Valued Senior Member
Plus they (Creationist liars) will lose a shit load of money in book sales so.....Here are a couple of excerpts from the book Of Pandas and People.
Please point out the creationist aspect which drives the paranoia of the Darwinists believing that ID is a Trojan horse for teaching creationism in science…
“If science is based upon experience, then science tells us the message encoded in DNA must have originated from an intelligent cause. But what kind of intelligent agent was it? On its own, science cannot answer this question;”
"Since both written language and DNA have that telltale property of information carried along by specific sequence of words' and since intelligence is known to produce written language, is it not reasonable to identify the cause of the DNA's information as an intelligence too?"
(Of Pandas and People, 2"* ed., 1993, pg. 57)
I will post more to see if creationism is really at the heart of the book. So far it isn’t imo
"A third edition (of People and Pands) was retitled The Design of Life. Jon Buell, the president of the Foundation for Thought and Ethics, said that the ruling in Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District that intelligent design was religious would make the textbook "radioactive" in public schools and would be "catastrophic" for the marketability of both the (then) present (second) edition and the (then) forthcoming third edition, citing possible losses of around US$500,000. The renaming of the book is viewed by some as way of mitigating this and at the same time distancing the book from past controversy."