There is no need to invoke mystical forces, predestination, or evil supernatural powers to explain the bad behaviour of human beings. Often people do bad things to others in part because they have had bad things done to them in the past. This is no excuse, but it is an explanation that can help us understand.
i have to disagree. my experiences have shown me there is something else going on besides just conventional explanations t and it doesn't explain all of it. the analogy that the physical is merely a vessel is fitting. we battle or deal with principalities, not just flesh
is true metaphorically.
for instance, how my uncle lured me to his place saying he would help but he only did that to be condescending (which that seem understandable on the surface to the general public superficial interations of people) but it was
more than that. i remember i would not be saying anything and he would just come out randomly and say things like 'you don't deserve anything, you deserve nothing' and if he sensed any iniative just based on my emotional state (not even saying anything, just from being around him so he could sense my emotions or anything) at the time, he would blurt out weird things like, ' you know everyone wants what you do too?!'
but hold on, it wasn't just his ego, that was just part of the symptoms. his 'ego' has no problem with even
more egotistical and power hungry people such as himself. so that was not really
and if your simple explanation were true, then he would treat anyone badly just because he had been (which he wasn't anymore than anyone else which makes your explanation bogus on it's face) and he 'chose' who he wanted to treat badly. his wife was similar peas in a pod with him too. she was a very sneaky, nosy and dishonest person opening my mail etc for some odd reason.
this is not behavior that he would exhibit in front of others nor would he admit to such a thing because it would be considered 'irrational'. this means people are more than or different than what the public facade says
people are.
the thing about it is there is more than a simple explanation as i've noticed repeatedly that good people treat everyone well or with respect but bad people only treat bad people with respect while they hate good people. i could '
sense' he disliked me for my
good qualities and my inner light, not my bad ones. why would he attack the best or good qualities, rather than traits that are trouble to me?
because he further wanted to diminish or demean them. that was his motive. bad people only respect those who either excuse their depravity/immorality or who indulge in it themselves and don't care how it hurts others not of their kind (not publicly, of course). but he is not alone in being scum on a soul level, evidently this is common.
your logic
sounds right but it's not reality because even good people who have been abused do not want to diminish good when they come across it, no matter what their situation is or what people have done to them. why? who you really are and who you connect with is based on
inner identification.
pay attention: on the contrary, it is like running into a
kindred soul and they will value, cherish and treasure those good qualities they see or detect,
not want to degrade it.
know on some unseen level who are their own kind and whose side of the 'real' (not public) they are really on in this life.
i've seen this
pattern many times over in life from various people and their interactions besides my own life.
is such a thing as true evil and true good on a very basic character level of what constitutes a person.