Intelligence vs. self in the Gita

Consider this:

During and just before World War II, a lot of personnel from Max Muller Institute came to India in search of ancient manuscripts. The idea was to find high technology and copy them. Because German language and Sanskrit have the same root, at the time Germans believed that there is a lot of hidden technology in old books. The men from MMI kept looking for stuff as late as 1955.

Mahabarat described an arrow (weapon) that can target a specific person. Weapons that are thermal and heat absorbing. The heat absorbing weapon (which we still do not have yet), absorbs the thermal energy of a FAE type bomb.

Vedas were passed down from father to son for several generations before it was written. The Sanskrit fonts are called Devnagari fonts (God's fonts). What if people at the time were genetically advanced to have total recall and can absorb vast quantities of information. This is again going to happen once we understand the mechanics of memory and recall through gene manipulation.

Just some thoughts.
If you're interested in an outside point of view, I'd say talk of the Vedas being from a super-advanced civilization is simply more of the usual self-important interpretations almost all religions make. It's no different from when Ismu was saying the Quaran predicts the theory of relativity and a bunch of other modern ideas. You can read anything you want into stuff after the fact. Unless it's read into it before the fact, it's worthless... and to date no one has gotten any advanced tech info from the Vedas before the technology already existed. (That's perfectly clear evidence that the info isn't in there until you read it in.)

Three keys to understanding:

1) People of the past, at least within the last 10,000 years or so, were not all that primitive. Not having electricity doesn't mean you can't have a complex society and complex ideas. Human intelligence has not actually increased since then, people were just as smart (meaning capable of complex thoughts and deductions) then as now even though they had less history of knowledge to start from.

2) Things don't have to exist yet to be clearly imagined. People talked about air ships long before they'd even perfected hot air balloons, because birds were there all along. The imagination is powerful, and sometimes accurate.

3) Half (or more) of every book you read is written by you. It's not the book coming into you, it's you meeting the book halfway. The same book read by a different person is a different book. When you read a sentence it can trigger you to add another of your own... when you read about an idea it triggers you to compare with ideas from your own life and causes you to try to fit the ancient idea into your own context.

Nothing more than those points is needed to understand why religions keep viewing their holy texts as having super-advanced inspiration from lost civilizations that were ahead of their time, or from gods.

Now if there were a religious text from an actual super-advanced civilization, it'd give nice detailed instructions on how to travel faster than light, or build a transporter, or something like that. ;) (Of course I'm sure people will say all their texts do have the info... right after the actual invention.)
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Oh! so Hoth is in belief that it was SCIFI AND POP CULTURE OF 6500 B.C. which led to such an understanding,is that so Hoth?.

Did you know that Velocity of light western civilization talks about so freely was calculated accurately 3*10^8 kmps by same Vedas,and calculate dates,thye were long before Bible's time.

I dont know much about Kuran,but i know one thing for certain and that is that age of Muslim relegion is very low as compared to Hindu culture,long before Christianity also.




Originally posted by zion
Did you know that Velocity of light western civilization talks about so freely was calculated accurately 3*10^8 kmps by same Vedas,and calculate dates,thye were long before Bible's time.

Wow, they had the metric system? :)

Obviously, I'd want to see the original text and study how it was reinterpreted and translated. Also, if it was passed on orally for a while, I'd wonder why people were memorizing the speed of light as an exact number when it'd be of no use to them.

People did try to measure the speed of light at least centuries ago, they just didn't have an accurate way since they couldn't get far enough away from each other that reaction time wouldn't be the main variable. (Experiments like flashing lights at each other from different mountain tops are what I'm talking about.)

I dont know much about Kuran,but i know one thing for certain and that is that age of Muslim relegion is very low as compared to Hindu culture,long before Christianity also.

Makes little difference, people were equally intelligent in both periods, and now. Only difference is quantity of data and techniques they had to work with, and that isn't always all that important for general ideas.
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Hoth,i suppose you still dont imagine how long back we are talking about.the experiment of flashing light you are saying is centuries back only,but i am talking of thousands of year back period,even before 6500 B.C...

