be further modified as, "If no force is applied to a particle, the particle will remain at rest in its intrinsic spin undisturbed." With this concept of Law of Inertia for a spinning massive particle, its relativity or Lorentz Transformations can be linked with the spin and radius of a particle. I have already explained this in the Academia in the sessions(discussion) for my paper "Structure of a Particle".
James R, I think with my equations the correlation between relativity or Lorentz Transformations with the spin of a particle can be better understood.

As relativity can be explained with the spin of a particle ...

Erm... what???(!)

Consider a massive, spinning particle is generated through pair production from the mass-less particle photon. If no force is applied to this particle, it will remain at rest(v=0). Though at rest, the particle will be spinning at its intrinsic spin. Say mass of the particle is m, its radius is r, moment of Inertia is I, angular momentum L and angular speed is w. If the particle is in its intrinsic spin, its angular momentum will be conserved. So, L=Iw. Here I can be written as I=mr^2k, where k is some constant. So, L=Iw=mr^2kw or m=L/r^2wk. As k is constant, we can write m=(L/k)/r^2w. From this equation we can see that, concept of mass generates from conservation of angular momentum. This mass m can vary with r and w. As r and w increases, mass will decrease and as r and w decrease, mass will increase.

Even if the particle is at rest, it will be in its intrinsic spin. So, the particle will be having a tangential speed rw. Now if the particle is moved at a speed v, the maximum tangential speed will v+rw. If the v is kept on increasing, v+rw may exceed c, which is not permitted. So the particle will try to reduce its tangential speed by reducing r and w. As r and w decrease, from the mass equation we can see that, its mass will increase. Thus as v increases, its mass will increase and its radius and angular speed will reduce. So, relativity or Lorentz Transformations can be linked with the spin of a particle.
James R, I think with my equations the correlation between relativity or Lorentz Transformations with the spin of a particle can be better understood.

Consider a massive, spinning particle is generated through pair production from the mass-less particle photon. If no force is applied to this particle, it will remain at rest(v=0). Though at rest, the particle will be spinning at its intrinsic spin. Say mass of the particle is m, its radius is r, moment of Inertia is I, angular momentum L and angular speed is w. If the particle is in its intrinsic spin, its angular momentum will be conserved. So, L=Iw. Here I can be written as I=mr^2k, where k is some constant. So, L=Iw=mr^2kw or m=L/r^2wk. As k is constant, we can write m=(L/k)/r^2w. From this equation we can see that, concept of mass generates from conservation of angular momentum. This mass m can vary with r and w. As r and w increases, mass will decrease and as r and w decrease, mass will increase.

Even if the particle is at rest, it will be in its intrinsic spin. So, the particle will be having a tangential speed rw. Now if the particle is moved at a speed v, the maximum tangential speed will v+rw. If the v is kept on increasing, v+rw may exceed c, which is not permitted. So the particle will try to reduce its tangential speed by reducing r and w. As r and w decrease, from the mass equation we can see that, its mass will increase. Thus as v increases, its mass will increase and its radius and angular speed will reduce. So, relativity or Lorentz Transformations can be linked with the spin of a particle.

From the above, we can say that, relativity or Lorentz Transformation is basically a quantum phenomena. This happens due speed limit of c and conservation of angular momentum of the massive, spinning particle.
From my post #14, we can see that, as v increases w decreases. That means, as the speed of the particle increases its spin or angular speed will decrease. This can explain why time dilation happens at relativistic speed.
In my post #14 above, I have explained how the concept of mass($$m $$) generates from conservation of angular momentum($$ L$$). Consider Einstein's equation $$E=mc^2$$. Here $$E $$ is the energy content of mass $$m $$. Here $$m $$ is linear concept. In rotational dynamics, $$I $$ is equivalent to $$m $$. So, the energy content of a spinning mass $$m $$, also can be written in terms of its moment of Inertia $$ I$$. So, Einstein's equation $$E=mc^2 $$, can rewritten in terms of $$I $$ as $$E=mc^2=Iw^2k_2 $$ , where $$k_2 $$ is some constant, whoose value can be from $$0.5 $$ to $$1.0 $$ .
In my post #14 above, I have explained how the concept of mass($$m $$) generates from conservation of angular momentum($$ L$$). Consider Einstein's equation $$E=mc^2$$. Here $$E $$ is the energy content of mass $$m $$. Here $$m $$ is linear concept. In rotational dynamics, $$I $$ is equivalent to $$m $$. So, the energy content of a spinning mass $$m $$, also can be written in terms of its moment of Inertia $$ I$$. So, Einstein's equation $$E=mc^2 $$, can rewritten in terms of $$I $$ as $$E=mc^2=Iw^2k_2 $$ , where $$k_2 $$ is some constant, whoose value can be from $$0.5 $$ to $$1.0 $$ .

Here the equation $$ E=mc^2=Iw^2k_2$$ can be rewritten as $$E=mc^2=Iw^2k_2=Iw_c^2 $$ ; where $$ w^2k_2=w_c^2$$ or $$w_c=w\sqrt{k_2}$$. Here for a particular $$ I $$; $$ w_c$$ can be considered as equivalent to c. The spinning particle with moment of Inertia $$I $$ can not exceed its spin beyond $$w_c $$ .
Here the equation $$ E=mc^2=Iw^2k_2$$ can be rewritten as $$E=mc^2=Iw^2k_2=Iw_c^2 $$ ; where $$ w^2k_2=w_c^2$$ or $$w_c=w\sqrt{k_2}$$. Here for a particular $$ I $$; $$ w_c$$ can be considered as equivalent to c. The spinning particle with moment of Inertia $$I $$ can not exceed its spin beyond $$w_c $$ .

Now explain your idea in words . Mathematics can make anything true .