Look at this, from earlier in this thread.
James R to Write4U said:
In using the term "infinite potential", are you referring to the physics meaning of "potential", or the lay meaning of "potential"?
I am referring to the qualities both uses have in common regardless of application.
What qualities would they be? Well let's see where you go from here.
Write4U said:
Potential = "That which may become reality"
This is not a definition from physics. It is just a vaguely-defined common usage of the word "potential".
This means that your answer to my original question should have been "I'm referring to a lay meaning of the word", with the caveat that if, perchance, the technical physics meaning (whatever that might be) happens to share any nuance of meaning with the lay definition, then you're referring to that shared meaning. But essentially, this just comes down to you just using your lay person understanding of the term.
Where do you go from here? You get out the bowl and extract a whole paragraph of word salad:
This means that while not all potential (probabilistic implicate) becomes expressed in reality, all expressed reality past present and future was, is, and will be preceded by potential. This is what Bohm identified as the relational quantum mechanical interactions of the most subtle enfolded potentials becoming unfolded in gross physical reality, alternately unfolding and enfolding at the surface of a deeper plenum of infinite pure potential from which discrete patterns emerge (quantum foam?)
The term "probabilistic implicate" is now used to qualify (clarify?) the term "potential", for some reason. I have no idea what "probabilistic implicate" might mean, or how it might relate to "that which might become reality".
You talk about potential
becoming expressed in reality. Is that the same as potential
becoming real, or does it mean something different?
That's followed by what appear to be unrelated claims about something Bohm supposedly wrote/said about something else that is undefined by you.
What is a "relational quantum mechanical interaction"? What other kinds of quantum mechanical interactions are there? What would a non-relational quantum mechanical interaction look like? Can you give a simple example of either of these categories?
What's an "enfolded potential"? What does "enfold" mean, in this context? How can we tell when something is "enfolded", in the relevant sense? Is there a test of some kind that we can use?
The statement "all expressed reality will be ... proceded by potential" is tautological, given that "potential" was previously defined to be anything that might eventually become real. It seems unnecessary to restate this.
What is "gross physical reality"? How many other kinds of reality are there? Can you list any non-gross ones?
What does "alternately unfolding and enfolding..." mean? Tell me how a potential can fold and unfold. What does that even mean? Previously, you defined "potential" as "that which may become reality", so I guess if you want to get unnecessarily flowery with your language you could say that the potential "unfolds" into a reality. But how can it then re-fold or "enfold" itself, after it has unfolded? And how can this folding/enfolding and unfolding happen "alternately"? What does the word "alternately" even mean, in that sentence? Is it describing some kind of repetitive process? What?
What does "at the surface of a deeper plenum" mean? What's this "plenum" thing you've suddenly introduced into the paragraph? What is it deeper than? What's does a shallow plenum look like?
This plenum has a surface and ... a volume, perhaps? What are they? Where can we see this plenum and its surface? Does this actually mean anything?
"... of infinite pure potential" can only mean "of infinite pure that which may become reality", given your previous definition. How do you judge the purity of a "that which may become reality"? What's an example of an impure potential?
What does it mean for "pure potential" to be "infinite"? In what sense is potential infinite? Are impure potentials finite? What are you talking about?
"... from which discrete patterns emerge (quantum foam?)". Are some patterns indiscrete? What are you saying about patterns? Can you give me some examples of discrete and non-discrete patterns?
How can a "discrete pattern" "unfold" from a "pure potential"? What's the mechanism, the process? How can we tell that's what's happening? And what happens when that potential "enfolds" again, in the next cycle or whatever?
What is quantum foam? Is it connected in some way to "discrete patterns" that emerge from "pure potential"? How so? Does the question mark you added after "quantum foam?" indicate that you lost track of what you were trying to say, there, or that you're uncertain, or what?
Let's count the number of jargon words in that paragraph alone:
"This means that while not all
potential (
probabilistic implicate) becomes
expressed in
reality, all expressed reality past present and future was, is, and will be preceded by potential. This is what Bohm identified as the
relational quantum mechanical interactions of the most
subtle enfolded potentials becoming unfolded in
gross physical reality, alternately
unfolding and
enfolding at the
surface of a
deeper plenum of
infinite pure potential from which
discrete patterns emerge (
quantum foam?)"
Wow. 27 bits of jargon in one short paragraph, and that's not even counting all the repeats.
I particular like the chutzpah that was necessary for you to start that paragraph with "This means..." Because, after we break it all down, it turns out that there's not a lot of meaning to be found in that paragraph. It's just words - term after term of ill-defined or undefined jargon. A mish-mash of stuff that sounds vaguely sciency, but says nothing.