Purchase Vedas and find it yourself,if you have difficulty in understanding of Sanskrit i"ll explain.i"ll come up exact Quotes,but since you urself want to see the best way is to buy it out.All the Vedas.

Surely people were as intelliegnt as they were before but you dont seem to get my point.the point is that the people of the modern times had previous records for estimations and approximations,but i am talking about first hand knowledge that comes from Vedas.

Originally posted by Hoth
1) People of the past, at least within the last 10,000 years or so, were not all that primitive. Not having electricity doesn't mean you can't have a complex society and complex ideas. Human intelligence has not actually increased since then, people were just as smart (meaning capable of complex thoughts and deductions) then as now even though they had less history of knowledge to start from.
2) Things don't have to exist yet to be clearly imagined. People talked about air ships long before they'd even perfected hot air balloons, because birds were there all along. The imagination is powerful, and sometimes accurate.

3) Half (or more) of every book you read is written by you. It's not the book coming into you, it's you meeting the book halfway. The same book read by a different person is a different book. When you read a sentence it can trigger you to add another of your own... when you read about an idea it triggers you to compare with ideas from your own life and causes you to try to fit the ancient idea into your own context.

Nothing more than those points is needed to understand why religions keep viewing their holy texts as having super-advanced inspiration from lost civilizations that were ahead of their time, or from gods.

Again you"re underestimatin our ancestors in saying that electricity wasnt invented,after all how did Sumerians knew electroplating (that was in 4500 B.C) and that was long before any western civilization was said to exist.I dont give a damm about Patents,you know U.S was the only country that got Patent for Haldi powder,that was originally from India,later on Indians had to fight for the same patent in U.N.

That Newton you talk so fondly was classy man.yeah well.but have you ever heard of Leibnitz,Newton stole Leibnitz's calculus to make it his.Leibnitz's ardent supporter was Huygens himself(who also was incharge of Royal society).Consequently Britishers,didnt adopt Leibnitz's advanced calculus's Nth derivative concept and sufferrred.

You talk abut technologies not existent,how do you explain Dogon tribe knowing about Sirrius B long before western Civilization even knew how to talk about telescopes untill Gal came into pictures.see the purpose of all of this is that usually western culture has found a way to patentize their own discoveries and utilize them and establish their own Monopolies rather than Eastern cultures.
Now if there were a religious text from an actual super-advanced civilization, it'd give nice detailed instructions on how to travel faster than light, or build a transporter, or something like that. ;) (Of course I'm sure people will say all their texts do have the info... right after the actual invention.)

Well first of all we have a book called Vimanika shastra,in that in Vedic sanskrit they have described the actuall construction of Vimana type Craft.did you read my post correctly?i mentioned steering floor,power generation system.
After all this if you still consider all of this a SciFi and nothing else,well what can i do to convince you i dont know.

I give credit to Hoth for saying that the IQ of people probably has not changed much over many thousand years. That may be true and in my theory it has to be true. If we had advanced civilization 10,000 years ago and a catastrophe wiped out 90% of the population, the remaining 10% specially children will continue to survive with the IQs intact. What they will miss is the knowlegebase.

The theory we are putting forward is that Vedas are that knowledgebase. And that by properly reviewing it we could find out, how advanced the civilization was before its demise.

If you take a modern textbook in C++ or a 'relational database design' to say only 2000 years back, what do you think the people will decipher? Now, assume that book is available throught the last 2000 years - when do we think we can realize what it means? If such a book exists, will we say, it was the product of someones active imagination because the alternative is impossible?

Consider the case of Machu Picchu stones that are 250 tons in size and precisely cut to fit with other stones on site...high up on the mountain with the thinnest atmosphere to is not a story....
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Originally posted by zion
That Newton you talk so fondly was classy man.yeah well.but have you ever heard of Leibnitz,Newton stole Leibnitz's calculus to make it his.Leibnitz's ardent supporter was Huygens himself(who also was incharge of Royal society).Consequently Britishers,didnt adopt Leibnitz's advanced calculus's Nth derivative concept and sufferrred.

I don't tend to talk fondly of Newton (I don't know, strange to dislike a dead person I suppose), but anyway I've heard mentions of Leibnitz in calculus classes but mainly I know Leibnitz for philosophy.

You talk abut technologies not existent,how do you explain Dogon tribe knowing about Sirrius B long before western Civilization even knew how to talk about telescopes untill Gal came into pictures

I don't know anything about that, but maybe they had telescopes. Point is, having a telescope makes you neither supernatural nor alien nor inspired by god... no matter how many millennia ago you invent it. The telescope is quite simple, and a culture with a strong interest in the stars would tend to be likely to develop such a thing.

see the purpose of all of this is that usually western culture has found a way to patentize their own discoveries and utilize them and establish their own Monopolies rather than Eastern cultures.

And then both west and east pick on Africa and pretend it wasn't advanced, even though it's the origin of humanity and was once the home of many thriving civilizations.

Well first of all we have a book called Vimanika shastra,in that in Vedic sanskrit they have described the actuall construction of Vimana type Craft.did you read my post correctly?i mentioned steering floor,power generation system.
After all this if you still consider all of this a SciFi and nothing else,well what can i do to convince you i dont know.

See the junk Da Vinci dreamed up. Planes, cars, etc... How is this different? It didn't mean Da Vinci was capable of implementing his ideas himself, without the society around being advanced enough to manufacture such things. His ability to conceive of future inventions, down to the details of how to power such devices, does not in any way imply that he actually created working versions and lived in a society that included all those things. It just means he was a creative guy, and perhaps smarter than anyone currently alive. There's no reason the same couldn't be true of someone thousands of years earlier, at the time of the Vedas.

Originally posted by knguru
The theory we are putting forward is that Vedas are that knowledgebase.

If the civilization didn't lose its knowledge base, since the Vedas are still around, they shouldn't have lost their technology. Generally, I'd think it'd much more common to lose your knowledge base first and technology as a result.

The odds of a civilization having the technology and then losing it without losing the knowledge are very tiny.

The odds of one spot on the planet developing cars, planes, the internet, etc. while the rest didn't for many thousands more years are also very slim.

And that by properly reviewing it we could find out, how advanced the civilization was before its demise.

Let me guess, nuclear war. ;)

If you take a modern textbook in C++ or a 'relational database design' to say only 2000 years back, what do you think the people will decipher?

Considering their age, the Vedas are probably written in Pascal. ;) Seriously, languages -- even including computer languages -- are a different issue from tech specifications for constructing a device. If you leave an English language manual with exact specifications for the materials needed and steps involved with the creation of a transporter, and convince all modern people that this is a true technology, then enough people would be at work on it that they'd likely be able to follow the instructions to create such a thing. Certainly if you give us thousands of years.

Consider the case of Machu Picchu stones that are 250 tons in size and precisely cut to fit with other stones on site...high up on the mountain with the thinnest atmosphere to work

As far as atmosphere, people have an amazing ability to adapt when they live that high, given a number of generations. Take modern people in Lima, and you find they have an incredible ability to go casually about work where the rest of us would be gasping for breath.

Anyhow, with your theories, it's worth noting that there is an approximate time limit on "advanced" (meaning similar to now) human technology. To have the division of labor and stable living conditions, cities, etc. needed to create such things, it has to come after agriculture. I don't recall the origin date of agriculture in India, but I would doubt it can be any further back than about 9000 years. Consider that as the starting point from which people could start to build in a stable environment.
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Da Vinci...hahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahaaa...

what did he do for airPlane invention?

he stuck Wings to his Limbs...:D


did he write anything about Saucer Frames,constructions,detailed Angular frame description.Possible Angles of same flights.safest possible angles for making sharp turns...

Da Vinci yeah...


take care Hoth.
